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Elmira Prison Camp OnLine Library -
Submitted Information - Confederate Index: A-E

Acord, James F.
Pvt 5th Va Inf Co F

  • 3/15/62 res. Swoope's Depot. Conscripted.
  • Sentenced Mar. 6, 1863, to be shot for desertion at Fredericksburg, sentence suspended May 26, 1863.
  • Sick at Castle Thunder, Aug. 5, 1863.
  • Captured at Spotsylvania, May 12,1864, sent to Elmira. Rolls show he deserted; returned prisoners of war reported he had taken the oath.
  • Released from Elmira, May 15, 1865.


Agerton, John William
Co. D, 48th GA Inf.
John William Agerton was born in 1837 Burke Co., GA to Thomas & Mary (Dye) Agerton, and died 11 Dec 1864 in Elmira Prison. John William was enlisted 04 March 1862 at Waynesboro, GA by Capt John A. Harlow from Grahamville, SC. Admitted to Lovingston Hospital in Winchester, VA on Apr 27, 1862 with Dysentery, discharged 06 May 1862. Admitted to CSA General Hospital, Danville, VA 25 Sept 1862 with Debilities. Returned to duty 17 Jan. 1863. Captured 02 July 1863 at Gettysburg, PA. Taken to Ft. McHenry, MD 05 July 1863. Taken to Ft. Delaware, Del. 06 July 1863. Taken to Point Lookout, MD 22 Oct 1863. Transferred to Elmira, NY Prison 17 July 1864. died 11 Dec 1864 of Pneumonia at Elmira Prison. Grave # 1109, Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, NY. John Wm. married Elmira Cox 11 Dec. 1856 in Burke Co., GA. John Wm. died on their 10th wedding anniversary, and the Army failed to notify the widow of his capture at Gettysburg. On her yearly pension re-application under the section which read, "full particulars of husband’s death, when, where, and from what cause". Her yearly answer was "He went into battle at Gettysburg, PA on or about 02 July 1863, and was never seen or heard from afterwards." Elmina died in 1905 never learning the fate of her husband.
Information submitted by Joyce Agerton.

Alexander, John Williamson
Co. G, 5th S.C. Inf.
Born: November 7, 1842 at Gaffney, South Carolina
Died: June 7, 1913 at Gaffney, South Carolina

  • He was a private in Company "G" 5th South Carolina Infantry. He mustered in during first week of June, 1861 at Orangeburg, SC. He saw his first action at First Manassas. He remained with this unit for 10 months.
  • He was a private in Company "G" 5th Virginia Cavalry. He enlisted with this unit April 14, 1862 at Richmond, Virginia.
  • He was captured at Yellow Tavern May 11, 1864.
  • He was transferred to Fortress Monroe, then to Point Lookout, & then to Elmira Prison (arriving there August 19, 1864).
  • He was released from Elmira Prison on June 23, 1865.
  • He arrived back home to Gaffney, South Carolina July 12, 1865.

Information provided by Hudson Alexander

Allison, James
I have a company muster roll that has him listed as Ellison. He was a Private, Co. E Infantry, Hampton Legion, South Carolina Volunteers. He was captured at Malvern Hill.
Submitted by Allison B. George.

Allen, Barton H.
Pvt 5th Va Inf Co H
Captured; date and place not found. Died of disease at Elmira Oct. 16,1864. Woodlawn National Cemetery, grave No.559.

Allen, Charles W.
Pvt 52nd Va Inf Co F

  • 7/31/61 Staunton B. Augusta Co.
  • Born 6/26/35. Farm hand age 24, Burkes Mill Dist., Augusta Co. 1860 census.
  • Present 7/31/61-11/4/61.
  • Ab. sick leave 11/5/61-12/31/61.
  • Present1-4/62.
  • Reenlisted 5/1/62.
  • WIA (head) Port Republic 6/9/62.
  • Present11/5-23/62.
  • AWOL 11/24/62-2/10/63.
  • In arrest 2/28/63.
  • Present4/30/63-6/15/63.
  • Ab. in hospital 7/16/63-12/31/63.
  • Present 3/64 until WIA(head) Wilderness 5/6/64.
  • WIA (right foot) and captured Bethesda Ch. 5/30/64.
  • Admitted to Lincoln USA Hospital, Wash., D.C. 6/4/64.
  • Sent to Old Capitol Prison 2/5/65. Transfer. to Elmira.
  • Released 5/15/65. 5' 9". Fair complexion, gray eyes, light hair. Farmer, age 34, Mt. Sidney PO, Augusta Co. 1870 census. Murdered by poison 8/23/73 near Mt. Sidney. "A brave and faithful Confederate soldier".


Andrews, George W.
Pvt. 4th Ga Inf, Co. K The following is an exact excerpt from the "History of Charlton County," printed in 1932.

GEORGE W. ALLEN (Better known as "Dick" Allen) moved to Charlton from Appling county during the early sixties, and settled on the Great Satilla river at place now known as Allen's ferry, and on a tract of land originally granted by King George, II, of England. Hon. J. C. Buie, present owner of the tract of land, has this original grant.

Mr. Allen lived at this place until 1880 when he moved two miles southwest to place now known as the "Old Allen Homestead" where he reared a family of 11 children. He died December 12, 1905, and is buried in the Allen cemetery one mile east of the old homestead.

Mr. Allen was one of the leading citizens of his community; was honest and reliable and was always a peace-maker in the community. He was a Democrat in politics and was a member of the Masonic fraternity, holding membership in what is now Folkston Lodge No. 196, F. & A. M., but he became a member while the lodge met either at Trader's Hill or Centerville.

George W. Allen served in the Confederate army as a private in Co. K, 4th Regiment of Georgia Cavalry; was captured in battle and was confined for 13 months in Elmira Prison, N. Y. An incident he always related that occurred during his confinement as a prisoner of war: He and a comrade bad managed to secure some flour and were preparing to have hot cakes and syrup for breakfast, but just before the hot cakes were cooked a Federal officer discovered them and promptly confiscated their hot cakes and syrup and placed them back on the regular diet of bean soup, corn-bread with a. small piece of fat bacon once a week. He was also punished by being forced to wear an old pork barrel an hour a day during the noon meal; a hole was cut in the bottom of the barrel for his head to project through and he was forced to walk around in a circle for an hour a day for seven days. He always maintained, however that he was never in better health than he was on bean liquor, bean skins, bread and water.

Mr. Allen was married four times: His first wife was Miss Kizzie Davis, the second, Miss Mary Ellen Grooms, third, Miss Mamie Knox, and fourth to Miss Mollie Ammons who survived him several years. To the first union were born three children: George W., Jr., a prominent citizen of the Prescott community, John A., now deceased, and Mary Jane; to the second marriage were born five children: Crum, Gertrude, Joseph C., Dread B., and G. Colquitt; to the third union only one child was born, and this child died in infancy; to the fourth union three children were born: Patrick Henry, who died at the age of 21, William Robert, a citizen of Folkston, and Ever Lena, who first married Alex. Mills and now the wife of Mr. Jordon of Waycross, Ga.

Allen, John L.
Son of Wm. and Martha Wyllie Allen, was born in 1842 in Halifax Co. VA. He died in 1864 in the prison camp in Elmira. From the book, Wyllie Notes, by Kate Wyllie James Lepine, (a distant cousin to John L. Allen) published in 1994, is an excerpt from a letter that George A. Wyllie wrote to his brother, Allan Wyllie dated 20th Sept. 1865. In the letter he referenced their nephew, John Allen, son of their sister, Martha. It reads:

"Poor John L. Allen wrote to me while in prison that he wanted money while at Point Lookout. I sent what he wrote for and before the money reached him he transferred to Elmira, N.Y., but he died the day before the money reached him and I.N. (?J.B.) Wood who was with him all the time wrote me of his death and what disposition he should make of it. I wrote him if he had any use for it to use it. A short time after I wrote Allen, I don't know who's son he is wrote to me for money. I sent him the amount he wrote for but I don't know whether he received it or not."

Information provided by Dee Smith


Andrews, James
Born 1834 in NC: died 1910 in Bartow Co. Ga. He was in Company K Holcomb's Legion of Spartanburg, SC. He Joined in 1861 and was taken prisoner on May of 1864. He was held until October of 1864 when he was exchanged and sent to Savannah and had to make his way home from there. He drew a pension after the war in Bartow Co., Ga. and stated that he had never fully recovered in his shoulder from the inoculations he was given while he was a prisoner.

Andrews, John W.
Co. A, 21st Vir Inf
Date of death 09-19-64. Grave number 322

Information provided by Charles Knapp

Archer, Robert
Co. A, 4th Vir Inf
Mustered into Co. A. VA 4th Inf. on 3-10-1862,
He was listed as:

  • Hospitalized 8-15-1862 (reason/place not listed)
  • Wounded 5-3-1863 at Chancellorsville, VA
  • POW 5-12-1864 at Spotsylvania Court House, VA
  • Confined 5-15-1864 Elmira NY
  • Paroled 6-21-1865 Elmira NY
  • Described at enlistment: 6', florid complexion, blue eyes, light hair. Also served in Co. C, VA 9th Inf (no dates given)

Archie, Stephen P.
Pvt 52nd Va Inf Co K 4

  • Shenandoah Mt. B. Bath Co. 1843?
  • Laborer, age 17, Cleek's Mill PO, Bath Co. 1860 census.
  • Present 4/9/62-4/30/62.
  • Present 1/63-6/30/63.
  • Ab. on sick leave 7/1/63.
  • Capt. Waterloo, Pa. 7/5/63.

    Exchanged 11/1/63.

  • Issued clothing 11/23/64.
  • Listed as POW at Elmira in "Staunton Vindicator" 12/1/64. NFR.


Armstrong, William Franklin
Co. G 18th SC Infantry
Enlisted April 9, 1862 in Charleston. Recorded as present on all rolls for March 1862-April 1864. Taken prisoner July 30, 1864 at Battle of the Crater, Petersburg, VA. On rolls of POW''s at City Point VA, on August 5, 1864, transferred to Elmira NY on August 8, 1864, arriving there on August 12, 1864. Paroled and transferred to be exchanged on October 11, 1864. Arrived from Point Lookout, MD Oct. 14, and exchanged Oct. 29, 1864. Captured again near Petersburg, VA (Fort Stedman) March 25, 1865. Sent to Point Lookout, MD, arriving at City Point, VA on March 28, 1865. Took oath and released June 22, 1865. From Kings Mountain Township, York County, South Carolina. Light complexion, blue eyes, light brown hair, age 21 at enlistment, 5.9 tall. Still living as of 1902.

Austin, Thomas Jefferson
July 4, 1846 - February 7, 1908
My great grandfather, Thomas Jefferson Austin was born in Butler County, Alabama on July 4, 1846. He served in the War Between the States as a private in the Alabama 1st Artillery Battalion, Company E. He enlisted in Greenville, Butler County on January 1, 1864 when he was only 17. At the Battle of Fort Morgan, Alabama, August 1864, the 1st Battalion fought until their guns were knocked out, losing 150 men killed and wounded. The remainder were taken prisoner on the 23rd and sent to Fort Columbus, New York Harbor, and were later transferred to Elmira Prison, New York.

T.J., as he was called, was released in a prisoner exchange at the Charles River in Virginia on March 14, 1865. He was hospitalized in Richmond in General Hospital #9, later transferred to Jackson Hospital and finally to St. Francis de Sales, per service records found, and was discharged from the army on June 6, 1865, although he remained in the hospital until August 13, 1865.

The following came from Mr. Frederick Sineath, an authority on the War Between the States, in response to my question regarding the hospitals:

"If your ancestor was exchanged in March 1865, it's a simple explanation why he ended up in Richmond. In the eastern theater the exchange point for depositing confederates was at Aikins Landing on the James River, just south of Richmond. From there they were brought by rail to Richmond.

General Hospital # 9, which was also known as the Receiving & Distributing Hospital, was also sometimes referred to as "Seabrooks Hospital" because it occupied the former tobacco warehouse built and owned by John Seabrook in 1810. Just before the war the City of Richmond owned it. It was very close to the "Virginia Central Railroad Depot". This building during the war was sometimes called the "Billboard of Richmond" because its outer walls were commonly plastered with hundreds of handbills, post bills, political placards, show advertisements etc. It was mostly a distribution hospital. It had a capacity of about 900 patients, with a staff of about 150. Most patients were transferred to other Richmond hospitals through the system, etc.

Jackson Hospital was also known as the "South Carolina Hospital", but men from other states including North Carolina & Georgia, were also known to have been treated there. It opened in June 1863. Located on a 40-acre site with 49 buildings, organized into 4 divisions, it had a capacity of 2,500 patients.

St. Francis de Sales Hospital was also known by "Catholic Hospital", "Brook Hospital" and "Goddin Tavern Hospital". It occupied a 1790 structure built by Martin Baker, and between 1790-1840 was known as Bakers Tavern. Building bought in 1840 by John Goddin, which became Goddin's Tavern until about 1860-61, when it was sold to the Roman Catholic Order in Richmond. After the war came in June 1862, it was turned into a hospital and run by the Catholics of the order, and remained in service until the end of the war."

Soon after he was dismissed from the hospital, T.J. bought a farm in Wilcox County, Alabama and on December 7, 1877, married Amanda Weatherford. The large, handsome house that he built, where eight of his nine children were born, is still standing and occupied.

On May 31, 1899, T.J. applied for his Confederate veteran's pension, stating that "poor health brought on by disease contracted in the northern prison made him unable to make a living by manual labor." The examining physician's statement says that he had "hypertrophy (enlargement) of the heart and claimed to have lung trouble. At the time of the exam, the lung sounds were so masked by the exaggerated apex beat of the heart that they could not be heard." At the time of his application, his personal property consisted of "2 cows valued at $20.00, 1 clock valued at $5.00, household and kitchen furniture valued at $50.00, and farming tools and implements valued at $5.00." At this time he did not own any real estate. He drew his pension until his death in 1908, at which time his wife applied for a widow's pension, which she drew until her death in 1937. (The clock mentioned above, which is a large mantel clock, was a wedding gift from Amanda's mother and is still in the family. Amanda's father, William Jones Weatherford, Company C, 42nd Alabama Infantry, was either killed or died of disease on April 5, 1865 near Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina.)

T.J.'s eldest daughter, my grandmother, Jessie Austin Montgomery, recalled that her father suffered from a variety of ailments and attributed them to the treatment he received in Elmira. He seldom spoke of his imprisonment except to tell the children whenever they left uneaten food on their plates that in prison a man would have killed to have these small morsels. According to Jessie, he had broken his foot and ankle in an attempt to escape the prison and that the break was never set, forcing him to use a cane. She said that T.J. had to sell the family farm after he became too ill to work it, but that the new owner allowed them to remain in the house, raise a garden and keep some livestock.

The family left Wilcox County about 1904, moving to neighboring Monroe County where other family members had settled a few years before. T.J. died in Frisco City, Alabama of heart failure on February 7, 1908. He and his wife are interned in the Shiloh Baptist Church Cemetery in Frisco City.
Submitted by Carolyn Gaines Cooper

Baggett, James Thomas
J. T. Baggett, (James Thomas) born Northmapton Co, NC. Conscripted into service 1862 in Company F at the age of 18. Fought mostly in VA. During the Wilderness Campaign, his whole company was either killed or taken POW. Bagget, my great-great grandfather, was taken to Point Lookout, Maryland, then transfered to NY, Elmira Prison, the counter part to our Andersonville, called HELLMIRA by soldiers. He later was released at the end of the war, after with relcutance, he took the oath of allegiance to the US, which we have in his release papers.

Bailey, David
Co. K 18th SC Infantry
Enlisted Jan. 8, 1862 at Camp Hampton, Columbia, SC. Recorded as present on rolls for April 1862-April 1864. Captured July 30, 1864, at the Battle of the Crater, Petersburg,VA. Arrived at City Point, VA on August 5, 1864. Transferred to Elmira, Aug. 8, 1864. Received there on Aug. 12, 1864. Signed oath of allegiance (by mark) and released on June 14, 1865. Dark hair, hazel eyes, florid complexion. 5.9 tall. From Spartanburg District.

Bailey, William D.
Pvt 5th Va Inf Co G

·  8/13/61 Staunton.

·  Wounded Aug. 30, 1862, at Manassas

·  Returned Nov. 12,1862.

·  Captured May 12,1864; sent to Ft. Delaware, Point Lookout, and to Elmira

·  Released June 19, 1865.

·  Died near Staunton, May 10,1915, at the age of 88. Mt. Olivet Church Cemetery.


Baker, Jesse E.
Pvt. 51st NC, Co. F
Enlisted at Nichols Depot, South Carolina, May 1, 1862, for the war. Present or accounted for until captured at Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 1, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, June 11, 1864. Transferred to Elmira, New York, July 12, 1864. Killed in a railroad accident at Shohola, Pennsylvania, July 15, 1864, while en route to Elmira.

Barnhill, Duncan R.
Co. H, 36th Reg. NCT, 2nd Reg. N. C. Artillery
My great-uncle, Duncan R. Barnhill, was captured at Ft. Fisher on Jan. 15, 1865, and confined at Elmira, N. Y., where he died March 9, 1865, and was buried at Woodlawn National Cemetery. He was a Private in Co. H, 36th Reg. NCT, 2nd Reg. N. C. Artillery. This information came from Page 291 of Military History From N. C. Troops 1861-1865, Vol. I, Artillery. He was born in Bladen County, NC, where he had been a farmer. He enlisted at age 25 on March 9, 1862. I appreciate your web site.
Information submitted by Vivian S. Wright.

Bass, Elisha
Co. F, 1st NC Artillery
Captured at Fort Fisher. He was paroled at Goldsboro in May of 1865. It is my understanding that those captured at Fort Fisher were taken to Elmira, but I have never been able to find him on any list or roster thereof.
Submitted by Al Bass.

Baxley, Henry L.
Pvt. 51st NC, Co. F
Born in Robeson County where he resided as a farmer prior to enlisting in Robeson County at age 24, March 10, 1862. Present or accounted for until captured near Petersburg, Virginia, on or about June 16, 1864. Confined to Point Lookout, Maryland, June 19, 1864. Transferred to Elmira, New York, July 9, 1864. Released at Elmira on July 11, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance.

Baxley, William H.R.
Pvt. 51st NC, Co. F
Born in Robeson County where he resided as a farmer prior to enlisting in Robeson County at age 23, March 10, 1862. Mustered in as Sergeant. Reduced to ranks prior to July 1, 1862. Present or accounted for until wounded seriously at Goldsboro on December 17, 1862. Reported absent wounded through April, 1863. Reported absent in prison at Wilmington "awaiting trial" (probably for absence without leave) in July-August, 1863. Returned to duty in September-October, 1863. Present or accounted for until captured at Drewry's Bluff, Virginia, May 16, 1864. Confined to Point Lookout, Maryland, May 19, 1864. Transferred to Elmira, New York, in August, 1864. Released at Elmira on May 17, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance.

Beals, Amos
Co. D, 7th Tenn. Inf
Amos was born September 21, 1822 in Greene County, Tennessee. He enlisted on March 10, 1864 in Greeneville, Greene County, Tennessee. He was captured at the battle of the Wilderness on May 6, 1864.He managed to escape only to be captured again at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia on May 12, 1864. Amos was taken to Point Lookout Prison in Maryland from Belle Plain on May 17, 1864. He was transferred to Elmira on July 23, 1864.He died on August 13, 1864 at Elmira. The cause of death was chronic diarrhea.
Information submitted by Eugene T. Beals

Beheler, J.
Co. F, 17th S.C. Inf.
Date of death 9/1/1864.
Information provided by Jerry Beheler

Benton, Thomas
Pvt. Co. B, 1st LA Cav.
Appears on Roll of Prisoners of War Captured at West Baton Rouge. La., Oct. 24th, 1864. Sent to New Orleans, La., Oct. 25th, 1864. Transfered to Ship Island Oct. 27th, 1864. Received at Ship Island, Miss., Oct. 28th, 1864. Sent to New York Nov. 5th, 1864. Received at Fort Columbus, N. Y., Nov. 16th, 1864. Forwarded. to Elmira, N. Y., Nov. 20th, 1864, and Died There Dec. 10th, 1864.

Berry, Andrew F.
5th Florida Infantry, Co. K, C.S.A.
On May 6th, 1864, during the Battle of the Wilderness, A.F. Berry, along with nearly all of his company (Co. K) were captured and kept in the military prison at Elmira, New York.
Information provided by kbrooks.

Black, Andrew D.
Pvt 52nd Va Inf Co E
8/1/61 Staunton B. Rockbridge Co. 1838? Farmhand, age 22, Lexington PO, Rockbridge Co. 1860 census. Ab. on leave 11-12/61. Ab. sick 1-2/62. Present 3-4/62. Reenlisted 5/1/62. Ab. on leave 3/30-10/31/62. Present 1/1-3/17/63. Ab. sick 3/18-10/31/63, in hospital Staunton with typhoid fever. Present 11-12/63. WIA and Cap. Spotsylvania 5/19/64. Sent to Point Lookout. Transfer. to Elmira 6/3/64.Exchanged 3/3/65. Admitted to hospital Richmond 3/4/65. Cap. in Jackson Hospital, Richmond 4/3/65. Died there of chronic diarrhea 5/5/65. Buried grave #100, Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond

Black, B.
Pvt 5th Va Inf Co G.
Captured May 12,1864, at Spotsylvania; sent to Point Lookout and Elmira; exchanged Oct. 11,1864.

Black, David
Sgt. Co. D, 17th SC Inf.
Enlisted at Camp Hampton, SC on January 14, 1862. Was confined at first at Point Lookout, Maryland and then Elmira, NY. David was captured at Petersburg, VA on July 30, 1864 and arrived at Camp Lookout August 5, 1864. He was transferred to Elmira on August 8, 1864. He was paroled on February 9 or 13, 1865 and sent to James River for exchange. He was last on Muster Roll February 23, 1865.
Information provided by Walter Brown.

Blanton, James Joseph
Co. G, 51st NC Regt.
He was born in 1822 in New Hanover Co. He was a farmer, and enlisted Dec. 29th 1861 in the 13th NC Battalion until transferred to Co. G 51 NC Reg't April 15, 1862. He was wounded at Battery Wagner, Morris Island, SC July 18, 1863. He was then captured at Gaines Mill June 3, 1864 and taken to White House Va on June 11, 1864. He was transferred to Elmira NY on July 12th, 1864. Joseph James Blanton died from variloa on January 18th 1865. His gravesite is marked J.J. Blanton #1524.
Information submitted by Carey Blanton

Booth, William (also Booth, W.F.)
Pvt Co. B 1st LA. Cav.
Enlisted Sept. 5th, 1861, Baton Rouge, La. Present on Rolls to Dec., 1863. Captured East Baton Rouge, La., Oct. 24th, 1864, sent to New Orleans, La., Oct. 25th, 1864. Transfered. to Ship Island, Miss., Oct. 27th, 1864. Sent to New York, Nov. 5th, 1864. Recived. at Fort Columbus, N. Y., Nov. 5th, 1864. Forwarded. to Elmira, N. Y., Nov. 19th, 1864, escaped en route. His name on Roll of Prisoners of War, received. at Elmira, N. Y., Nov. 20th, 1864, was cancelled. Paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 12th, 1865. From unofficial records, I state this soldier was my brother. We know that he escaped from railroad train of prisoners en route from New York City to Elmira Prison, worked his way to New York City, to Chicago, to St. Louis, thence down the Mississippi River, on Steamer Magenta, back to his command via Natchez, Miss. This fact is also reported on page 164 of the History of his Regiment, by Howell Carter, known as "A Cavalryman's Reminiscences of the Civil War."--A. B. Booth, Commissioner La. Military Records. Age 21.

Bordeaux, Enoch
Pvt Co. B 1st LA. Cav.
b. Bef. 1822, Turnbull Township, Bladen Co., NC; d. Bef. April 10, 1865, Elmira Prison Camp, Elmira, NY; m. SARAH ANN CAIN

Boston, John W.
1st Corp Co F 5th GA Cav
Was 41 years old when he enlisted as a 1st Corporal in Company B, 2nd Battalion, Georgia Cavalry. He enlisted in the Screven Troop on 8 Sep 1861, at Savannah, Georgia. He was elected 2nd Lieutenant in Nov. 1861. He was defeated in the election at reorganization and reduced to a private. He transferred to Company F, 5th Regiment, Georgia Cavalry, on 20 Jan 1863. He transferred to Company C, 21st Regiment, Georgia Cavalry, on 15 Apr 1863. Private Boston transferred to Company B, 7th Regiment, Georgia Cavalry on 13 Feb 1864. He was captured at Trevilian Station, Virginia on 11 June, 1864, and sent to Elmira Prison in New York state. He was exchanged on 29 Oct 1864, at Point Lookout, Maryland.

Boston, William T.
1st Corp Co F 5th GA Cav
Enlisted the Screven Troop on 8 Oct 1861. He was appointed 1st Corporal in Nov 1861. He was reduced in rank to 2nd Corporal on 1 June, 1861. He promoted to 1st Corporal in Nov 1862. He was transferred to Company F, 5th Regiment, Georgia Cavalry, on 20 Jan 1863. He transferred to Company C, 21st Regiment, Georgia Cavalry, on 15 Apr 1863, as 4th Corporal. Corporal Boston transferred to Company B, 7th Regiment, Georgia Cavalry on 13 Feb 1864. He was captured at Trevilian Station, Virginia on 11 June, 1864, and sent to Elmira Prison in New York state. He was exchanged on 29 Oct 1864, at Point Lookout, Maryland.

Bourne, J.
Pvt 5th Va Inf Co H.
Captured May 12,1864, at Spotsylvania; sent to Point Lookout and Elmira, where he died May 10 1865, of inflammation of the lungs. Buried Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira, N.Y., Grave No. 2785.

Bowles/Boles, Richard
13th Alabama Regiment, Co. B, Southern Stars
Born about 1826, Georgia, farmer. Married to Rebecca Stallings, 11-4-1847, Harris CO. Ga. They had seven children. Captured at Ft. Wilderness, Va, 5-5-1864. Sent to Elmira Prison, NY. Died in prison, age 38, 11-4-1864. Buried in Woodlawn, Prison Cemetery, NY.
Information submitted by Susan Miranowicz.

Bowman, Jacob
Pvt 5th Va Inf Co H
b. Jan. 19, 1835; Captured May 12,1864, at Spotsylvania; sent to Point Lookout; transferred to Elmira, July 30, 1864; transferred for exchange, Oct. 11, 1864. Died in Augusta Co. July 13, 1900. Buried Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church Cemetery.

Boyd, Enoch
1st Al Art., Co. C
Died 12/29/1864. Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Boyd, John
1st Al Art., Co. C
Died 12/29/1864. Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Bradshaw, Alexander K.
Pvt 52nd Va Inf Co E
8/1/62 Gordonsville Res. of Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania Co. Capt. near Spotsylvania CH5/19/64. Sent to Point Lookout. Transfer. to Elmira. Released 6/27/65. 5'7", florid complexion, dk. hair, blue eyes.

Brannon, Hugh B.
Co. H 18th SC Infantry
Enlisted for the war in Florida on Feb. 27, 1864. Present on rolls for March-April 1864. Captured July 30, 1864 at Battle of the Crater, Petersburg, VA. Arrived at Point Lookout, MD from City Point, VA on Aug. 5, 1864. Transferred to Elmira, NY on Aug. 8, 1864 arriving there on Aug. 12, 1864. Died from chronic diarrhea on Sept. 7, 1864. Buried at Elmira, grave # 177. From York District. Wife was Margaret Brannon.

Breedlove, Willis M.
15th NC, Co. G and 32nd NC, Co. K
At Elmira from Aug. 3, 1864 until he was released Jun 30, 1865.
Information submitted by Bill Lewis.

Brewer, Wiley
Co. A NC 3rd Reg
Wiley Brewer was born in Chatham County, NC somewhere around 1825. About 1861 or 1862 he moved to Alexander County, NC with his wife, Lucretia Stout Brewer, and children (one child was named John Preston Brewer b.11/15/1851 - others were Benjamin, Chistine, Martha, Jerry, Matt, Caroline, and Sarah). According to the Widows Application for Pension, he enlisted on May 13, 1862. According to the listing in the North Carolina Troops Book, "He enlisted in Wake County on October 26, 1863, for the war. He served in NC 3rd Regiment, Company A. Captured at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia May 12, 1864, and confined at Point Lookout, Maryland. Transferred on August 10, 1864, to Elmira, NY, where he died on November 15, 1864, of "chronic diarrhoea"."
Information submitted by Bill Lewis.

Brookman, G.
Pvt 5th Va Inf Co H
res. Dublin; Captured May 12,1864, at Spotsylvania; sent to Elmira; released June 23,1865. Described as 5 ft. 10 in., florid complexion, auburn hair, blue eyes.

Brooks, David H.
Co. G, 11th Ga Inf
David moved to Campbell Co. Ga. With his family in the late 1830's when the Cherokee Indian's were moved out. I also believe that Malinda Hall's (his wife) family moved to Georgia about the same time, but to Whitfield Co. Ga. David and Malinda are in the 1850 census in Walker Co. Ga. In the Armuchee District, listed as a farmer. He was 19 years old at this time. By 1860 he and Malinda had six children. In the 1860 census he was listed as a Miller.

David enlisted in the War Between the States on May 7th. 1862 at Tunnel Hill Georgia. He was in the 11th GA. Company G Infantry. They fought in most of the major battles with Robert E. Lee. At Gettysburg the 11th Reg. Charged a Yankee Reg., on July 2nd and chased it through Devils Den and advanced as far as Little Round Top. The next day the 11th Reg. pursued and captured a unit of Yankee infantry at the hour when Pickett's charge broke against the union center. Later that year David was near coming home to Walker County to the battle of Chickamauga but was posted at Charleston guarding a train while Longstreet and his men went on to drive the Yankee's from the fields of Chickamauga, GA. The 11th Reg. Rejoined Longstreet at Knoxville, TN. Though the 11th went on with Lee until the end. David was wounded in the 2nd battle of the Wilderness and left on the battlefield. Captured by the Northern Army he became a prisoner of war (May 6, 1864). David was first held a prisoner at Point Lookout Maryland, David arrived here on May 17, 1864. Then he was transferred to Elmira Prison in New York, David arrived here August 14, 1864. David died at Elmira Prison April 10, 1865 (One day after Lee surrendered to Grant). The death report say's David died from pneumonia. David shares a grave with S.H.Pedy of the 42nd VA. Reg. CO. F who is to have died March 30, 1865. Their common grave is located in Wood lawn National Cemetery in New York. Died at Elmira Prison on April 10, 1865 one day after Lee surrendered. He died from pneumonia and is buried in a common grave with S.H. Pedy Co. F 42nd.Va.

Malinda "Linda" Hall born 1825/26 from South Carolina. She died after 1891, and is buried in an unmarked grave in the Rocky Face Baptist Church Cemetery, Sam Love Road, in Whitfield County Georgia. Larry Brooks spoke with Lucille K."Kelly" Watkins4 , the oldest living family member in 1996. She was in her nineties, and verified that Melinda, her grandmother is buried in an unmarked grave at Rocky Face Cemetery. Mrs.Watkins told him that she remembers her mother (Martha Lucinda Josephine "Brooks" Kelly) taking her with her to the cemetery to visit her mothers (Malinda Brooks) grave. She also said that she remembered Walt (Walter O. Brooks3) coming to see them on Sundays, and that he had the best looking horse and buggy in the valley. Malinda's parents ( not proven )are, William Hall born 1802 in South Carolina. He married Sabra Peterson October 19, 1829 in Pickens District, SC.

William Halls parents are Jesse Hall and Hannah Kelly. Sabra Peterson's parents are John Peterson and Fannie Brown. The reason I believe this is Malinda's parents is (1) The 1840 census Murray Co. GA. William has a daughter Malinda's age. (2)After David her Husband didn't come home from the war, she move to Lower Mill Creek Rd. To be near her birth family. (3) She lived next to Thomas J. Hall (William's son) in the 1870 census of Whitfield Co. GA. (4) In GA. Census Malinda is from South Carolina and also her parents.(5) In 1880 she is living near her sister Lucinda (Hall) Wood's (Williams daughter). (6) Malinda had a sister called Aunt "M", and William had a daughter named Emily.

After David never returned home from war, Malinda never married, she raised their children alone. After they were grown and gone from home she lived with one of her son's. On April 17,1891 at the age of 70 she applied for widow's pension. She doesn't show up in any more census and only drew one pension , for 100 dollars. Malinda's Family ( the Hall's) lived in Whitfield Co. The old Hall home place is at 2879 Babb Rd. (Old Dug Gap Rd.) Whitfield Co. Ga. On an 1865 battle map, there was a Hall's Mill at Dugg Gap near the old home place.

1891 Malinda Brooks applied for pension. April 17, 1891 Walker County Ga.
Information submitted by R. Gary Borrks.

Brown, James R.
2nd Louisiana Infantry
James R. Brown, Pvt., Co. F, 2nd La. Infantry. Enlisted May 9, 1862 (age 15), Monroe, La. Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1863. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864 - present. Re-enlisted for the War Feb. 21, 1864. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at Wilderness, VA, May 12, 1864. Received at Pt. Lookout, MD, from Belle Plains, VA, May 18, 1864. Transferred to Elmira, NY, August 15th, 1864. Paroled at Elmira, NY, Feb. 25, 1865. Forwd. to James River for exchange.
Information submitted by Carol Vaughan.

Brown, W.E.
Pvt. Co. B, 1st LA Cav.
En. Sept. 5th. 1861. Baton Rouge. La. Present on all Rolls to June. 1863. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1863. Absent without leave since Oct., 1863. Captured at Clinton. La., Oct. 6th, 1864. Sent to Baton Rouge. La. Oct. 10th, 1864. Recd. at New Orleans. La., Oct. 14th. 1864. Transfd. to Ship Island, Miss., Oct. 20th, 1864. Forwd. to New York Nov. 5th, 1864. Recd, at Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor. Nov. 16th, 1864, thence to Elmira. N. Y., Nov. 20th. 1864. Paroled at Elmira. N. Y., Feb. 13th. Sent to James River and exchanged Reb. 20th to 21st, 1865. Age 17.Died June 30, 1914. Buried Liberty Cemetery, Liberty, Amite County, Ms.

Buchanan, John W.
Pvt 5th Va Inf Co D
4/17/61 Augusta Co. carpenter; age 26; Pvt., Southern Guard,1860; mustered in at Bolivar May 25, 1861; Detached. was wagoner Dec. 1,1861. Sent to hospital Jan. 28,1862. Nurse at Lovingston hospital, Winchester Aug. 16, 1862; detached to make coffins. AWOL and dropped from the rolls Nov. 11,1862, but picked up again, and detached to hospital Lynchburg Mar. 7, 1863; on extra duty at hospital as carpenter in 1864. Wounded. (left thigh) and captured May 12,1864, at Spotsylvania; sent to Old Capitol Prison, and Elmira; exchanged Mar. 2,1865. Living in Nelson Co., 1893.

Buie, Mitchell
18th NC Inf Co. K
Mitchell Buie was born in Bladen County on May 24, 1839, and was by occupation a laborer prior to enlisting in Bladen County at the age of 22 on April 26, 1861. Was present or accounted for until wounded at Cedar Mountain, Va. on August 9, 1862. Returned to duty from September, 1863 until February, 1864, and was present or accounted for until captured at Spotsylvania Courthouse, Va. on May 12, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Md. until transferred to Elmira, NY on August 8, 1864. Died at Elmira on January 23, 1865 of "variola" (aka smallpox).
Information submitted by Kimberly Huber.

Burkett, Evan
Co. A, 1st Al. Art.
Captured at Fort Morgan, transferred to Elmira, NY until release in 1865.

Bush, James S.
Pvt 5th Va Inf Co H
6/1/61 Harpers Ferry age 18; mustered in at Camp Stephens; Wounded. (hand) at Gettysburg. Captured May 12,1864, at Spotsylvania; sent to Elmira; died Oct. 6,1864, of remittent fever. Buried Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira, N. Y. Grave. 647.

Cade, Robert Yancey
Co. I, 4th S. C. Vol Cav
Captured at Trevillian Station of June 11, 1864. His horse ran under a low tree and knocked him out of the saddle. He was taken to Fortress Monroe, Va and transferred to Elmira on July 25, 1864. He took the oath on June 30, 1865.
Information provided by Shelly Paker

Call, Richard P.
Co. E 50th Va. Inf
Richard R. Call was mustered into the Confederate Army ,"Smtyh Grays",at Camp Jackson ( Wytheville,Va. )Wythe County on April25,1861 under the command of Col. Reynolds.He fought in battles in West Va., Tennessee, Kentucky, and Virginia. Richard R. Call had his right ear shot off during the Battle at Spotsylvania Court House (May 8 - May 20,1864). He was taken prisoner here and sent to the Elmira Prison Camp, where he stayed till the end of the war. Richard returned home to Smyth County, Virginia, where he married Mary Louder. Their children were: Mary Lilly Isabel Call, Laura Alice Call, James E. Call, William Washington Call, Sarah E. M. Call and Emmett Hufford Call. The parents of Mary N. Louder were: James B. Louder and Sarah A. McClellan Louder.
Information provided by Donald P. Wall.

Callahan, Jabez, B.
2nd Sgt. Co. B, 16th N.C. Inf.
Enlisted April 29, 1861, at Marshall, N.C. Appointed drummer Aug. 5, 1861. Sent to Chimborazo Hospital #5, Richmond, Va., Dec. 3, 1861 for general debility - diagnosed as enlargement of typhoid gland. Transferred to General Hospital, Dec. 5, 1861. Released to duty Dec 27, 1861. Wounded at Battle of Fredericksburg, VA., Dec. 13, 1862. Made Roll of Honor. In hospital in Lynchburg, Oct. 11, 1863 until after Oct. 31, 1863 (I don't know why). Appointed 2nd SGT. March 22, 1864. Captured at Battle of Plank Road (Wilderness, Va.), May 6, 1864. Taken to Belle Plain, Va., sent to Point Lookout, Md. prison May 17, 1864 then to Elmira, New York prison Aug. 10, 1864. Released June 22, 1865
Information provided by Dennis Callahan

Callis, John R.
Pvt 5th Va Inf Co F
12/5/63 Matthews Co. conscripted; Captured May 19 or 20, 1864; sent to Point Lookout and Elmira. U. S. record states he was "conscripted in service, does not sympathize with the South wishes to take the oath and join relatives in Somerset Co., Mass." Died of chronic diarrhea at Elmira, Nov. 19, 1864, age 46. Buried Grave No. 932. Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira, N.Y.

Cantrell, Wilson Decatur
Pvt., Co E, 14th Georgia Volunteers
Captured near Turkey Bend of the James River in Virginia(near Petersburg) on June 23, 1864. He was exchanged and paroled Prisoner at Camp Lee, (near Richmond.) Although I am unable to find any history of a battle wound, I do know that he told my mother that at the time of the exchange he had a "hurt leg". Considering the brutal conditions at Elmira, I find it most interesting that he also related that his captors almost refused to let him go because they were concerned he would not be able to make the journey from the prison. He related to my mother that he started crying and the captors relented and set him free.
Information submitted by Henry D. Berry.

Carpenter, Eleazar "Eli"
Eleazar "Eli" Carpenter was born in 1816, in Georgia, probably in Putnam County, where his father, John Carpenter, Sr., paid land taxes in 1815. The first record we have of Eli was a bill found in the loose papers of John Carpenter's probate records. This bill shows that Eli charged seven twists of tobacco on the 29th of December 1939 at John and D. M Causey's. Eli probably continued to live at home with his mother, until he married Annzena Norris on the 10th of May 1846 in Troup County, Georgia. She was the daughter of Samuel Norris and his second wife, Mary Elizabeth Stone. Eli Carpenter was listed the first of only two times in the Upson County, Georgia, Tax Digest in 1850, where it shows that he owned no land, and paid forty-four cents for poll tax. Then on the 7th of May 1850, he and George W. Carpenter witnessed a deed for their brother, Hamilton. Eli and Annzena Carpenter were enumerated in the 1850 Federal Census of Upson County, Georgia, living between his brothers, Hamilton and John Carpenter, Jr. They had three children at this time, Mary Ann, age 2, Dilly, age one, and an infant, two months old. Dilly is found in an old bible record as Juley Ellender. She died on the 1st of September 1858. The 1850 census and the bible entries of her birth and death are the only record we have of her. The infant listed was William "Cicero" Carpenter. Eli and Annzena are both shown as being unable to read or write.

Randolph County, Alabama, is just north of Chambers County, Alabama. Its western edge extends a little ways across the top of Tallapoosa County, Alabama. Eli purchased forty acres in this northwest corner of Chambers County on the 25th of February 1856. The Tallapoosa River cuts this corner of Chambers County from the rest of the county, making Eli's land more accessible to the county seat of Randolph County than the county seats of Chambers or Tallapoosa Counties. In 1860, Eli and Annzena were listed on the census of Randolph County, Alabama, although they actually lived in Chambers County. Eli's occupation was given was farmer. Listed in their household were their five living children, Mary A., Cicero, Lorenzo (Alonzo), Laura E., James, and John H. Eli's brother, John Carpenter, Jr., was living with them and is listed as a farmer. In 1861 in Upson County, Georgia, Hamilton Carpenter, acting as agent for Eleazar, paid twenty-five cents poll tax for him. Eleazar was listed as owning thirty-five acres. This is the last record we have of him till he enlisted in the Confederate Army.

At Camp Cooper, Macon, Georgia, on the 8th of April 1863, Eleazar Carpenter volunteered for service, and was he mustered into Company B, Sixty-Fourth Georgia Regiment, Infantry, of the Confederate Army. His rank was private, and he received his first and possibly only pay of $50.00. The Sixty-Fourth was sent to Camp Cobb at Quincy, Florida. They arrived there by the 20th of April 1863. Their orders were to "arrest deserters, sulkers, punish and drive out plunderers and Yankees, collect cattle for the Confederate Government, and help the farmer when possible". During April, May, June, July and August, many of the men of the Sixty-Fourth deserted. The regiment was still stationed at Camp Cobb for Christmas 1863.

On the 20th of February 1864, the Sixty-Fourth, with other troops, were in the battle at Olustee, twelve miles from Jacksonville, Florida, at the Florida Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. 2,000 Confederate troops faced 9,400 Federal Troops. The Confederate soldiers were forced to retreat. J. W. Evans, Commander of the Sixty-Fourth, was severely wounded in the right thigh. Total Confederate casualties that day were 7 officers and 86 men killed, 49 officers and 798 men wounded, and 6 men were missing. The Sixty-Fourth, now commanded by Lieut. Colonel T. W. Brevard, remained in Florida till the 18th of April 1864, when they received orders to proceed to Savannah, Georgia, via Callahan, Florida, Traders Hill, Georgia, and Tebeauville, Georgia. They traveled by train, which was probably slow, with numerous delays en route. Before they could reach Savannah, they were ordered on to Petersburg, Virginia. The First Georgia Regiment was scheduled to go to Petersburg, and the Sixty-Fourth was to replace them in Savannah. But the First Regiment, who were heavy artillerists, were deemed necessary to the defense of Savannah, so the Sixty-Fourth was sent to Petersburg in their place.

The trip from Florida to Savannah, Georgia, and then to Petersburg, Virginia was slow. The railroads were crowded with supplies and troops, all desperately needed somewhere. The Sixty-Fourth had not arrived in Charleston, South Carolina by the 27th of April 1864, but according to one message, "they would be sent on as soon as possible". An order was sent the 15th of May 1864 for the Sixty-Fourth to report to General Hill as soon as they arrived in town. In a letter to General Beauregard, dated 19 May 1864, Major-General Whiting wrote, "We have now but the Sixty-Fourth Georgia Regiment on Swift Creek and the Militia, with Colonel Tate (Sixth Regiment, North Carolina), in town." Assistant Adjutant-General James H. Pearce, issued special Orders No. 10 on The 11th of June 1864, to Headquarters in Petersburg, stating, "the invalid Corps will be stationed at the forks of Baxter and Jerusalem roads. The Sixty-Fourth Georgia Regiment will be stationed from Battery No. 16 to No. 27 inclusive, and Archers Militia from No. 27 extending to the right as far as they will reach".

Late in the afternoon, on the 15th of June 1864, 13,700 Federal Troops commanded by General William Smith, attacked Petersburg, Virginia. General Smith received two more Federal Troops on the 16 of June 1864, giving him a total of 48,000 men. General Beauregard's troops were also reinforced, giving him a total of 14,000 Confederate soldiers. The Sixty-Fourth had probably arrived with this group of men. The Confederates again managed to hold off the Federal Troops. The next day, 17th June 1864, the battle continued with the Confederates coming under heavy artillery bombardment. Eleazar Carpenter, Captain T. J. Pritchell, and many other Confederate soldiers were captured by the Federal troops. These prisoners were first taken to City Point, Virginia, arriving there on the 24th of June 1864. On the 25th of July 1864, they were transferred to Elmira, New York.

Before a Confederate could be paroled, an Oath of Allegiance to the United States was required. On the 30th of September 1864, Eleazar Carpenter made his oath, stating he had volunteered in the Confederate Army to avoid conscription, he was 48 years of age, claimed to be a Union man, and had opposed succession. He was paroled the 11th of October 1864, with other invalid (sick and wounded) prisoners. They were to be taken to Point Lookout, Maryland, for exchange. Eleazar Carpenter, sick and suffering from chronic diarrhea, never made it to Point Lookout, Maryland. On the 13th of October 1864, when the train reached Baltimore, Maryland, he was admitted to the U.S.A. General Hospital, West's building. There he was treated with the customary remedies: tonics, astringents, and stimulants. Medications that would have only made his condition worse. On the 31st of October 1864, Eleazar Carpenter died. He was buried on the 1st of November 1864, in the Confederate lot, grave B-46, in the Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland.

Carson, Andrew M.
A private in Company I, 1st South Carolina Artillery. He enlisted at Charleston, S.C. on January 29, 1862 and was captured at Morris Island, S.C. on July 10, 1863. He was paroled from Elmira Prison on March 10, 1865, and exchanged at Boulware's Wharf, James River, Va. on March 15.
Information submitted by Clyde B. Kinard, Jr.

Cassell, Marion Browne
Co A, 4th Virginia Inf Information submitted by Cathy.

Cavanaugh, John
Sgt Co E 51st Va Inf. Regt.
7/1/61 Nelson C.H.; POW Leesburg 7/15/64 Old Capital Prison, Washington, DC 7/25/64; sent to Elmira 8/12/64; died there of chronic diarrhea 12/5/64; was a native of Ireland who claimed to have happened to be in Richmond when war broke out and couldn't get away (statement made in remarks on the roll of prisoners of war). Buried Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira, NY. Note: Though the muster roll cover shows that Cavanaugh was a Sgt, the records do not show him to rise above rank of Corporal.

Chaplin, Daniel Jenkins
Pvt Co. D 5th SC Cav
Residence: Beaufort Dist., SC. b. 5 Dec 1843, St. Helena Island, Beaufort Dist., SC. 5. 8" tall, dark complexion, dark hair, black eyes, occupation: overseer. Trans. from Co. I, 2d SC Infantry, in exchange with C. S. MARRIOTT, 21 Apr 1863. Capt. at Trevilian Station, VA, 11 Jun 1864, and sent to Elmira, NY. Paroled, 2 Mar 1865, and sent to James River, VA, for exchange. Admitted to Jackson Hospital, Richmond, VA, with pneumonia, 10 Mar 1865. Granted 60-day furlough, 31 Mar 1865. Son of Thomas Benjamin CHAPLIN.
Information provided by Fred Knudsen.

Chapman, Israel
23rd Va Inf Co H
He was captured at some point and taken to Elmira Prison Camp in NY where he later died. Israel enlisted in Company H, 23rd Battalion Virginia Infantry at Wytheville on 1 April 1863. He was captured at Harper Ferry on 8 July 1864 and sent to Old Capitol Prison until transferred to Elmira where he died of diarrhea on 25 October 1864. He is buried in grave # 858.

Clark, Joseph, David
Pvt 52nd Va Inf Co E
Camp of 52nd VA B. Rockbridge Co. 1839? Farmer age 26, Collierstown, Rockbridge Co. 2/64. WIA (left arm and hip) and cap. near Spotsylvania CH 5/19/64. Sent to Point Lookout. Transfer. to Elmira. Released 6/19/65. 5'9" florid complexion, dark hair, gray eyes. Died Collierstown 5/25/02. Buried Collierstown Pres. Ch. Cemetery Brother of James A. and Robert Clark.

Clark, William M.
Pvt 52nd Va Inf Co E
B. Rockbridge Co. 8/21/37. Farmhand age 23, Collierstown PO, 1860 census. Bockbridge Co. rolls. Listed as POW Elmira in "Staunton Vindicator" 12/1/64. NFR. Died 11/21/15. Buried Mt. Moriah Ch. Cemetery, Botetourt Co.

Clements, Bedford Booker
Pvt. 38th Vir. Inf.
He enlisted on 3/17/62 at Republican Grove, Virginia. He was a member of Company F, the Davis Rifle Guards. Clements was admitted to Chimborazo Hospital in Richmond on 8/28/62 with fever, but returned to active duty by 9/16/62. Clements and the 38th fought at a number of major engagements including Seven Pines, Seven Days, Malvern Hill, 2nd Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Gettysburg. The regiment was with Armistead in General Pickett's famous charge. Clements served throughout these engagements until captured near Petersburg on 5/10/64, probably at Chester Station. He was sent to Fort Monroe and then Point Lookout on 5/13/64 and then finally to Elmira on 8/17/64. He died there from neglect and mistreatment on 3/8/65, just weeks before Appomattox. The official cause of death was listed as diarrhea. Bedford B. Clements is buried in the confederate section of Woodlawn National Cemetery.
Information provided by Wallace Owens.

Clodfelter, Henry
Pvt. Co. O 14th NC Inf. Died at Elmira on October 24, 1864 of pneumonia.

Coble, Emsley F.
Pvt. 1st NC Inf. Co. E Participated in Battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court House. Captured Spottsylvania May 12, 1864. Interned Elmira, N.Y. for duration. Supplemented rations as POW by carving trinkets from pieces of wood and bones and bribing guards to sell them in the town of Elmira. Guards also provided him with fresh meat and other foods.

Cochran, Allen
Cochran was born about 1846 in Clarendon County, Sumter District, SC. He died at Elmira Prison Camp and was buried in grave 2373. His brother, John Cochran, was also in the same military regiment: Co. I, 25th SC Inf.
Information provided by Robert Clyde Sapp II.

Cockerham, John H.
He entered service March 18, 1864 when he was 19. He was taken prisoner by the Yankees at Spotsylvania Court House, VA, May 12, 1864 and was sent to Point Lookout, MD, and then to Elmira, NY, August 8, 1864. He died at Elmira September 22, 1864 of "Chronic Diarrhea" He is buried in grave #475 or 8, Woodlawn National Cemetery.
Information provided by Robert Clyde Sapp II.

Cockerham, William M.
Private, Co. A, 28 NC Regt.
William M. Cockerham was born at Surry 27 Sep 1835 to Hugh and Nancy (Roberts) Cockerham, farmers of the Dobson District. William was a farm hand called "Billy" by his family. He volunteered at Dobson 4 May 1861 when he was 25 in the first camp in Surry to organize and leave for training camp. He was wounded near Chancellorsville,, VA, 3 May 1863. He was captured near Wilderness, VA, 12 May 1864 and a POW at Point Lookout, MD. He was then sent to Elmira Prison, NY, 12 AUG 1864, received a parole from there 14 Mar 1865 and was sent for exchange 18-21 Mar to Boulware's Wharf, James River, VA. Date of release not known.
Information provided by Robert Clyde Sapp II.

Cockrell, Quintus Jupitus
Co. G, 5th Al. Inf.
Quintus Jupitus Cockrell was captured at Chancellorsville was sent to Elmira Prison. At the end of the war he was not released right away because he refused to sign a letter of condolences for Lincoln's widow and was not released until July of 1865.
Information provided by Nelson Haldane

Coffman, Benjamin Franklin
Pvt 52nd Va Inf Co G

·  8/2/61 Staunton B. Va. 1843?

·  Farmhand, age17, Burkes Mill Dist., Augusta Co. 1860 census.

·  Ab. sick 12/11/61-4/62.

·  Ab. on leave 4/30-8/31/62.

·  Present 9/1/62-4/63.

·  AWOL 7/25-9/24/63.

·  Present in arrest 9/25/-12/31/63.

·  CM 1/19/64. In hospital Richmond with "cattarrhus" 3/7-9/64 and returned to Castle Thunder. Sentence remitted 7/7/64. Issued clothing 4/21 and 27/64.

·  WIA and cap. near Spotsylvania CH 5/20/64. Sent to Point Lookout. "16 years old and wants to take oath and go to his sister's in Pa."

·  Transfer. to Elmira. Applied to take oath 8/64. "Will be 17 on the 10th of October1864. Attempted to desert 7/23/63 but was captured and kept in prison 9 months" . Released 5/29/65, 5' 61/2", fair complexion, light hair, blue eyes, resident of Harrisonburg. Buried in old Coffman Cemetery, located 1 mile north of Barren Ridge, Augusta Co., on farm of John C. Driver.


Coffman, David Jayne
Pvt 7th Va Cav
"David J. Coffman was in Company D, of the 7th Virginia Cavalry; a rather well known unit ("Ashby's Cavalry") with roots in the Shenandoah Valley (including Page County). Company D was organized in Page County in early June, 1861 and joined the rest of the regiment after June 19, 1861. The 7th Virginia Cavalry regimental history roster provided the following:

·  Coffman, David J. Pvt., Co. D. Born circa 1839.

·  Description: age 23, 5'9", florid complexion, black hair and dark eyes, and was a farmer residing in Page County.

·  Enlisted at Luray (Page Co.) on April 1, 1862.

·  Captured at Darkesville (now WV, just below Martinsburg) on December 11, 1862. He was on picket duty when captured (it is noted that his horse was also captured). He was sent to Cumberland, MD , then to Wheeling, WV to be confined in the Atheneum Prison (Dec. 14, 1862).

·  Transferred to Camp Chase, OH (Dec.15, 1862).

·  Transferred to Camp Douglas, Cairo, IL, to be exchanged (Dec.24, 1862). Paroled and sent to City Point, VA, April 6, 1863 to be exchanged.

·  Returning to active service with his regiment, his horse was killed in action near Culpeper Courthouse, VA on Sept. 13, 1863, for which he was paid $575.

·  Sick and not present for duty, Feb 3, 1864. - Apr. 30,1864.

·  Captured a second time near Bowling Green, VA (Milford Station) on May 20, 1864. Sent to Port Royal, VA then to Pt. Lookout , MD (May 30,1864. Transferred to Elmira, NY. Took the oath and was released June 26, 1865. Listed as a resident of Urbana, O. (OH?)."

Here is a letter from David J., originally sent to his older brother Albert in Ohio, but later forwarded to Lincoln, Logan Co., Illinois and eventually in the possession of his eldest brother, my great grandfather Jos. Wm. Coffman.

"Camp Chase Dec. 16th 1862
Dear Brother Albert,
I embrace this present opportunity of writing you a few lines to let you know that I sill live, but unfortunately I am a prisoner confined at Camp Chase near Columbus. Frank Youell and several other men are with me. We were Captured on last Thursday, the 11th, near Martinsburg Va. We came to this place from Wheeling last night. I presume you have not heard that Papa is no more. He died on the morning of the 15th of Apr. last. His disease was dropsy in the chest. Old Father Booten preached his funeral. The words of his text you will find in Paul's 1st letter to the Corinthians, fifteenth Chapter, twenty-first (line illegible) and five days old. I cannot write any more this time. I want you to come and see me as soon as you get this letter for I do not know how long I will stay here. If you cannot come you must write immediately and Direct Camp Chase Ohio, Prison No. 2, Mess no. 3
D. J. Coffman

I received a letter from home about two weeks ago. They were all well. Let me (hear) from Joseph"

From the diary of Joseph William Coffman, as published in the Illinois State Genealogical Society Quarterly: , Vol XIX, No. 3, Fall 1987.
[NOTE: The "Papa" in the letter was Benjamin T. (for Taylor, I believe) Coffman (sometimes spelled Kauffman, as the original German-Swiss name), youngest son of Martin "White House" Kauffman and grandson of Martin Kauffman, Sr., one of the original founders of the Massanutten Settlement (1729) in the Shenandoah of Virginia.]

Information provided by Frank Coffman.


Colgin, Richard E.
Age 21 upon enlisted with Co. D, 10th Texas Infantry, at Camp Brazos, near Millican, Brazos County, Texas, April 1, 1862. According to the 1860 Texas Census, Colgin was a farmer, living with his mother and two brothers, at Fairfield, Freestone County; they were all Tennessee born. His brothers, Charles and Saladin, were also members of Co. D, 10th Texas Infantry.

Pvt. Colgin was admitted sick to a hospital at Little Rock, Arkansas, on August 12, 1862. Pvt. Richard Colgin's last available record listed him "Absent In Trans Miss Dept".

Richard Colgin married his wife, Harriet E., at Fairfield, Freestone County, Texas, on July 9, 1876. Richard E. Colgin made the following affidavit on behalf of the Widow's Pension Mrs. Alma Tull, wife of the late Isaac Tull, at Freestone County, Texas, on July 10, 1913:

This is to certify that I was personally acquainted with Isaac Tull deceased. Having known him since 1838 or near that time. He enlisted in Co. D, 10th Texas infantry in 1861 Camp Virginia point near Galveston under Captain Wilson, Nelsons Regiment, Walkers Division, Trans Mississippi department. after Nelsons death, R. Q. Mills was our colonel. after the fall of the Arkansas Post about half of our Co. escaped, and reported at Little Rock and John Watson was appointed our Captain and attached to Young’s Brigade in May 1864. We were mounted as Cavelry.  And after the Battle of Naches Miss Our Capt John Watson was killed 5th of August 1864 and I was captured and sent to Elmira Prison. We were in the same Co during the war and associated together before and after the war. I can testify that he was a good Citizen and a good soldier.

Very Resp
R E Colgin

Know all Men by these present, That this Is a correct statement of all I know off Isaac Tull.
Witness my Office and Seal, This the 10 day of
July 1913.
Signed J. B.
Watson Jr.
Notary Public of Freestone Co. Tex.

Colgin, along with Larry Clark and Matthew M. Drake, all residents of Cotton Gin, Freestone County, Texas, testified on behalf of the widow of William Brooks, for her Pension, on August 4, 1899. Richard E. Colgin died on July 9, 1922; after which time his wife, Annie E. Colgin applied for a Widow's Pension. A native of Adair County, Kentucky, she was 76 years old when she applied at Teague, Texas, on November 16, 1923. Mrs. Bonner's application was approved on December 14, 1923; she died in the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. C. Keys, at Teague, Texas, on December 21, 1932. The following letter was enclosed in Mrs. Colgin's Widow's Pension file:

Mercedes, Texas.

March 17, 1937.
Hon. Charley Lockhart,
State Treasurer,
Austin, Texas.

Dear Sir:
My Grandfather, Richard Ewing Colgin was a Confederate Veteran and I would like to get his war record in order to keep it in the family. His widow, Annie Elizabeth Colgin, received a pension up to the time of her death a few years ago. If you can furnish me a copy of his record I will appreciate it very much if you will send it to me. If there are any charges, kindly advise me the amount and I will remit promptly. If you cannot furnish me a copy, I will appreciate it if you will tell me from whom I can get it.

Thanking you very kindly, I am.
Yours very truly
Mrs. Mae F. Irby

According to the 1976 book, Freestone County Cemeteries, Richard E. Colgin's headstone (in the Cotton Gin Cemetery at Fairfield, Freestone County, Texas) reads that he was born on December 31, 1839, and died on July 9, 1922.
Information submitted by Scott McKay.


Collins, John R.
Pvt 5th Va Inf Co F. Captured, date and place unknown. Sent to Elmira. Died of disease Nov. 19,1864. Buried Woodlawn National Cemetery Grave No. 969.

Collins, William H.
Pvt 5th Va Inf Co G
4/28/61 Staunton; Promoted from Cpl. to Sgt., Oct. 3, 1862. In Chimborazo hospital, June 5-8, 1863, with scurvy. Captured May 20, 1864; sent to Elmira; took the oath June 16, 1865; and "desires to go to Hope, Ind.".

Cooley, William C.
Pvt. Co. E 14th NC Inf. Died at Elmira on June 10, 1865 of chronic diarrhoea.

Cope, Daniel
Pvt. 4th SC Cav. Co. E
Captured at Hawe's Shop. Taken prisoner at Point Lookout Prison Camp, Maryland and transferred to Elmira Prison Camp in 1864 until end of the war. Died Savannah, Georgia in 1880

Cox, Jacob
Pvt 52nd Va Inf Co I
7/16/61 Staunton B. Rockbridge Co. 12/1/40. Farmhand, age 19, Burkes Mill Dist., Augusta Co. 1860 census. Present 11/61-4/62. Reenlisted 5/1/62. AWOL 9/12-10/31/62. Present1-4/63. WIA (back) Gettysburg 7/3/63. Ab. wounded 7/4-10/63. Present11-12/63. Issued clothing 3/16, 4/1, 22 and 29/64. Cap. Bethesda Church5/30/64. Sent to Point Lookout. Transfer. to Elmira. Released 6/30/65.Resident of Staunton, 5' 9", fair complexion, light hair, hazel eyes. Farmer, age 29, Fishersville PO, Augusta Co. 1870 census. Died near Old Providence Pres. Ch. 1/2/87 and Buried in Cemetery there.

Cox, Thomas Henry
Pvt 52nd Va Inf Co A

·  7/15/61 Staunton B. Augusta Co.

·  2/24/39. Farmhand, age 21, Burkes Mill Dist., Augusta Co. 1860 census.

·  Present 11/61-4/62.

·  Reenlisted 5/1/62.

·  Present 8/31/62-12/31/63.

·  Promoted 3rd Cpl. 64.

·  Issued clothing 4/21/64.

·  Cap. Bethesda Church 5/30/64.

·  Sent to Point Lookout. Transfer. to Elmira.

·  Released 6/30/65.

·  Resident of Staunton, fair complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, 5' 8".

·  Farmer, age 31, Mt. Sidney PO, Augusta Co. 1870 census. Died Augusta Co. 12/15/11. Buried Hildebrand Mennonite Ch. Cemetery, Madrid, Augusta Co.


Crabtree, Albert and W. J. (also W. I.)
The Union prisoners of war records show W. J. Crabtree (also borne as W. I. Crabtree). Company K, 44th Tennessee Infantry, Confederate States Army, was captured at Tullahoma, Tennessee, July 3, 1863, and was released, to go to his home, upon taking the oath of allegiance at Tullahoma, July 9, 1863. No later record has been found of this soldier. The J. W. referred to in this note was his brother, Jerome Wilson Crabtree. He was a Pvt. in C.S.A., Co K, 44th TN Inf. captured July 7, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. and taken to Elmira Prison in NY with Albert M. Crabtree.

Albert M. Crabtree, another brother, enlisted in CSA August 24, 1861. He served in B Co. 23rd Rgt. TN Inf. and was promoted from Private to1st Cpl and then to 2nd Cpl. Wounded in Battle of Perryville, Ky. Captured in Battle of Petersburg, VA June 17, 1864. Sent to Elmira, NY Prison July 30, 1864. Died of pneumonia February 21, buried February 22, 1865. He is buried in Woodlawn National Cemetery in Elmira, NY, grave #2319 Jonathan Nathaniel Crabtree, another brother, was reportedly killed in the Battle of Stones River.

Craig, Joseph Talkington

·  Born: 28 Jan 1841 Lafayette Co., MS to Samuel H & Amarrella CRAIG.

·  Died: 16 Dec 1890 Atlanta, GA

·  M1: Texas Adelia PARIS (b: 12 Mar 1847 to George Washington & Mary Caroline Rogers PARIS), m: 18 Feb 1867, Lafayette Co., MS.

  • Ch: Mary Amarella Craig (m: Marion Franklin WILSON, Atlanta, GA)

·  M2: Augusta L STEARN (b: 11 Aug 1855 to Henry & Susan F Tillory STEARN, Bullock Co., AL)m: May 24, 1877 in Union Springs, Bullock Co., AL

  • Ch: Samuel b: May 1879, d: 8 Nov 1931
  • Frances b: Dec 1880 (m: Claud LANGFORD, Atlanta, GA) 1880
  • Vivian (male) twin b: June 1883
  • Norma (female) twin b: June 1883

Joined 1st Regiment Mississippi Calvary, also known as Company B, Woods Regiment Confederate Calvary and Wirt Adams Regiment Calvary C.S.A. on August 28,1861 in Memphis, TN. He participated in the defense of Vicksburg and was taken prisoner at the Battle of Champion Hill, near Greenville, Miss., on May 14, 1863. He was 'received' at Ft Delaware, Delaware June 15, 1863; was moved to Point Lookout, Maryland on Sept 22 1863, then transferred to Elmira on Aug 16 1864. He was paroled March 10 1865 and sent to James River, VA for Exchange, being receipted for at Boulware's Wharf, James River, VA March 15, 1865 by W H Hatch Assistant Agent of Exchange, a Confederate official. He returned home to Miss, were widowed 10 Sep 1873 and remarried in 1877. He then removed to Atlanta, GA., where he died. Information taken from War Department correspondence, Widow's Pension application, census and family records.
Submitted by Freddie Brunson.


Craig, Peter David
Born on July 19, 1838 in Henry County, Virginia. He moved to the Rock Castle community of Patrick County and became a farmer. He married Sallie Wood and they had one child before the "War Between the States" began. Peter enlisted as a private in the 42nd VA Infantry, Co. G. at Martinsville, VA. He was captured at Spotsylvania Court House On May 12, 1864. He was sent to Point Lookout POW camp where he stayed until August 3, 1864. He was transferred to Elmira, NY where he suffered until February 20, 1865. He was sent to James River for prisoner exchange. After the war, he came home and he and Sallie had 9 more children! Peter Craig died May 28, 1929 and is buried beneath a big old' pine tree in the Lone Ivy community of Patrick County.
Submitted by Beverly Wood

Craig, Thomas
Brother of Peter David Craig. Enlisted in the 42nd VA Inf. Co. G on March 10, 1862. He was promoted to Sergeant, but was captured with Peter at Spotsylvania Court House on May 12, 1864. He, too was sent to Point Lookout where he stayed until August 3, 1864, when he was transferred to Elmira. He remained at Elmira until June 27, 1865 when he was released on oath.
Submitted by Beverly Wood

Craven, Sr., Benjamin Franklin
3rd Regiment NC State Troops
The following information is out of the books "Craven - 280 years with Peter Craven Family" and the "North Carolina Troops : 1861-1865". Benjamin Franklin Craven, Sr. was born in 1832 in Randolph Co., NC and died Elmira, NY 18 Feb 1865. He married in 1857, Randolph Co., to Molsy T. Craven. They had two children Asenath L. (daughter) and a son Benjamin Franklin Craven, Jr. Benjamin joined the 3rd Regiment North Carolina State Troops, Company H, "Bladen Volunteers". He enlisted at the age of 25, July 17, 1862, for the war. He was present or accounted for until captured near Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, May 12, 1864. He was confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, until transferred to Elmira, New York, August 10, 1864. He died at Elmira on February 18, 1865, of "pneumonia".
Information provided by Donald D. Smart.

Crawford, William
Served in the Civil War and was a prisoner of war at Elmira Prison Camp in Elmira, NY. Died the day before he was supposed to come home. Married Mary Elizabeth (Darnell???) Had a daughter named Wilhemina.

Creekmore, Alexander O.
15 Vir Cav.
Dies 09/26/1864 and buried in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Creekmore, Malachi
Co. F, 15 Vir Inf.
Dies 09/22/1864 and buried in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Crickenberger, Daniel D.
Sgt. Co. G, 10 Virginia Inf.
Captured May 12, 1864, Spotsylvania Courthouse (mule shoe), Va. Sent to Point Lookout, Md. May 14, 1864 then to Elmira N.Y. August 2, 1864.

Crites, Elam T.
25th VA Inf
A 5th Sgt in the 25th VA Infantry. Enlisted in Buckhannon WV on 27May61 at about age 19. In the hospital a lot during the war with a leg wound. Confined in Elmira Prison. After the war, lived in Grafton WV (1880 census).

Elam T. Crites b. 1841 m. Judith Morrisett on 3/11/1869 in Upshur Co, WV. Farmer. Elam was the son of Jonas & Catherine McVaney Crites. 5 ft 8in tall.
Information provided by Diane Stewart.

Crocker, William D.
25th VA Inf
Seaman aboard the CSS Bombshell. The CSS Bombshell, an armed steamer with a complement of about 37 personnel, is believed to have originally been a U.S. Army transport of the same name, which had been sunk, April 18, 1864, by Confederate batteries in Albemarle Sound, North Carolina. Raised by the Confederates, she was transferred into their naval service, but was recaptured in Albemarle Sound, when she accompanied the CSS Albemarle and the steamer Cotton Plant during the attack on the Union Naval vessels, Mattabesett, Wyalusing, Whitehead and Sassacus, May 5, 1864. Crocker was captured and taken aboard the USS Sassacus. With less than three weeks in operation, the Bombshell may have had the shortest service life of any of the Confederate Naval vessels. He died March 25, 1865, at Elmira Prison Camp, New York, and is interred at the Prison Cemetery.

Croft, Jacob, Jr.
Pvt 52nd Va Inf Co A

·  7/15/61 Staunton B. Augusta Co.

·  5/14/43. Farmhand, age 17, Burkes Mill Dist., Augusta Co. 1860 census.

·  Ab. on Leave12/6/61-5/1/62.

·  Present 1/6-4/62.

·  Reenl.5/1/62.

·  Present 8/31/62-11/63.

·  Ab. on leave 12/23-31/63.

·  Promoted 4thCpl. '64.

·  Cap. Bethesda Ch. 5/30/64.

·  Sent to Point Lookout. Transfer. to Elmira.

·  Released 6/30/65.

·  Resident of Staunton, fair complexion, auburn hair, blue eyes, 5' 9". Farmer and Florist, Annex, Augusta Co. 1897. Member, Stonewall Jackson Camp CV, Staunton.

·  Died on New Hope Road 3 miles from Staunton 8/11/13.

·  Buried Croft family Cemetery, on Rt. 2548/10's mile east of intersection with Rt. 714, Augusta Co. Brother of Samuel A. Croft.


Croft, Jacob S.
Pvt 52nd Va Inf Co C

·  7/16/61 Staunton B. Augusta Co.

·  1837? Farmhand, age 23, Burkes Mill Dist., Augusta Co. 1860 census. Enl. age23.

·  Present 11/61-4/62.

·  Reenlisted. 5/1/62.

·  WIA (neck) Port Republic 6/9/62.

·  AWOL 6/9/62-3/10/63, fined $99.00.

·  Present 4/30-12/31/63.

·  Issued clothing 4/27/64.

·  Cap. Bethesda Ch. 5/30/64.

·  Sent to Point Lookout. Transfer. to Elmira.

·  Released 6/30/65.

·  Resident of Staunton, 5' 10", dark complexion, dark hair, dark eyes, illiterate Farmhand, age 36, Mt. Sidney PO, Augusta Co. 1870 census. Died Beverly Manor Dist., Augusta Co. 2/14/84.


Crouch, John R
2nd NC, Co I
His full name is Crouch, John R.: Private, resided in Davidson County (NC) and enlisted in Wake County (NC) at age 21, August 18, 1862 for the war. …captured at Mechanicsville, Virginia, May 31, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland until transferred to Elmira, New York, July 8, 1864. Died at Elmira on October 26, 1864, of "typhoid pneumonia."(N.C. Troops 1861-1865, Vol. III, p. 464).
Information provided by Richard Barnes.

Coker, William
Pvt. 4th SC Cav. Co. A
Private from Chesterfield County, SC. Prisoner of War at Elmira, NY.

Crum, Jacob
Pvt 52nd Va Inf Co D
7/61 B. Va. 1819? Not on muster rolls. Cap. date and place unknown. Listed as POW Elmira 12/1/64, in "Staunton Vindicator". Served to end of war. Died Augusta Co. 5/2/05. Buried Green Hill Cemetery, Churchville.

Cundiff, Giles, John and James
Pvt. 58th Va Inf, Co. E
Giles was born in Franklin County Virginia on January 15, 1842. He along with two of his brothers, John W. and James A., enlisted at Union Hall, VA (Pasley's Store) on July 24, 1861.

Giles, who was 18 at the time he enlisted, was captured at Spotsylvania Courthouse on 5/1/1864 and sent to Pt. Lookout and Elmira. He was released on June 30, 1865. He later married a Matilda Hutts, but never fathered any children. He died in Roanoke, VA June 3, 1909 and is buried beside his wife at the Old Bethel Church in Franklin County, VA.

John W. died in 1861 at Camp McCulloch, Highland County, Virginia of measles.

James A. Cundiff was my great-great-grandfather. He was at the surrender at Appomattox and died October 11, 1914. He was married twice and fathered 14 children.
Information submitted by Linda B. Nezbeth

Cupp, James O.
He was captured near Petersburg on June 14, 1864.He was sent to Elmira and arrived on July 27 1864.He was than sent to Point Lookout Maryland , for exchange on February 25, 1865. He was a Private in the 63rd Tennessee Infantry, Company C.
Information submitted by Marticia Warner Queen.

Currin, Walter
Co I, 23rd NC Inf
Enlisted in CSA Army in Granville County, NC. Died Elmira Prison of smallpox 2/13/65. Buried Woodlawn National Cemetery.
Information submitted by Craig Watson.

Daniel, Lawson
Born December 18, 1819 in Dale, Alabama; died April 14, 1865 in Elmira Prison, New York; married Emiline Tabor February 10, 1841 in Orange Hill, Washington, Florida.

Jacob DeVaultDaVault, Jacob Witt
Lt. 50th Va. Inf
Lt. Jacob Witt DaVault 50th Va Inf was a prisoner at Elmira having been captured at Spotsylvania on (as I recall) May 12, 1864. He was originally shipped to Maryland where, as family history has it, there were rumors of separating the officers from their men and so he removed his insignia and was sent to Elmira. Same oral history describes his tenure there as living in a pigpen. Many of his men died but he survived and lied about where his home was (actually Jonesville, Va) upon release. He refused to wear clothes colored blue the rest of his life. I am fascinated with his will to live as I have done a little research on his unit and find he was in several major engagements including Fort Donelson where he gain his officer's commission, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg (at Culp's Hill) the Wilderness (where they shot so many holes in his purple blanket that he eventually threw it up into the branches of a tree) and finally Spotsylvania. As best as I can tell, by his units final defense of the apex of the Salient, they were reduced by over 75% of original strength and he was the last surviving officer. They were overrun by Grant's troops in what I understand was several hours of hand to hand combat in the darkness and he was captured. I am thankful for his tenacity as he did not sire a family until after the war and had he not persevered, I would not be here.
Information provided by Bill Liles.

Daniels, Leroy R.
Corp. 51st NC, Co. F
Enlisted at Nichols Depot, South Carolina, May 1, 1862, for the war. Mustered in as Private. Promoted to Corporal on February 29, 1864. Present and accounted for until captured at Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 1, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, June 11, 1864. Transferred to Elmira, New York, July 12, 1864. Paroled at Elmira on March 10, 1865. Received at Boulware's Wharf, James River, Virginia, March 15, 1865, for exchange.

Davis, Alpheus
2nd NC Inf Co. G
He actually served in Co. G, 2nd Battalion N.C. Infantry: Private: Resided in Davidson County (NC) and enlisted in Forsyth County (NC) at age 18, January 1, 1864 for the war. …. captured July 10, 1864 at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. Confined at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, DC, and transferred to Elmira, New York, July 23-25, 1864. Died at Elmira, November 26, 1864 of "chronic diarrhoea."(N.C. Troops 1861-1865, Vol. III, p. 322)
Information submitted by Richard Simmons.

Deana (Deans), Dempsey
7th NC, Co E (formerly 2nd NC Co E)
His name is actually Deans, Dempsey: Private, born in Nash County (NC) where he resided as a farmer prior to enlisting in Wilson County (NC) at age 25, May 25, 1861 for the war. …. Captured at Wilderness, Virginia May 5, 1864, and confined at Point Lookout, Maryland until transferred to Elmira, New York, July 22, 1864. Died at Elmira on January 13, 1865 of "variola." (N.C. Troops 1861-1865, Vol. IV, p. 455)
Information provided by Richard Barnes.

DeFreese, Joseph
Jeff Davis Artillery
My gggrandfather was in the Alabama division of the Jeff Davis Artillery. He was captured in May of 1864 at either Spotsylvania and Wilderness Battles. He was first taken to Point Lookout and then transferred to Elmira Prison. He was later exchanged for Union prisoners. From what we can determine, he was sent to Fort Morgan or Fort Monroe in Virginia where he died November 4, 1864 (not sure of this date).
Information provided by Judy Muscato.

Dehart, Henry C.
Pvt Co H 51st Va Inf. Regt.

·  POW Frederick, Md. 7/10/64

·  Old Capitol Prison 7/17/64 to Elmira 7/25/64

·  Elmira Prison roll remarks: volunteered 3/20/62 to avoid conscription; desires to go to Indiana where he has relatives residing; exchanged at Elmira 3/2/65; Chimborazo 3/10/65 chronic diarrhea.


Dempsey, John Allen
Col D 48th Virginia Infantry
John Dempsey enrolled for active service May, 18, 1861 at Marion, Smyth County, Virginia to serve one year. He was captured May 12, 1864 at Spottsylvania Court House Battle, Virginia and arrived at Prisoners of War Camp at Point Lookout. He was there until July 30, 1864 and then transferred to Elmira, New York where he was held until May 15, 1865. His name appears on the Roll of Prisoners of War at the Headquarters Prison Camp, Elmira, New York dated January 31, 1865 as desirous of taking the oath of allegiance to the United States.
Information provided by Shirley Gentes.

Denmark, Malachi H.
Wounded by a gunshot in the right shoulder in the Battle of the Wheatfield, July 2, 1863 at Gettysburg. He was captured and sent, first to Point Lookout, and then to Elmira.
Information provided by Steven Denmark.

Deviney, Robert
Co. G, 12th NC Inf
My great grandfather, Robert Deviney was a resident of Cleveland Co., NC, a farmer and father of four small children when he enlisted at age 28 in Wake Co., NC. He was posted to Co. G, 12th NC Infantry. Relatives told me that he died at Elmira on 2 Dec 1864. Robert's father, Jenkins Deviney, was one of six sons of Robert Black Deviney of Rutherford Co., NC. Each of Robert's six sons had at least one boy that fought in NC units. My great grandfather was one of three (possibly four) of his grandsons that died during the war.

The cemetery pictures indicate headstones mark the gravesites today, leading me to hope that a marker may exist for Robert Deviney. I would be willing to pay any reasonable charge to confirm this information on Robert's death, and to get a picture of his headstone. If someone is willing to do this, I would be grateful if you would put me in touch with them.
Submitted by Bob DeViney

Douglass, James E.
Pvt. 51st NC, Co. F
Born in Robeson County where he resided as a laborer prior to enlisting in Robeson County at age 18, March 10, 1862. Present or accounted for until captured at Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 1, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, June 11, 1864. Transferred to Elmira, New York, July 12, 1864. Released at Elmira on July 3, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance.

Duke, Elisha
Company A, 13th Regiment, Georgia Infantry. Iron Cross
Moved from Houston Co. to Worth County in 1906, and to Colquitt County in Nov. of 1913. Received pension in Worth Co.1906 to 1913. Buried in Live Oak Cemetery, Colquitt City, Ga.

Birth date is shown in some records as 1837 vice 1835.

CSA records from National Archives, Microcopy #266, roll 277

·  May 5, 1862---Enlisted in CSA

·  Jan 19, 1863---CSA Gen Hosp, Charlottesville, Va---Pneumonia

·  Feb 10,1863---Back to Duty

·  May 16, 1863---Gen Hosp #9, Richmond, Va---transferred to Chimborazo #2

·  May 16, 1863---Chimborazo Hosp #2, Richmond, Va---Debility

·  May 18, 1863---transferred to CSA Gen Hosp, Danville, Va--Dysentery

·  July 15, 1863---Furloughed

·  May 20, 1864---Captured at Spotsylvania

·  May 23 1864---Arrived at Belle Plains, Va.

·  July 3, 1864---transferred to Elmira, N. Y.

·  Mar 2, 1865---Paroled at Elmira, N. Y.

·  Mar 2, 1865---Admitted Jackson Hosp, Richmond, Va.

·  Mar 8, 1865---Furloughed for 3 days

·  Mar 9, 1865---Gen Hosp Camp Winder, Richmond, Va

1906---Elisha and Sarah apparently moved to Worth County, and lived there until Nov. 1913, when they moved to Colquitt. He drew a CSA pension while in Worth City and had a pension of $60 per annum until his death on Oct. 17,1915. Sarah was still living at that time and applied for a pension on 10/27/1916 in Colquitt City.

Dunlap, Robert Bailey
Pvt 52nd Va Inf Co A

·  7/16/61 Staunton B. Augusta Co. 9/3/39.

·  Farmer, age 25, Burkes Mill Dist., Augusta Co. 1860 census.

·  Present 11/61-4/62.

·  Reenlisted. 5/1/62. WIA (hip) Port Republic 6/9/62.

·  Ab. wounded through 8/31/63. WIA (middle of clavicle) and cap. Bethesda Ch.

·  5/30/64. Admitted to 1st Div., 5th Army Corps, Army of Potomac Hospital near Hanover Junction. Sent to Old Capitol Prison, Washington.

·  Transfer. to Elmira. Exchanged Savannah, Ga. 11/15/64.

·  Paroled Staunton 5/16/65.

·  Age 32, 6', dark complexion, black hair, black eyes. Dr. Hunter McGuirere moved mini ball from bladder 1874. Farmer, North River Dist., Augusta Co. 1885. Died near Lone Fountain, Augusta Co. 12/19/34. Buried Green Hill Cemetery


Eagles, Robert Anderson
Co. H, 42nd Vir. Inf.
Captured at Spotsylvania. Shipped up to Elmira. He was released on Oath of Allegiance. He was in the war from 1862-1865 and saw an incredible amount of action. Wounded in at Chimborozzo.
Information provided by C. Eagle-Romaine

Easters (Estes), John Andrew Matthew
Pvt. Co.G,18th SC Inf
He was captured between Petersburg and Richmond, VA., May 20,1864. He served the last 9 months of the war in Elmira prison and was paroled March 24,1865. He returned home to Gaffney County, SC where he died at age 79 years, Born: August 6,1839; Died: February 18,1919;

Eason, William
Cobb's Legion Co. B " Bowdon Volunteers''
William was born in 1840 ( month and day unknown at this time ), the third child of 11 born to Thomas Eason and Nancy Bryant Eason. He was one of five brothers to go to war to fight for Southern Independence and the only one to survive. He enlisted with Cobb’s Legion Co. B. " Bowdon Volunteers " on 7 July 1861 by Capt. McDaniel. He had a surgical discharge on 19 Oct.1861 but re-enlisted in Nov. of 1862. Was captured at Sharpsburg (Antietam as the Yankees call it ) and was sent to Ft. McHenry and was on the roll of prisoner’s 17 Oct.1862 and was sent to Ft. Monroe for exchange. William was wounded 3 May 1863 at Chancellorsville. Wounds were to his left leg and shoulder and he was admitted to Chimborazo Hospital #2 on 27 May 1863. He was furloughed for 40 days on 10 June 1863 were he went back home to Bowdon Ga. and was married to Rachel Minerva Johnson on 14 July 1863. William was captured again at Front Royal Va. on 16 Aug.1864 and was transferred from the Old Capital Prison to Elmira. He arrived on 14 Oct. 1864 and was exchanged on 29 Oct. 1864. I do not know what happened to him from this point till the end of the war. He returned home where he fathered 9 children and died after a short illness at the age of 40. He died on 12 June 1880 in Bowdon Ga. and is buried at Indian Creek Baptist Church in Bowdon.
Information submitted by Lee Heron.

Edge, Marshall
Co. F 24 N.C. Reg
Resided in Bladen County, N.C. prior to the war. Enlisted as a private at Petersburg, Va., at age 19, Nov. 1, 1861. Captured at Petersburg, June 17,1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Md. and transferred to Elmira on July 27,1864. Released June 19,1865. Returned to Bladen County, N.C. where he married and had four children. Died June 29,1899 and is buried at Old Suggs Grove Church in Bladen County.
Information submitted by Mike Edge.

Eller, Jacob F.

Enlisted at age 28 in Rowan Co., GA. on 03/24/62. Died at Elmira, NY of variola on 03/10/65. Captured at Cold Harbor, VA 06/03/64.

Eller, Jacob F.

Enlisted at age 20 in Townes Co. GA. on 08/24/61. Died at Elmira, NY of variola on 02/09/65. Captured at Front Royal 08/16/64.

Elliot, Julius A.
Musician, 49th NC Inf.
Julius A. Elliott was born on 2 Feb 1838 in Rowan Co., NC. He died on 17 Apr 1903 in Johnson Co., TN. He was buried JOHNSON CO., TN in Mountain View Cemetery, Mountain City. Julius was a musician in the NC 49th Regiment, CSA. He was captured at Drewey's Bluff, VA and sent to Elmira Prison Camp in NY. After the death of his 1st wife, he went to Watauga Co., NC where he met Martha, his 2nd wife. Census: 1850 - Macon Co., NC; 1860 - Rowan Co., NC; 1880 - 9th District, Johnson Co., TN; 1900 - 2nd District, Johnson Co., TN. Parents: Samuel ELLIOTT and Nancy Caroline HALL. He was married to Naomi DOBBINS on 9 Apr 1860 in Rowan Co., NC. Children were: Nancy E. ELLIOTT, William R. ELLIOTT. He was married to Martha E. GREER on 15 Nov 1867 in Watauga Co., NC. Children were: Floy (Mary Floy) ELLIOTT, Nora Mae ELLIOTT, Hattie V. ELLIOTT.

Ellis, Gabriel Richard
21 Ala Inf
Gabriel Richard Ellis was born in May, 1845, in the Cottage Hill area ten miles west of Mobile, Alabama. He was the brother of Olena Pauline Ellis (who married Henry Simeon David) and Gabriella Josephine Ellis (who married Abram Davis, brother of Henry Simeon Davis). During the Civil War, he served in the 21st Alabama Infantry. He was captured at Shiloh, Tennessee, in 1862 and sent to Camp Douglas prison outside of Chicago, Illinois. After being repatriated, he rejoined his regiment at the Fort Morgan area of operations (Navy Cove). He was captured again after the fort's surrender and was sent to Elmira prison camp in 1864. He was released at the war's end in 1865.

G.R. Ellis survived the war, but, unfortunately, his brother William did not. On May 26, 1864, William H. Ellis of G Company, 38th Alabama Regiment, was killed at the battle of New Hope Church near Atlanta, Georgia.

After the war, Gabriel Ellis became a Methodist minister and married Alvira Elizabeth Davis. She died at the age of 26 in 1881. In 1882, he remarried to Cornelia Havens of the Vancleave, Mississippi, area.

For more information on Rev. Gabriel R. Ellis, we recommend the book Gabriel Richard Ellis: His Ancestry, His Life, His Descendants by Wesley Crosby Ellis.

Elmore, John
Born 1828 Giles County, VA. Died prisoner of war, Elmira Prison.

Ervin, Lawrence Nelson
Co. I, 5th SC Inf.
Enlisted in "the Eutaw Regiment," on 17 Oct 1863 (his 18th birthday) at James Island, SC. He enlisted for the period of three years. The 25th S.C.I was assigned to Brigadier General Johnson Hagood's South Carolina brigade in the Dept of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and served on James Island and around Charleston in late 1863 and early 1864. In the spring of 1864, however Hagood's Brigade was transferred to Virginia, where it became a unit in the Dept of North Carolina and Southern Virginia, commanded by Gen P.G.T. Beaureguard. Private Ervin was wounded in the left side of the scalp on 16 June 1864, in fighting near Petersburg, Va., according to the register of the Episcopal Church Hospital at Williamsburg, Va. He returned to his regiment and continued to serve with it when Hagood's Brigade and most of the troops under Beauregard's command became part of the famous Army of Northern Virginia commanded by Gen Robert E. Lee. In early 1865 Hagood's brigade was one of several South Carolina units sent to Wilmington, North Carolina, to help defend Fort Fisher. Private Ervin was taken prisoner at Fort Fisher when Federal land and naval forces captured the fort on 15 Jan 1865 and he was sent to the military prison at Elmira, New York, where he stayed until 11 July 1865. On that day he took the oath of allegiance to the United States and was released. His oath provides some interesting information about him; according to the Federal authorities, Ervin's place of residence was "Sumpter, S.C.," his complexion was fair, his hair was light, his eyes were hazel, and his height was 5 foot 8 inches. The information about Private Ervin comes from National Archives Microcopy 267, "The Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers who Served in Organizations from the State of South Carolina," Roll 344, 25th Infantry.
Information provided by Helen and Arthur Sievers

Eure, Elisha
7th NC, Co E (formerly 1nd NC Co E)
His full name is Eure, Elisha W.: Private, resided in Nash County (NC) and enlisted at Camp Advance (Garysburg, NC) at age 22, June 20, 1861 for the war. …captured at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, May 12, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland until transferred to Elmira, New York, August 3, 1864. Died at Elmira on February 2, 1865 of "pneumonia."(N.C. Troops 1861-1865, Vol. IV, p. 456)
Information provided by Richard Barnes.

Evans, John Albert
Pvt Co. A 9th Va Cav
My Great-Great Grandfather, John Albert Evans, was captured near Culpeper, Va on 9/14/1863. He was taken to Point Lookout, Md POW Camp on 9/26/63. He was then transferred to Elmira, NY POW Camp on 8/16/64. He was exchenged at the James River (Va.) on 3/10/65.

He was a Private in Company A of the 9th Virginia Cavalry. He was born & died in Stafford County, Virginia.
Information submitted by Bill Mountjoy.

Evans, Henry R.
1st Fla
On January 10, 1861 Florida seceded from the Union. Henry R. Evans enlisted February 28, 1861 at Eucheeanna and served as a Corporal in the Infantry of the Confederate States Army, 1st Fla. Brigade, Cos. D and E under Captain McKinnon and Captain McPherson. He fought in the battles of: Santa Rosa Island, FL October 1861, Shiloh, TN April 1862, Vaden, MS June 1862, Chattanooga, TN September 1862 and again in November 1863, Perryville, KY October 1862, Murfreesboro, TN December 1862-January 1863, Chickamauga, GA September 1863, and Missionary Ridge, TN November-December 1863. By the time they fought in Atlanta, GA Jul.-Aug. 1864, the 1st Florida, that had been a Brigade at Shiloh, was now at less than Regimental strength. While on a sick furlough, Corporal Henry R. Evans was captured September 28, 1864 near Vernon, Florida during Brigadier General Alexander Sandor Asboth's raid from Pensacola into Mariana. He was forwarded by the steamer Clinton from Ship Island, Mississippi to Ft. Columbus, New York and held prisoner of war at Elmira, New York until released on July 7, 1865 after finally signing a pledge of allegiance. General Lee had surrendered on April 9th. Those who endured Elmira's squalor and harsh cruelties referred to it as "Hellmira". It was a filthy cesspool in summer and frozen in winter. The daily ration was bread and water. A quarter of the Confederate soldiers who were imprisoned at Elmira are buried there. After release, Henry R. Evans was probably transported to a place now called Parole, Maryland. From there he had to walk home. When he got home his brothers and sisters didn't recognize him. Some young ones ran to the house and told their mother that a man was coming up the road. She took off her apron and walked to the front gate. From there she recognized her son, through the gate open, and ran to greet him. He was just a thin shell of a man but he was home and he was alive.
Information submitted by John Evans.