Theistic Satanism: Home > Philosophy > Religion reference > Yezidism
Information about various religions:
If you know of any other good relevant websites besides those listed below, please let me know, and please let me know whether you want to be acknowledged publicly for your help.
- The Yezidi themselves
- Dengê Êzidiyan (
- Yezidi Web
- Yezidism on
- On The Anunnaki Project site:
- Yezidi-related entries in the Chaldea Dictionary
- Selections from Devil Worship: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz by Isya Joseph, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
- Yezidi Creation Myths, on the website of Stephen Shoemaker
- Yezidi religion and society (one of the few English articles on a mostly Kurdish site)
- Yezidism on Meta-Religion
- Healing practices among the Yezidi Sheikhs in Armenia by Victoria Arakelova (abstract) on Religion and Technology
- Yezidism and Satanism
- the yezidi: the angelick cultus in the middle east by Brian D. Hodges, on disinformation
- The Yezidis on Order of the Golden Dawn of Divine Light
- Yezidism & Satanism by Geifodd ap Pwyll on Geifodd's Demonolatry
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