Black Goat Cabal > Essays
Official statements of the Black Goat Cabal:
- What Is Satanism? by Diane Vera and Geifodd Ap Pwyll
- Who we are and how to join
- Avoiding harmful religious groups in the Satanist scene - some suggestions for new Satanists, by Diane Vera
- Don't give up! Some reasons to hope that the Satanist scene will improve by Diane Vera
- Using the Meetup site to organize a local Satanist social group or discussion group by Diane Vera
Other essays on this site:
- On dogma by Diane Vera
- Devil worshipers: Satanism's scapegoats? by Diane Vera
- What is "traditional Satanism"? by Diane Vera
- What is "orthodox Satanism"? by Diane Vera
- What is "theistic Satanism"? by Diane Vera
- Common beliefs of theistic (traditional) Satanists by Diane Vera
- More later.
On other sites:
Note: The Black Goat Cabal does not necessarily endorse all opinions voiced on the pages linked above.
This page used to contain several articles by Melek and one by Robert Reynoso. These articles were removed in November 2005 at the insistance of the head of the Cathedral of the Black Goat, of which Melek is a member. Note to Melek and Robert Reynoso: If you wish these articles to be displayed again, please email Diane Vera.
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