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Cat Care

Cat Care

Although cats are known to be very independent, there are some things which a cat cannot do on his own, which is where you, the owner comes in.There are a few basics that every cat should have available to them. Cats shound always have food, water, and a litter box available to them.

Top 5 Rules to Keep Your Cat Safe

1. Make sure your cat has an ID tag with your name, phone number, and address. Even if your cat is an indoor cat, there is still a slight chance he may escape. It is better to be prepared, so if the day ever comes, there is a better chance that he will be returned safely home.
2. Keep your cats indoors. This is just a precautionary measure, but it is better to keep your cats indoors at all times. They live longer, stay healthier, and happier.
3. Spay or Nueter your cat. Cats who are 'fixed' are healthier, and also there is a decreased chance that your male will spray your house when they are nuetered. Spaying/Nuetering also helps in the fiht against overpopulation.
4. Take your cat to the vet for regulart check-ups. If ever your cat gets sick or injured, you take him to a vet. There is usually a vet office in most towns, but if you don't know of one, ask a local shelter or friend for a referral.
5. Find a reliable cat sitter. When you go away for long periods of time, it is best to make sure that you have someone available to you who you know and trust to take care of your cat. Your cat will be happier in his own house, rather than a care service, and with people he knows.

Top 5 Rules to Keep Your Cat Happy

1. Give your cat a nutritionally balanced diet. Keep in mind the age of your cat. If he is a kitten, make sure you feed him kitten food, as regular cat food will be too hard to digest. Also make sure he has access to clean water at all times. Some foods are even formulated to help hairball or urinary tract problems.
2. Groom your cat often. Especially for long-haired cats, this is important to keeping their fur shiny and healthy. Even shorthaired cats need grooming, to keep the fur from matting. It's quality time you and your cat will both enjoy.
3. Set aside some play time. Cats don't need as much exercise as dogs, but they do enjoy some good quality play time. Whether with paper wadded up into a ball, or string, your cat will get the physical exercise he needs, not to mention strengthening the bond between you and your cat.
4. Train your cat to refrain from undesirable behaviors. Train kittens when they are young, and it will stick with them when they are old. Remember, any problem can be fixed with love and patience.
5. Love Unconditionally. Your cat will thrive and grow on on your love and priase. Although cats have the reputation of being independant, they also love compainionship, and with a strong relationship, you will have a friend in your cat for a long time.

Image courtesy of Cool Cats Club

Potentially Dangerous Foods

-Alcoholic beverages
-Apple seeds
-Apricot pits
-Cherry pits
-Chocolate (baker's, semi-sweet, milk, dark)
-Coffee (grounds, beans, chocolate covered espresso beans)
-Hops (used in home beer brewing)
-Macadamia nuts
-Moldy foods
-Mushroom plants
-Mustard seeds
-Onions and onion powder
-Peach pits
-Potato leaves and stems (green parts)
-Rhubarb leaves
-Tea (caffeine)
-Tomato leaves and stems (green parts)
-Yeast dough
Courtesy of The Humane Society of the United States

Cats can't tell us where or when it hurts. In fact, many animals will try to mask pain or illness. That's why it is extremely important that you get to know your cat's regular habits and behaviors. Any deviation from your cat's normal behavior could indicate a problem with their health. Some symptoms and behaviors are obvious: diarrhea, vomiting, coughing, sneezing, runny nose or eyes, and trouble using the litter box. There are other, more subtle, physical and behavioral signs that might indicate a trip to the vet is in order. Take note if your cat does any of the following:

  • Misses more than one meal
  • Shows a sudden change in eating habits
  • Stops using the litter box
  • Develops puffiness or a lump under the skin
  • Hides for more than a day
  • Becomes suddenly short-tempered or intolerant of attention
  • Shakes his head frequently
  • Changes his routine or loses interest in his favorite games
  • Stops grooming

    If you notice any of these symptoms, take your cat to a vet right away to find out the problem. It is better to be safe than sorry.

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