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Elmira Prison Camp OnLine Library
Submitted Information: Confederate Index

This is the section of the Elmira Prison Camp OnLine Library that has proven the largest. In it, you will find stories, pictures, and biographies of men who were held prisoner. These are submitted by readers like you. If you wish to submit information on your ancestor, please go here and fill out the form. If you have pictures or other attachments, you may e-mail them to me.

Due to the large numbers of submissions that have been received (now reaching 300), the Confederate Index is broken up into groups. These are shown to the left. Information about some specific military groups is found here. Due to the time that it takes to run the site, I cannot research specific individuals for you. The Links page has some good starting places for you.

To see if your ancestor is located in the Index, you can search by name using the search engine below.  If you find that he is not here, use the form here to submit his information and he will be added within 24 hours.

Search term:
Case-sensitive - yes
exact fuzzy