End of the School Year

Ok so the end of the school year bothers me in oh so many ways. First of all finals. I mean come on teachers whats even the point of working hard during the year if the final is worth a good chunk of our grade? One of my friends told me one of hers was worth 50%!!! Thats just ridiculous. I thought mine being worth 33% was bad...That just totally puts so much pressure on us. Are they trying to either give up a heartattack or put us in the mental hospital? Maybe they think what teacher can make their students gain the most weight at the end of the school year - cause i dunno about u all but when im stressed I EAT!- or cause them to smoke way too much - yet another thing i do around finals. I went so balistic last semester around finals that i finally fell off my rocker and created a spongbob song that related to my situation. I put it as an away message and although everyone loved it and it got many a laugh, they were all like "LOL - omg Kris that's so great...but uh are u ok?" Huh... Another thing about the end of the year that irks me is the cleaning of the dorm rooms. I dont know any college students - or rather i dont wanna know any college student - who has not consumed a huge pile of crap in their room during the course of the smester/year. You know the dirty clothes, clean clothes ...which are which???...papers, books, empty cigarette packs, empty water bottles, etc. Plus dont even get me started about under the bed. I mean between finals and studying and hanging out and drinking and talking on the computer u expect us to have time to clean before we leave? As I look around my side of the room right now all I can think ot myself is "How many hours is this gonna take me". And I have no choice! I gotta be out of here in 2 days...yay boner. And this is the thing that reaaaaally gets to me. This is what i dread more than anything else about to end of the year. Leaving my friends. I have made some great friends this year and I personally dont know what I would have done without them. I have redeveloped realationships with old friends, and lost some along the way (suckers) but all in all its been a great year. Whenever my friends leave me its all like sad and theres crying sometimes, but not usually cause it doesnt seem real, hugs and prmises to call and hang out. How many times does it actually happen tho over the summer? You think how wierd its gonna be not to go across the hall every night or walk down the hall just to say hi to ur friend or going downstairs to the vending machine when ur PMSing...Its especially hard for me this year since I*m moving off campus and its just gonna be like WHAT??? The end of the year is so emotional in so many ways - the bugging out, tiredness from sleepless nights, sadness when u leave ur friends...yeah...

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