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United Methodist Women
United Methodist Women
Cornerstone District UMW

While we were in Baltimore to attend the 2004 Northeastern UMW Quadrennial, we were privileged to visit the Susanna Wesley House, a three-story red brick structure in downtown Baltimore. This is an apartment complex which provides a clean bright living atmosphere for women with children who need temporary housing while working actively "to get back on their feet." It is but one of the 100 national mission institutions of The United Methodist Church. It was founded by United Methodist Women who continue to have integral involvement in its ongoing ministry. The operation of this program is a combined effort with the Women’s Housing Coalition of Baltimore and is also supported by the city of Baltimore.

To have and keep a stable job, you need a stable place to live. One of the obstacles that confront persons without a stable living situation is that when they apply for jobs, it is usually difficult for them to be contacted by their prospective employers. At Susanna Wesley House, each resident has a voice mail for receiving messages and has an access to a telephone for returning her calls.

One of the eight women currently residing at Susanna Wesley House scored the highest grade in her job-training program and is seeking advanced certification. She is now employed fulltime as a geriatric nursing assistant and receiving benefits. Soon enough she will be on her way to making it on her own. As for the children, the United Methodist Women also provide an after-school program. The Susanna’s Kids Program offers tutoring, educational field trips and snacks. While touring the facility, we visited the computer lab in the basement which is nearing completion and will provide another useful service for the resident families.

This excellent project just shows what wonderful things can happen when we forget the boundries put up by those who have tried to eliminate God and Christian principles from our everyday life – and work together to help those who just need a little boost to get on track to being self-sufficient!

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