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United Methodist Women

Cornerstone District UMW
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GOAL: To encourage each unit to become a "Mission Today Unit".

To be recognized as a Mission Today unit, the unit must
complete a minimum of 18 (Gold), 14 (silver), 10 (bronze)
of the following items, including four (4) of the
asterisked (*) items. A certificate and a plaque will
be awarded for 4 consecutive years of being a Mission
Today Unit. (Year runs Aug. to Aug.)

*1. Use the Prayer Calendar at each general meeting of the unit to pray
for persons in mission and mission work.

2. At least one (1) member of the unit (other than conference or district
officers) will attend the conference or district School of Mission.

3. At least two (2) members, other than a conference or district officer,
will attend the district or conference annual meeting.

*4. The unit will use at least two (2) programs from the Program Book
during the year.

5. The unit will have at least one (1) person joining the United Methodist
Women's Action Network to receive and respond to legislative
information at leat three (3) times a year. (To join, contact Anna
Rhee, 100 Maryland Ave. NE, Box 56, Wash. DC 20002. There is no charge
for joining at this time. There may be a nominal charge at a later date.)

6. Members will correspond with five (5) persons listed in the Prayer

*7. The unit, circle or subgroup will conduct at least one (mission study
each year.

*8. The unit will implement the Charter for Racial Justice in at least one
way during the year.
Possibilities are:
. . . . . . have members read books and articles about other races
. . . . . . . . and cultures;
. . . . . . sponsor an inter-ethnic event between two or more units;
. . . . . . recruit women of color to be members and officers of the
. . . . . . . . unit;
. . . . . . view the video on the Charter, "In Search of Racial
. . . . . . . . Justice" (Check your conference AV library of the
. . . . . . . . Service Center catalog.)
. . . . . . write to elected representatives to support legislation
. . . . . . . . affecting issues such as immigration, affirmative
. . . . . . . . action, low income programs, civil rights, etc.

9. The unit will co-sponsor, with the local church, a Children's
"Sabbath." (This is a worship service highlighting the needs of
children. The Women's Division and the Council of Bishops support this
effort. Contact Children's Defense Fund for materials at 25 E St. NW,
Wash. DC 20001. 202-628-8787.)

*10. The unit will make and meet its pledge to mission.

11. The unit will be a 5-Star unit, contributing to all five channels of
undesignated giving.

*12. The unit will select a project from the Women's Division Material
Resources for Mission Catalog and will contribute the needed resources
to the mission project. (Order from Service Center.)

13. Each unit, circle or subgroup meeting will include a "Response Moment"
where an item from Response magazine will be lifted up as a way to
tell the mission story.

*14. The unit will have at least two (2) members subscribing to Response

*15. The unit will add at least two (2) new members to its roll.

16. Plan and participate in a United Methodist Women's Sunday.

17. Say the Purpose of United Methodist Women at all events.

18. Invite a speaker from a Conference Project to a local unit meeting.

19. At least 2 members complete Plan #1 of the Reading Program.

please e-mail information about church activities and programs as well as any comments or suggestions about this web-site

United Methodist Women

The organized unit of
the United Methodist Women
shall be a community of women whose
PURPOSE is to know God and to
experience freedom as whole persons
through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries
of the church.

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