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Ladybug 50x50 Row Count
Graph created by: Debbie Elgart.
Row Count by: Kris S.

This Row Count has NOT been tested as of yet.

Yarn Color Abbreviations and Colors Used: Debbie's Graph
Debbie's graph in thumbnail
M = Background B = Black
W = White
R = Red G = Gray

Graph is 50x50.
Chain 50.

    1 - 11.  50M (50 stitches total)
  12 - 13.  6M, 11B, 1M, 11B, 1M, 12B, 8M
  14.  6M, 1B, 9G, 1B, 1M, 1B, 9G, 1B, 1M, 1B, 10G, 1B, 8M
  15.  6M, 1B, 3G, 3B, 3G, 1B, 2M, 1B, 2G, 3B, 3G, 1B, 1M, 1B, 4G, 3B, 2G, 2B, 8M
  16.  6M, 1B, 2G, 1B, 3M, 4B, 2M, 4B, 2M, 4B, 1M, 1B, 3G, 1B, 2M, 4B, 9M
  17.  6M, 3B, 10M, 2B, 9M, 5B, 15M
  18.  7M, 2B, 10M, 2B, 11M, 2B, 6M, 5B, 5M
  19.  7M, 40B, 3M
  20.  6M, 4B, 27R, 11B, 2M
  21.  5M, 1B, 31R, 11B, 2M
  22.  5M, 1B, 4R, 3B, 7R, 3B, 7R, 3B, 4R, 11B, 2M
  23.  5M, 1B, 4R, 3B, 7R, 3B, 7R, 3B, 4R, 3B, 2G, 1B, 2G, 3B, 2M
  24.  5M, 2B, 3R, 3B, 7R, 3B, 7R, 3B, 4R, 3B, 1G, 1W, 1B, 1G, 1W, 3B, 2M
  25.  6M, 1B, 31R, 9B, 3M
  26.  6M, 1B, 32R, 7B, 4M
  27.  6M, 1B, 33R, 5B, 5M
  28.  7M, 1B, 7R, 3B, 7R, 3B, 12R, 1B, 1M, 1B, 1M, 1B, 5M
  29.  7M, 1B, 7R, 3B, 7R, 3B, 12R, 1B, 1M, 1B, 1M, 2B, 4M
  30.  7M, 1B, 7R, 3B, 7R, 3B, 6R, 3B, 3R, 1B, 1M, 1B, 2M, 1B, 4M
  31.  8M, 1B, 25R, 3B, 3R, 1B, 1M, 1B, 2M, 2B, 3M
  32.  8M, 1B, 3R, 3B, 19R, 3B, 3R, 1B, 1M, 1B, 3M, 1B, 3M
  33.  9M, 1B, 2R, 3B, 24R, 2B, 1M, 1B, 3M, 1B, 3M
  34.  9M, 1B, 2R, 3B, 24R, 1B, 2M, 1B, 3M, 2B, 2M
  35.  10M, 1B, 17R, 3B, 7R, 2B, 1M, 2B, 3M, 2B, 2M
  36.  10M, 2B, 8R, 3B, 5R, 3B, 7R, 1B, 2M, 1B, 8M
  37.  11M, 1B, 8R, 3B, 5R, 3B, 6R, 1B, 2M, 2B, 8M
  38.  12M, 1B, 7R, 3B, 13R, 2B, 2M, 2B, 8M
  39.  13M, 1B, 21R, 2B, 13M
  40.  14M, 1B, 19R, 2B, 14M
  41.  15M, 2B, 16R, 1B, 16M
  42.  17M, 2B, 11R, 3B, 17M
  43.  19M, 11B, 20M
  44 - 50.  50M

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This web site was created and designed by Linda Gelb.
With HTML help from Cheryl (a.k.a. "Cinnaminn").
Updated as of 18 Dec. 2008.