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Elmira Prison Camp OnLine Library
Submitted Information: Confederate Index - P-T

Peacock, Ansel
Pvt., 6th Ala. Vol. Inf, 2nd Corps, ANV, Rhodes Division.
Enlisted May 1861 from Skipperville, Ala. Fought at all engagements of the ANV from First Manassas until wounded and captured at Spotsylvania Ct. House on May 12, 1864. In the 7Days, the 6th was in DH Hill's Division, Brigaded under John Gordon. Afterwards, shifted to 2nd Corps, Rhodes Div. O'Neals, Brigade until after Gettysburg. Then in Battle's Brigade, Rhodes Div, 2nd Corps, ANV. Their position was shifted on the 11th of May into the breach by the feds late in the day. Their position was in the angle next morning when federal assaults began on the works. He was sent to Capitol Hospital for treatment of wounds, then to Old Capitol Prison. In late July he was sent to Helmira. He remained here until released the summer of 1865 to return home to S.E. Ala. and try farming again. In the early 70's he left Ala. for Texas with many others.
Information submitted by TexasRebCSA

Peterson, Ochilles (Ocilious)
Co. I, 51st Ga. Inf.
Enlisted 4 March 1862, Ft. Gaines, Ga, (Clay County) in Co. I, 51st GA Infantry. He was at the Chimborazo Hospital #2, Richmond, VA and within days captured at Gaines Farm in Maryland on 3 June 1864. He was taken to Point Lookout Prison, MD and arrived there on 11 June 1864. From Point Lookout Prison he was transported to Elmira NY Prison and arrived there on 17 July 1864 where he remained. His prison release papers show that he was fair complexion, blue eyes, auburn hair and stood 5 ft. 11" tall. He was released on 21 June 1865 after having to take the oath of allegiance. J. W. Conrad signed his release papers.
Information provided by Barbara Ogletree.

Petticord, George
2nd NC Inf Co. G
Private: Resided in Forsyth County (NC) were he enlisted at age 24, March 2, 1863 for the war. …captured near Washington, D.C., July 23-25, 1864, and confined at Old Capitol Prison, Washington. Transferred on July 23-25, 1864 to Elmira, New York, where he died December 7, 1864 of "pneumonia."(N.C. Troops 1861-1865, Vol. III, p. 325)
Information submitted by Richard Simmons.

Phillips, James
Pvt 5th Va Inf Co H
Died of disease at Elmira, April 10, 1865. Buried Woodlawn Cemetery, Grave No. 2608. Date and place of capture unknown.

Phillips, Raleigh P.
Served with the 13th Alabama infantry, Company H.
Information provided by Denise Wagner.

Pitts, James Young
PVT. 9th SC Reg Co. B
Served 90 Days, 1862-63, enlisted Clinton, SC, Nov 17, 1862. Substitute for his father Edwin Leroy Pitts.

Co. C, 1st (Charleston) Battalion S.C. Infantry, enlisted Charleston District, SC, Feb 28, 1863. *This Co. subsequently became Co. D, 27th SC Infantry., Sept. 30, 1863.

Co. D, 27th S.C. Inf. (Galliard’s Regt.)

Captured at Battle of Petersburg, Va. June 24, 1864. Jun 26, 1864 sent to Pt. Lookout, Maryland (Fortress Monroe - Point Lookout, Md.), Register No.1; pg. 367. Transferred to Elmira, N.Y.; Elmira Prison Aug. 16, 1864.

Private J.Y. Pitts, Co. D - 27th Regt., SC released June 14, 1865; Elmira, N.Y., Register No.2; pg.249; under general orders No. 109 from the A.G.O. dated June 6th, 1865.

James Young Pitts, place of residence Donaldsville, SC, complexion: Florid, Hair: Dark, Eyes: Hazel, Height: 6ft. 1/2in.

South Carolina Department of Archives and History Confirmation Documents:

DOB: JUNE 20, 1845
DOD: OCT 26, 1913

Surrounded by his children and numerous friends, Mr. J. Y. Pitts died at his home near Poplar Springs Church, on Sunday, Oct 26th. He was a man of keen intellect, great ambition, noble desires, and Christian habits. His neighbors and children went to him for advice and help, and many are the friends who miss his noble deeds. In hours of sorrow and death, he was always there consoling and pointing to the God who giveth and taketh away. When only a boy of 16, he entered the Confederate Army in his father's place and was color-bearer for his company. He fought valiantly there, and since has been a true soldier for his God. He was an elder in the Presbyterian church and not only served his lord, but labored earnestly for others to know Him and enjoy the religion he enjoyed. Many are the persons of both races to whom he has spoken concerning their spiritual welfare, and begged to accept Christ as their Savior.

Nearly four years ago, he suffered a stroke of paralysis, which robbed him of his speech. Since then he has been unable to move himself, and only as loving hands cared for him was he able to move. He bore his suffering without a murmur and his sweet disposition was a benediction to all who knew him. He had no fear of death, and was only waiting for the summons for him to enter the Mansions prepared by his Father.

In standing over his grave the thought came, "O death, where is thy sting? O Grave, where is thy victory?" For now his tongue is loosed and he is singing the glad Hosannas and the sweetest songs he loved so well. In his death a sweet, noble and inspiring life has ceased on earth and a prepared soul has been transplanted to the Glory World, there to meet loved ones gone before.

He was laid to rest on Monday in Friendship Presbyterian Church cemetery beside his wife. His grave was covered with flowers, emblems of purity - so much like his life. His pastor, Reverend J.M. Dallas paid a loving tribute to his life. We are comforted with the thought that "God doeth all things well," and this prayer arises, - " let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his."

This was my Great-grandfathers last farewell - a C.S.A. Soldier, I never met, but would have loved too! I'm very proud to say he is a part of me and all that I believe in. I for one, am very proud of what he fought so valiantly for.
Information submitted by Elbert Lee Ginn, Jr.

Pitts, William C.
Information submitted by Cancide.

Plowden, John Covert
Co I 25th SC Inf.
He fought numerous battles before being captured. Died in Elmira Prison Camp, Elmira, NY in 1965.

Plunkett, Lysander H.
Pvt 5th Va Inf Co E

·  4/18/61 Greenville b. Middlebrook, Augusta Co.

·  bricklayer; age 18

·  Wounded. Mar. 23, June27, and Aug. 9, 1862.

·  Appointed Color Corporal, June 2, 1863.

·  Captured July 4, 1863, at Rockville, Md.

·  Sent to D. C., Elmira, and David's Island, N. Y. Harbor; exchanged, Mar. 10,1865.

·  Paroled May 27,1865.

·  Mbr. appl. Stonewall Jackson Camp No. 25, C. V., Staunton, Mar. 12,1898, age 55.

·  Occupation bricklayer. Died Aug. 4, 1901, at Plunkettsville. Buried Thornrose Cemetery

Potter, Thomas N.
Thomas was born on March 7, 1834, the fifth child of William H. and Permelia Potter in Jackson County, Georgia. He is listed on the 1850 and 1860 Federal Census. During the War Between the States he was a member of Company G, 16th Regiment, Georgia Volunteer Infantry. He joined the Jackson County Volunteers as Private on July 20, 1861. He was appointed 1st Corporal in March, 1862. Thomas was captured at Cold Harbor, Virginia on June 1, 1964, and died of pneumonia at Elmira Prison on September 13, 1864. He is buried in Grave #269, Woodlawn National Cemetery. Thomas is listed on page 538, Volume 2 of the Roster of Confederate Soldiers.

Poole, Albert Jefferson
Was a prisoner at this camp during the last months of the Civil War. He was captured at the Battle of the Wilderness , sent to Look out Point , then to Elmira. He drove a wagon for the prison while there. He had been wounded at the Battle of Gettsburg and has limited use of one of his hands and arm. After the war was over he had to walk back home in N. Carolina.

Porter, Sgt G. W. D. Porter
44th Tenn. Regt

Powe, Ellerbe F., James F. Powe, and Joseph E. Powe
The sons of Thomas Powe, Jr. and Martha Ellerbe Powe of Cheraw, Chesterfield County, SC.

All three brothers were in the SC 21st Infantry, Company D. Ellerbe F. Powe enlisted on 12/10/1861 at age 40 and was mustered in on 1/10/1862. James and Joseph enlisted on 4/3/1862 in Chesterfield County, SC.

All three brothers were captured at Fort Fisher NC on 1/15/1865 and sent to Point Lookout, MD and were received at Elmira on 1/30/1865.

Joseph E. Powe died of pneumonia on March 8, 1865 and is buried at Elmira. James F. Powe died of pneumonia on May 5, 1865 and is buried at Elmira in grave #2828. Ellerbe F. Powe was released on 7/7/1865 after taking the oath of allegiance. He carried the sad news of his brother’s deaths to his mother who died in February of 1866.
Information provided by Beth Hycutt

Price, Floyd W.
Co L, 4th Vir Inf
He was a first Sergeant. When I received his Confederate Records a few years ago, I was shocked to find that he had been taken prisoner in the Battle of Spotsylvania. He was taken first to Point Lookout, Maryland on May 18th, 1864, and stayed there until transferred to Elmira August 3rd, 1864. He remained at Elmira until the end of the war. Floyd was born in Montgomery County, Virginia October 27th, 1839, and was 22 when he joined the 4th in 1861. After being released from Elmira, he went back to Montgomery County and married Susan Kinzer and they moved to Boone County, Arkansas, where they farmed and led a peaceful life. He died July 6th, 1910.
Information provided by Eddie Davis.

Quintan (Quintin, Quinton), James
Pvt Co. G 5th SC Cav
Residence: Charleston Dist., SC. 5. 10" tall, light complexion, mixed hair, blue eyes. Enlisted at Charleston, SC, 1 Apr 1862. Capt. at Trevilian Station, VA, 11 Jun 1864. Sent to Elmira, NY, and released, 10 Mar 1865.
Information provided by Fred Knudsen.

Quisenberry, L.
Sgt 5th Va Inf Co H.
Captured May 12, 1864; sent to Elmira; released June 27, 1865.

Rawls, James Matthew
Co. A, 21 SC Reg.
He joined the Confederate Army on January 1, 1862 in Georgetown, South Carolina and was the only Rawls in the 21st SC Reg. He Left a wife and two sons there. He was captured on January 15 at Fort Fisher, North Carolina and taken to Elmira Prison. He died on April 15, 1865 and is in Grave 2548.
Information provided by James B. Rawls, Jr., his great-great grandson.

Redding, Alfred F.
2nd NC Inf Co. F
He served in Co. F, 2nd Battalion N.C. Infantry: Private: Resided in Randolph County (NC) where he enlisted at age 40, March 31, 1863, for the war. …captured near Washington, D.C. July 12, 1864. Confined at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C. and transferred to Elmira, New York, July 23, 1864. Died at Elmira on August 27, 1864 of "chronic diarrhoea."(N.C. Troops 1861-1865, Vol. III, p. 316)
Information submitted by Richard Simmons.

Rehberg, Charles
The oldest son of George Frederick ("Fred") and Sophia ("Sophie") Rehberg, Richard White's mother's father's mother's parents. Charles Rehberg was born in Germany, probably in the Kingdom of Hanover, on 1 January 1831... some 40 years before Germany became known as a unified nation under Prussia and 35 years before Prussia absorbed Hanover and Hessen-Cassel. U.S. census records identify Fred Rehberg (born on 26 December 1806) as a native of Hanover, and his wife Sophie (born on 16 January 1807) as a native of Hessen-Cassel (i.e. a "Hessian"). Fred and Sophie, and their oldest son Charles, immigrated to the United States and settled in Decatur County, Georgia, by 1850.

Charles Rehberg was enrolled as a private in Company A, 59th Georgia Infantry Regiment on 3 May 1862. He was elected Corporal on 1 March 1864. He was captured at Mine Run, Virginia, on 6 May 1864. A reference in his Compiled Confederate Service Record to Series 1, Volume 36, Part 1, Page 1060 of the "Official Records of the War of the Rebellion" merely refers to a Confederate casualty list for the time period in which he was captured. On 17 May 1864 he arrived at Point Lookout prisoner of war camp in Maryland where his younger brother William Rehberg was later imprisoned and died. On 10 August 1864 Charles Rehberg was transferred to the prisoner of war camp at Elmira, New York, where he survived. After swearing and subscribing to an oath of allegiance to the United States, he was released from Elmira on June 14, 1865. The oath of allegiance identified his place of residence as Thomasville, Georgia. His complexion was described as "Florid", his hair "Dark", his eyes "Blue", and his height was given as five feet, five inches. His release from Elmira was under General Order no. 109 dated 6 June 1865.

Charles Rehberg died in Grady County, Georgia, on 1 November 1898.
Information provided by Richard White.

Rhyne, George Calvin
Co. B. 28th Regiment NC Troops
The library collection "North Carolina Troops 1861-1865" records the following about my great-great grandfather. George C. Rhyne, was wounded in the elbow and captured at Spotsylvania Court House, VA on May 12, 1864. Confined to various Federal hospitals until transferred to Elmira Prison on October 24, 1864. Arrived at Elmira on October 27, 1864. Paroled at Elmira on February 9, 1865 and transferred to Boulware''s Wharf, James River, VA, where he was received February 20-21, 1865, for exchange.
Information provided by

Richardson, Henry D.
Co. K, 50th Vir. Inf.
Born September 18, 1835 farmer, age 24 joined from Patrick County, Virginia. Enlisted at Whytheville, Whythe County, Virginia 6-22-1861. He was captured at Spotsylvania Courthouse, Virginia 5-12-1864 and was a POW at Point Lookout from 5-18-1864 until 7-30-1864. He was at Elmira from 8-2-62 until 6-27 1865 when he was released on oath. He was 69" tall, had a dark complexion, dark hair and blue eyes in 1865. He died 1-9-1919 and is buried in Patrick County in the Dehar-Mabry cemetery. The source of this information is Chapla, John D. 50th Virginia Infantry pub. H. E. Howard as part of the Virginia Regimental Histories Series.
Information provided by Brenda Waugh

Richardson, Samuel Brinson
Co. C, 54th Ga. Inf.
My great grandfather's name was Samuel Brinson Richardon. He lived in Emanuel County, Ga. and I believe, died there. He fought in the Civil War with the 54th Regt., Co. C, Bartow Infantry. He was wounded in 1864, captured, and taken to the Union prison in Elmira, New York, and released in 1865 after the war. He was in Emanuel County again in 1870. His son, my grandfather, E. Randall D. Richardson moved to Irwin and Coffee County, GA. One of Randall's sons was named Samuel Brinson Richardson.

Richie, James A.
James A. Richie was captured at the Second Battle of Cold Harbor; and was transported the next day to Point Lookout, Maryland. From there James was taken to Elmira, New York, arriving 11 June 1864. (See David Ford above) He took the Oath of Allegiance and was released on 7 July 1865.
Information submitted by Bob Ford.

Rickman, John J.
Pvt. Co. B 18th NC Inf (formerly 8th NC Inf)
In a letter dated 11 August 1952, the Adjutant General of the Army, Major General Wm E. Burgin, writes to my great grandmother, Mrs W.R. Rickman (of Richmond, Va);

"The records show that one John J. Rickman, Private, Company B, 18th Regiment North Carolina Infantry (Formerly 8th North Carolina Infantry, Vols.), Confederate States Army, enlisted 10 September 1862 at Raleigh, North Carolina. His age is shown as 25 years.

The Union prisoner of war records show that he was captured 11 July 1863 at Funktown, Maryland, also shown as 12 July 1863 at Hagerstown; imprisoned at Baltimore, Maryland, Point Lookout, Maryland, where he was paroled and transferred to City Point, Virginia, 16 March 1864, for exchange. He was received at City Point, Virginia, 20 March 1864, by the Confederate Agent for Exchange.

He was again captured 29 July 1864 at Petersburg, Virginia and imprisoned at Point Lookout, Maryland and Elmira, New York, where he died 2 September 1864".

According to a note written in my great grandmothers script, he is buried in Section CW, Grave # 61 at Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira. New York.
Information submitted by William Rickman Forlines.

Riley, William H.
Pvt. 4th SC Cav. Co. A
Private Prisoner of War at Elmira, NY.

Rook, Samuel Laffyette
From Laurens, SC. Captured at died at Elmira in 1865.

Volunteered in 1861 joining Holcombe's Legion when it was organized in Newberry, SC. He continued in that branch of service until the men in that unit were transferred to the 27th SC Company A, 13th Regiment Hagood's Brigade for active service in northern Virginia under Jeb Stuart. During the four years of service, he was wounded five times that last wound being in the leg during the Seven Days Battle at Reeve’s Station in VA. He was listed as missing in action and found to have been taken prisoner by the Yankees at Weldon's Railroad. He was sent north to Elmira NY in December 1864, and died on Jan 16th 1865 after contracting gangrene as a result of being in prison on an island in Chewning River.

In an extract from the diary of J. Perroneau Gibbes of Marion, SC, written when a prisoner of war at a union prison camp in Elmira, NY.

"Tuesday, October 11, 1864. - Today to our great delight the sick were ordered out to receive rations at 11 O’clock AM. We were placed on the cars, (a train of 61 cars) for Baltimore at 8 P.M. Just before my departure from the camp, and while we were in much anxiety as to the certainty of our exchange, it was with mingled pain and pleasure that my friend and brother soldier, Major Samuel L. Rook (Note: S.L. Rook was a private. Unsure of why this was written as Major) of Laurens District, SC entered my tent. He had but recently arrived at Elmira from David’s Island where he had been lying in a hospital suffering from a wound, which he had received in the attack made by our forces upon the Weldon Railroad. This was his fifth wound received in the war. He bade me good by expressing the hope of soon seeing me in our own sunny south and said with a smile, as he limped along, that the federal surgeon had told him he would never double quick again."

In a letter written to the sister of W. B. Rook, Mrs. J.W.M. Simmons, Mr. Gibbe speaks of Private Rook in the following manner. . . .

"This noble and chivalrous soldier to whom I ever looked as an example of heroic action, so proud and gallant, was his bearing in the heat of action (he had been a student of West Point) (Note: this is undocumented and I suspect inaccurate), so simple, without a fault, and pure in character, generous, affectionate, kindhearted, and withal so unsuspicious in his nature. I never saw him more. Some months afterwards I learned with the deepest sorrow that he died at Elmira, away from sympathizing friends and relatives, alone among strangers."

SC State Archives - Civil War Microfilms

Rook, S. L.
Co. A, 27 South Carolina Infantry
Gaillard's Regiment: Formed by consolidation of 1 Battalion SC Sharp Shooters and 1 Charleston (Gaillard's) Battalion SC Regiment

Company Muster Roll - Feb 29 - 31 Aug - Listed as Absent
Wounded May 18th in action near Bermuda Hundred, Missing in action Weldon RR near Petersburg, VA., 21 Aug 1864.

POW Roll

·  Received at Elmira, NY from Decamp General Hospital, David’s Island, New York Harbor

·  Captured Weldon's RR, 21 Aug 1864

·  Died 16 Jan 1865, of acute bronchitis

·  Elmira NY, Register Number 3, page 269

Deceased POW's

·  Captured at Weldon RR, 21 Aug 1864

·  Transferred to Elmira, NY 9 Oct 1864

·  Died 16 Jan 1865 from Acute bronchitis

·  Locality of grave 1494

Register of Jackson Hospital, Richmond VA

·  Admitted to Hospital on 27 May 1864, Returned to Duty 4 July 1864: Complaint - V S L Side Shell

Transferred from General Hospital Grant to DeCamp Hospital 9 Oct 1864 G S Wounded. Right Leg, treated with a simple dressing.

Admitted to 1st Division Hospital A of P near Petersburg VA. Right Leg Bullet Severe

Submitted by N and W.H.K.

Rooks, Archibald
Co. E, 18th NC Inf.

Rose, Jr., Uriah
Co. A, 4th Va. Inf.
Enlisted in 1862, Wythe Grays (Wytheville, VA), 4th VA. Inf., wounded at Brady Station; Co. A, 4th VA. Inf., March 10, 1862; severely wounded in arm at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; captured May 23, 1864 at North Anna River, confined at Elmira, NY. until June 30, 1865, parole.
Information provided by Michelle Dix.

Roszel, Dulany DeButts
6th VA Cavalry
Dulany DeButts Roszel, resident of Loudoun County VA, enlisted in Co A 4 September 1862, five months after his 16th birthday. A POW and horse KIA 9 June 1863 at Beverly Ford (Brandy Station) Virginia. Paroled 25 June 1863 at Old Capitol Prison. POW 3 May 1864 at Cold Harbor(Richmond, Virginia). Released 29 May 1865 from Elmira. Paroled 27 April 1865 at Harpers Ferry, age 19. On ca. 1898 Fauquier Co. verterans census. Dulany Debutts Roszel is my great-grandfather. I am 10th generation in this country, and my early ancestors predate the Revolution. The information above comes from the Virginia Regimental Histories Series by Michael P. Musick.
Information provided by Paul F Roszel.

Sanders, Sr., Malachi Madison
Co. B, 14th Ga. Inf.
Listed as captured 5/5/64 Wilderness, VA. and released 6/19/65 from Elmira NY. He also served in the war of 1812 and was born in the late 1700's. Pretty amazing he survived at his age (his son Jr. also served in the same outfit but surrendered at Appomattox).
Information provided by Alfred Jones.

Sapp, F.W.
Pvt Company E 22nd NC
Enlisted in Wake County March 18, 1864 for the war. Captured at Hanover Court House, VA, June 1, 1864 and confined at Point Lookout, MD, until transferred to Elmira Prison, NY, JULY 12, 1864. Reported on a roll of prisoners of war killed or missing after railroad accident at Shohola, PA, July 15, 1864.
Information provided by Robert Clyde Sapp II.

Saunders, Robert James
Co. H, 5th NCV
Born 4-1861; died 9-10-1919. Joined 5-1861 Gates County . Wounded 7-1-1863 Gettysburg Pa, recovered and was taken prisoner near Spotsylvania either on 5-10-1864 or 5-12-1864. First taken to Point Lookout , Md. until 8-14-1864 . Transferred to Elmira, where he took the Oath 6-27-1865. He had to walk home from Elmira and almost died of diarrhoea. He is buried at the Confederate Home Cemetery , Raleigh, N.C.
Information provided by Walter K. Askew.

Saunders, Silas
Pvt., Co H Va Inf
1860 census age 22, farmer. Arrarat P.O., Patrick, County. enl 5/22/61, Spoon Creek, Patrick County. To hospital, sick, by 10/27/61`. Warm Springs hospital and home on sick leave through 4/1/62. Wounded 5/8/62, McDowell (W. Va.) Absent through 12/31/62. AWOL. Court martialed 1/27/64, guilty AWOL, sentenced to forfeit 4 months pay, to cut and carry wood 60 days for his company; to stand on the block 4 feet high for 2 hours every alternate day on the color line of the regiment with a placard on his back labeled "absence without leave" for 15 days and was not to be excused from any fights during that time. Captured 5/12/64 near Spotsylvania C.H. Point Lookout, Md. 5/18 to 8/3/64. Elmira NY 8/6/64 to 4/15/65 when he desired to take oath, saying he was "tired of war, [and he] desires to go to Kentucky where he has a sister residing." Released on oath, 6/21/65. 5'10" florid complexion, auburn hair, blue eyes.

Seay, Daniel E.
Pvt Co. F 5th SC Cav
Age 37, Residence: Lexington Dist., SC. Enlisted at Lexington, C.H., SC, 1 Jan 1862. Discharged for overage at McPhersonville, SC, 8 Jan 1863. Reenlisted at Dill.s Bluff, James Island, SC, 18 Sep 1863. Capt. at Haws. Shop, VA, 28 May 1864. Sent to Elmira, NY, and DOD (variola), 30 Jan 1865. Buried in Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, NY.
Information provided by Fred Knudsen.

Secrist, Cpl Daniel W. Riverton Invincibles, Co. I, 10th Virginia Infantry Born 1843 near Conrad's Store (present-day Elkton), Va., son of Jacob & Ann Secrist. Enl. 6/17/61 at Conrad’s Store. Appointed from ranks to 2nd corporal, 4/25/62. Absent sick about 10/62 - 12/62. Wounded 5/3/63, gunshot wound right foot. Captured 5/3/63 at Chancellorsville, Va. Sent to Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C. 5/63. Paroled 6/25/63. Captured 5/12/64 at Spotsylvania CH. Sent to Pt. Lookout, Md., 5/18/64. Transferred to Elmira, 8/2/64. Died at Elmira 8/17/65 due to chronic diarrhea. His brother, Philip Moyer Secrist, also served in the same company and was also captured at Spotsylvania CH and followed his brother to Elmira. However, P.M. Secrist was paroled after taking the Oath of Allegiance 6/27/65. Daniel W. Secrist was buried at Elmira. Reburied Woodlawn Cemetery, Grave #1714.
Information provided by Robert Moore.

Sellers, W. Riley
Pvt. 4th SC Cav. Co. A
Private Prisoner of War at Elmira, NY.

Shepard, Elijah
Co. H, 14th Ga. Inf.
Born in Aug. 7, 1840 in Georgia, son of Edward and Winiford Sandford Shepard. Married Melissa Nobles. She died on March 19, 1911. Enlisted on March 4, 1862. Wounded on Dec. 13, 1862 at Fredericksburg, Va.. Captured on May 6, 1864 at Wilderness, Va. and taken to Elmira Prison, New York, where he was released on June 19, 1865. RCS 2-395, Mid 1800 People, p. 41, Widow's Pension List, Book 2, 1902 Voter's List (Dublin Dist., Laurens County). Dies 23 Apr 1904, Laurens County, Burried in Bluewater Cemetery

Shepherd, Joseph H.
Pvt 5th Va Inf Co I

·  5/11/61 Sangersville farmer; age 20

·  AWOL, April 30 - May 31,1862 forfeited pay for the period.

·  Detached, Feb. 1864.

·  Captured May 19, 1864, at Spotsylvania; sent to Point Lookout and Elmira.

·  Exchanged, Mar. 14, 1865.

Sherrill, Miles Osborne
Corporal in the "Catawba Rifles" on April 27, 1961. He served in Company A, 12th N.C. Troops (2nd Regiment N.C. Volunteers) At the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House on May 10, 1864 he was severely wounded and captured. His right leg was amputated and he was confined at various Federal hospitals until being transferred to the prison at Elmira. In December of 1864 he was paroled, and was exchanged in February of 1865.

Shumate, Daniel
Co. F, 52th NC Inf. Daniel Shumate got sent to Elmira prison in New York and died there on January 6th in 1865. He entered the confederate army on September 2,1862 in Wilkes County N.C

Shuttlesworth, J. Quinton
Born about 1825. Died 1865. From Greenville, SC.

Simmons, John F.
2nd NC Inf Co. A
he served in Co. A, 2nd Battalion N.C. Infantry: Resided in Stokes County (NC) where he enlisted at age 28, February 24, 1863, for the war. …. captured near Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia May 10, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland until transferred to Elmira, New York, August 10-14, 1864, Died at Elmira, March 13, 1865, of "chronic diarrhoea." (N.C. Troops 1861-1865, Vol. III, p. 276)
Information submitted by Richard Simmons.

Simmons, Peter M.
2nd NC Inf Co. A
He served in Co. A, 2nd Battalion N.C. Infantry: Resided in Stokes County (NC) where he enlisted at age 23, May 4, 1861, for twelve months. …. captured near Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia May 10, 1864, and confined at Point Lookout, Maryland until transferred to Elmira, New York, August 14, 1864, Died at Elmira, September 29, 1864, of "chronic diarrhoea." (N.C. Troops 1861-1865, Vol. III, p. 276)
Information submitted by Richard Simmons.

Simpson, Tyre
Wounded at Spotsylvania Court House (May 13 or 20th, 1864) and sent to Point Lookout, Maryland (May 23rd, 1864). From Point Lookout he was sent to Elmira, NY (July 3, 1864) and released after taking the Oath of Allegiance June 19, 1865.
Information submitted by Wayne Simpson.

Smith T, John
My great-grandfather, John Smith T, was captured at Fort Morgan on Mobile Bay in 1864 and was imprisoned at Elmira where he died during the winter of 1865. Note the unusual last name with the letter "T" following the name "Smith". John Smith T was named for his uncle, John Smith, who went to Missouri before it was United States territory, bought up Spanish land grants and became the largest lead miner in the state. At some point John Smith added a "T" to the end of his name and began to style himself John Smith T.

The original John Smith T was probably involved in the Aaron Burr conspiracy. I have heard that he was indicted but never brought to trial. He had a brother, General Thomas Adams Smith, for whom Fort Smith Arkansas is named.

The nephew of these two men, my great-grandfather, is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery. I have never seen his grave, but I have photos of it. John Smith T's son, my grandfather, went to Elmira around the turn of the century with the intention of bringing his father's remains back to Alabama and burying them here. However, on seeing the beauty and tranquillity of the cemetery there and all the graves of the other Confederate dead, he changed his mind and left his father buried at Woodlawn. He did one thing, however, that makes John Smith T's grave site easily distinguishable. He bought a dark stone marker and replaced the white slab which marks all the other graves there. I have been told that, as a result, looking out across the cemetery, this particular grave is immediately visible.
Information submitted by Winston Smith T.

Smith, Bracey
Co G, 51st NC Reg
Taken prisoner and died from disease.

Smith, Evan
Pvt. Co K, 29th NC Inf
Captured at Hanover Court House, Virginia, May 29, 1862. Confined at Fort Monroe, Virginia and then Fort Columbus, New York. Paroled transferred to Apens Landing, James River, Virginia where he was received on July 12, 1862. Sometime before January 1, 1863, he was returned to duty. He was again captured May 12, 1864 at (Spot-oyl-vani sp?) Court House, Virginia. He was confined to Point Lookout, Maryland. Transferred to Elmira, New York on August 10, 1864 where he died April 2, 1865. Deceased chronic diarrhea. Buried at the Elmira Prison Cemetery plot location # 2579, W.N.C.

Smith, Frederick
Pvt. Co D, 14th NC Inf
Died at Elmira on or about March 1, 1865 of chronic diarrhoea.

Smith, John H.
Pvt Co C 51st Va Inf. Regt
7/20/61 Wytheville; POW Frederick Md. 7/10/64; Old Capitol Prison 7/17/64; to Elmira 7/25/64; died there 2/14/65 if variola. Buried Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira, NY.

Smith, Isaac
44th Alabama Infantry Regiment, Company H.
Captured in the Battle of the Wilderness. Died Nov 2, 1864 in POW camp in Elmira, NY.
Information submitted by Brett Lee Smith.

Smith, Obadiah
Pvt Co C 51st Va Inf. Regt
7/29/61 Wytheville; POW Frederick Md. 7/10/64; Old Capitol Prison 7/17/64; to Elmira 7/25/64; released there 6/16/65; resident Wytheville; dark complexion; dark hair; blue eyes; 5'7 3/4"; alive in 1912

Snipes, Daniel
Manigault's Battalion Art
Daniel Snipes Pvt, Co. D, Manigault''s Battalion SC Artillery, Gregg''s Battery. Born Nov 1834 in Marion, S.C., married Elizabeth Lloyd, one of seven brothers to enlist.Daniel enlisted April 15, 1862 in Marion, S.C., mustered in at Charleston, S.C. on May 1, 1862. Promoted to Corporal while serving with Pegram''s SC Artillery. Promoted to Sergeant after Manigault''s Battalion became Gregg''s Company (McQueen''s Lt Artillery). Was captured April 2, 1865 and sent to Hart''s Island, NY ,then transfered to Elmira Prison Camp, NY. Released June 14, 1865 after taking the Oath of Allegiance. Daniel is described as fair complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, and 5 ft 9. Was shipped to Savanna from where he walked home. Source of Information provided by The Snipes Family of America (S.F.A), and The South Carolina Archives (Confederate Military Records).
Information submitted by David Lynn Snipes.

Sparkman, William P.
Pvt. 51st NC, Co. F
Born in Robeson County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Robeson County at age 32, March 10, 1862. Present or accounted for until November-December, 1862, when he was reported absent sick. Returned to duty in January-February, 1863. Present or accounted for until captured at Cold Harbor, VA, June 1, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, MD, June 11, 1864. Transferred to Elmira, NY, July 12, 1864. Died at Elmira on October 13, 1864, of "chronic diarrhoea."

Springs, Aaron
Co. H, 3rd NC Inf.
Aaron Springs lived in Columbus Co.

Stackhouse, John
Pvt. 4th SC Cav. Co. E
Captured and died Elmira Prison, New York.

Stallings, William W.
From Barnesville, Monroe Co, Ga. was born Dec 20.1845 in Pike Co. Ga. He enlisted in the Rutland Volunteers, Company B, Monroe Co 45th Ga. Regiment, recruited by J.W. Dozier on Mar 10th ,1862. He was 16 1/2 yrs old.

He enlisted for 3 years or the war, at $11.00 per month with an initial bounty of $50.00. I have a copy of his 45th Regiment Flag which shows they fought at Mechanicsville, Cold Harbor, Frazier’s Farm, Cedar Run, Manassas, Ox Hill, Harpers Ferry, Shepherds ? (missing part of Flag), and Chancellorsville. The records show that he was in a hospital for wounds and contusions twice. He was admitted to the Wayside Hospital, General Hospital #9, Richmond, Va on May 6,1863 and sent to Chimborazo Hospital # 4 for Contusion-left side. He was then transferred about a month later on June 9th 1863 to Macon Ga where he would have been close to his family.

He was captured at the battle of the Wilderness on May 6th,1864 and was sent to a prison at Point Lookout, Maryland until he was transferred to the infamous Elmira N.Y. Prison on Aug 10th,1864. Elmira may have been the worst of Yankee prisons with as many as 25% of the prisoners dying there from abuse and neglect. He was released on an exchange of prisoners on Feb 20th,1865 and sent to an exchange area on the James River Virginia for exchange.

At sometime either before he enlisted or during the war he married Mary Bowers who was several years older than he and had a son who was also William who is believed to have been a lawyer in the area. After returning home for a short time after the war he left and moved to Louisiana where he lived with a Doctor who treated him for maladies contracted during the war and most probably at Elmira, He repaid the Doctor by hunting and fishing for wild game and fish in the area.

He became a Methodist Preacher and became a circuit rider in East Texas and changed his last name to Stallones reportedly because of a problem with a Black carpetbagger back in Ga who may not have survived the confrontation. He met in East Texas while a circuit rider, Amanda Box, from a famous family of the Texas Army and San Jacinto fame. Nelson Box her father, was a San Jacinto hero and was from the Stephen Box Family who had moved to Texas and started Box's Fort on the Angelina River west of Nacogdoches in 1824.

He and Amanda moved to a farm south of Athens ,Texas where several children were born. Around 1900 he moved to Hot Springs Arkansas. It is believed he moved there because of the curative effects of the springs there. He lived there happily for many years and died on Aug 24,1925 at the age of 80 years.
Information submitted by Leighton Stallones.

Stephenson, Benjamin T.
32nd N.C. Vol.
Present or accounted for until captured at Spotsylvania Court House, Va. 5-15-1864. Confined at Point Lookout , Maryland 5-18-1864. Transferred to Elmira 8-3-1864. Paroled at Elmira, on February 20, 1865 , and transferred to the James River Virginia, for exchange . Hospitalized at Richmond, Virginia , 2-25-1865 with diarrhea. Furloughed for thirty days on 3-29-1865.
Information provided by James R. Tunstall.

Stewart, William B.
Pvt, 64th Ga Inf.
William B. Stewart was born on 7 July, 1825 in either Georgia or North Carolina. I suspect NC. He was a farming 200 acres west of Bainbridge, Georgia when he enlisted as a private in the 64th Georgia Infantary Regiment. He had 8 young childred at the time, he was 38 when he enlisted.

He was captured at the battle of Petersburg and died in Elmira 5 Nov, 1864.

He married Nancy Hartford Webb, daughter of Samuel B Webb. We do not know time or place of wedding. We know no other biographical information regarding WBS or his brothers, sisters, or parents. We do, know about his children etc.. Anything else we know of him comes from Civil War Records
Information provided by Phil Stewart.

Stewart, William H. J.
Corporal Co A 51st Va Inf. Regt

·  2/2/63 Wise Co

·  Pvt to Corporal (no date, but was listed as a Pvt on all muster rolls and as a Corporal on all POW rolls)

·  WIA/POW Old Church 5/30/64

·  Gunshot wound, flesh wound both thighs; Lincoln General Hosp, Wash DC 6/5/64 - 8/17/64 to Old Capitol prison to Elmira 6/9/64

·  Exchanged 7/13/65

·  Resident Bristol, TN; dark complexion; dark hair; hazel eyes 5'11".

Stinson, George Leander
B. ca. 1824, South Carolina m. ca. 1845, Nancy Lynn Pinkerton d. 11 February 1865, Elmira, N.Y.

George Leander Stinson, called Leander and Lee, was the son of Andrew and Elizabeth Stinson. Most of his records, other than military, show his name as Leander.

A farmer, Leander lived in the Beat 2 area in 1850. His real estate is listed; however, the dollar value is not clear. Living at home at the time of the census were his wife, Nancy, and two sons, John and James.

In 1860 Leander lived in Starlington. He held real estate valued at $1600 and personal property valued at $1000. Living at home were his wife and several children: J. C., J. L., E. D., M. E. and Joel. The children shown only as initials were John, James, Ivan and Mary.

Leander served in the Confederates States army with Company A, 1st Alabama Artillery. He was captured by Union troops at Fort Morgan, Alabama on August 23, 1864. His C.S.A. records data card indicates that he was on the roll of prisoners of war at Fort Columbus, N.Y.H. (New York harbor) before being transferred to the prison camp at Elmira, New York on December 4, 1864. He died at the camp on February 11, 1865 of chronic diarrhea.
Information provided by Mildred Brown.

John Cooper StinsonStinson, John A. Cooper
b. 19 October 1846, Butler County, Al. m. 31 May 1867, Annie Elizabeth Smith d. 9 August 1910, Providence Cemetery. John A. Cooper Stinson, called Cooper, was the son of George Leander Stinson and Nancy Pinkerton. He was born near Mt. Pisgah Church in the Starlington community. It is believed that the initial A stands for Andrew. Gary D. Wallace of Enterprise, AL provided the photo of Cooper Stinson at right.

Cooper is listed as a private in Company A, 1st Battalion, Alabama Infantry, C. S. A. during the Civil War. Enlistment records indicate that he joined the infantry in the fall of 1962 at Ft. Morgan, Al. Union soldiers captured him in 1864. The place of captured has not been determined. He was released from the military at a prisoner of war camp in Elmira, New York, on June 11, 1865.

Almost two years after his release, he married Annie Elizabeth Smith. Justice of the Peace A. M. Kellar performed their wedding ceremony.

On May 28, 1894, Cooper filed for a pension based on his military during the Civil War. The application states that he was 48 years old, farming land valued at less than $400 with less than $400 annual income, this being that he had contracted a disease while in the war. It does not indicate the name of the disease. Another application was filed on March 17, 1896 showed he was farming 85 acres of land with one mule. A third application was filed on May 7, 1897 showing 80 acres of poor land, which was mortgaged. A fourth attempt to receive a pension was filed April 13, 1898, stating that he had no assets.

At the time of his death, no pension had been awarded. His wife continued to file for the right to receive a pension based on his Civil War service. As of January 22, 1930, no pension had been approved. No records have been found to indicate otherwise.
Information provided by Mildred Brown.

Stinson, Leander
Co. A, 1st Ala Art.
Captured at Fort Morgan, Alabama, 1864. Transferred to Fort Columbus, NY (New York Harbor). Received at Elmira, NY on December 4, 1864. Died February 11, 1865. Buried in grave 2058.

Stokes, W.E.
Pvt Co. I 5th SC Cav
Residence: Barnwell Dist., SC. Enlisted at Pocotaligo, SC, 20 Feb 1863. Capt. at Trevilian Station., VA, 11 Jun 1864. Sent to Elmira, NY, and exchanged, 2 Mar 1865. Admitted to Jackson Hospital, Richmond, VA, with pneumonia, 9 Mar 1865. Granted a 60-day medical furlough, 17 Mar 1865. Alive in 1897.
Information provided by Fred Knudsen.

Stokes, Jordan M.
Co. A 2nd La Inf
Born in Mississippi (town unknown) on 25 July 1831. He moved to the Parish of Natchitoches, 1837.

Joined the "Lecompte Guards" in 1861 in Natchitoches, La. This became Co. A, 2nd La. Inf. May 11, 1861 in New Orleans, La.. Present or absent not stated on the rolls to Dec. 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., Absent, sick, Hospital at Williamsburg. Roll March and April 1862, Present or absent not stated. Rolls May 1862 to April 1863, Present. Rolls May 1863 to August 1863, Absent wounded, since May 3, 1863 ("I was wounded at Chancellorville in calf of leg --- supposed to be from a mini ball"). Rolls Sept. 1863 to Feb. 1864 Present. Re-enlisted for the War, Feb 21, 1864. Roll to Aug. 30, 1864 Absent, Prisoner in the hands of the enemy. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864. Received Pt. Lookout, Md., from Belle Plains, Va., May 18, 1864. Received at Elmira, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1864. Forwarded from Elmira, N. Y. to James River, Va., Feb. 25, 1865, and exchanged.("I was at North Carolina {Greenville}, sick with smallpox.-thru surrender."

Married Nancy E. Stokes (Widow Morrell) in 1870, and died at Natchitoches, La. 20 Nov. 1901.

Data from La. Records and his U. S. Pension application and his widows Pension application.
Information provided by Norma Jeter.

Stout, Lilburne
Pvt 5th Va Inf Co H
3/10/62 New Market; Present until captured May 12,1864; sent to Point Lookout and Elmira; paroled Mar. 10, 1865, and sent to James River for exchange.

Street, James
Pvt Co. B, 1st LA Cav.
Enlisted Feb. 21, 1862, Baton Rouge, LA. Rolls May, 1862, to June 30, 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured East Baton Rouge, La., Sept. 24, 1863, or Oct. 3, 1864. Received New Orleans, La., from Baton Rouge, La., Oct. 10, 1864. Transfered. to Ship Island, Miss., Oct. 20, 1864. Sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, Nov. 5, 1864. Forwarded to Elmira, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1864, thence to James River, Va., Feb. 20, 1865, and exchanged.

Sturgeon, Hiram
Pvt. 38 Mi Cal Co D
Confederate Private Hiram Sturgeon died on April 5, 1865 at the Elmira Federal Prison in Elmira, New York. Private Sturgeon enlisted on April 29, 1861 in Company D, 38 Mississippi Cavalry Regiment, otherwise known as the Wilkinson Guards. Wounded near Okalona, he was discharged in July of 1862, for disability, but reenlisted shortly afterwards in Company E, Powers' Regiment, Mississippi Cavalry. Captured in the area of Fort Adams on October 8, 1864, Private Sturgeon was confined in the military prison at Natchez until October 15, 1864 when he was transferred to Ship Island, and subsequently from Ship Island to Elmira, New York on November 19, 1864. He died in the Union Prison on April 5, 1865.

Hiram Sturgeon was born about 1833 in Adams County, Mississippi just North of present-day Lake Mary. His parents were John Sturgeon and Mary Enlow Sturgeon, and Hiram spent his early years with his family, including one sister, Elizabeth Jane Sturgeon, and one brother, William N. Sturgeon until his parents both died in a yellow fever epidemic in 1842.

After the death of parents, Hiram was placed under the wardship of his uncle and namesake Hiram Enlow of Wilkinson County, and Hiram grew to manhood at Pleasant Hill Plantation in the Buffalo Community just North of Woodville. He attended the Buffalo School and other local community schools in that area, and after reaching manhood acquired several land patents in the Buffalo area as well as continued to farm and care for his property above Lake Mary. For several years during the mid-1850's, he was a resident of his property on the Mississippi River near Fort Adams, but finally chose as a bride Clarenda Cole, the daughter of James and Elizabeth Cole, and finally settled down in the area of Pleasant Hill Plantation in the Buffalo Community.

Hiram and Clarenda were the parents of two children, one John Thomas Sturgeon born in 1857 and William James Sturgeon born in 1859. Clarenda tragically died shortly after the birth of her second son, and Hiram was left to raise his two children as a widower. On April 29, 1861, he volunteered for service for a period of three (3) years in the Confederate Army in Company D, 38th Mississippi Regiment Cavalry, otherwise known as the Wilkinson Guards.

As a member of this Regiment he participated in many of the major battles and skirmishes of the North Mississippi Campaign, and was ultimately wounded or ill and sent to the hospital in Okalona, Mississippi. The surgeons at the Okalona Hospital discharged Hiram Sturgeon with a certificate of disability on July 18, 1862 and he returned to Woodville.

After returning to Wilkinson County, Hiram Sturgeon remarried, Martha Baker, and shortly thereafter reenlisted in Company E Powers' Regiment, Mississippi Cavalry.

Involved in numerous skirmishes in and about the area of Southwest Mississippi, Col. Powers was finally mortally wounded, and leadership of this Regiment was placed in the hands of Col. McKowen.

McKowen was also killed, and the unit fractured into small band operating virtually independently throughout the fall of 1864. According to the report of Prisoners of War confined at the Military Prison in Natchez, Mississippi from September 26 to October 15, 1864, the Fourth Illinois Cavalry at Woodville captured Hiram Sturgeon on October 7, 1864.

Family tradition, however, relates a somewhat different story, to which some degree of credibility may be attached. A cousin of the Sturgeon Family, Rufus Holmes who was a very old man in the early 1900's and supposedly present at the capture of Hiram Sturgeon, related this story to Eugene T. Sturgeon when he was a young man, and the story was passed down from Uncle "Gene" to the author. (Holmes Sturgeon).

According to Rufus Holmes, numerous local confederate soldiers who were banded together not by detrimental ties, but by a loose association after the destruction of Powers Regiment were observing from a hidden vantage point in the bushes and trees, looting and ransacking of stores in the town of Fort Adams by the Yankee soldiers. In the middle of the main street of Fort Adams was a large pile of tobacco, a highly prized commodity among Civil War soldiers of both sides, and since Hiram Sturgeon was reputed to have one of the fastest horses in Wilkinson County, the other men present made a bet with him that he could not ride out through the street of Fort Adams and scoop up the tobacco and ride back before the Yankees had an opportunity to stop him/

Unfortunately, Hiram Sturgeon took the bet, and rode out through the streets of Fort Adams, scooping up a large quantify of tobacco, and whirled around making his way back to the safe spot when he was surrounded by a troop of Yankee soldiers at gun point, who forced him off of his fast steed and to further humiliate him place him on an old slow gray mule. The Yankee captain in charge requisitioned his fast white horse, and Hiram was slowly led off to a barge nearby on the river.

Supposedly the following day as the barge made its way to Natchez, his two young children and his new wife stood along side the river bank in front of their house, which at that time sat just near the Mississippi River North of Lake Mary, and waved to their father as he passed by. That was the last time the two brothers ever saw their father.

From Natchez, Hiram Sturgeon was transferred to New Orleans, Louisiana, and subsequently to Ship Island, Mississippi on October 20, 1864. On November 5, 1864 by special order of Captain M. R. Marston, Hiram Sturgeon was sent to New York.

He arrived at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor on November 16, 1864 and was sent on to Elmira, New York where he arrived on November 19, 1864.

Notes made on his records at Elmira New York indicate that Hiram Sturgeon had a desire to get to Olney, Illinois where he had relatives residing.

Unfortunately, Hiram Sturgeon succumbed to pneumonia on April 5, 1865 at Elmira Prison in Elmira, New York, and is buried on the present ground in grave number 2591.

After his capture and death, his two children were viewed as orphans since they only had a stepmother, and she shortly thereafter remarried. According to the stories related by John Thomas Sturgeon to his children and grandchildren in later years, he and his brother "Jim" practically raised themselves for several years along the banks of the Mississippi River, living for a time in a plum orchard in an old abandoned house and surviving off of food and berries that they found in the wild.

Finally the two orphans were committed to the Natchez Protestant Orphans Home where they stayed for a brief time until they both ran away making their way back to Wilkinson County where Uncle Steven Dawson and his wife conveniently shielded them from the authorities. At one juncture they hid under a flour barrel when the officials from the orphanage come searching for them.

Ultimately, they too were placed under the guardianship and custody of their great uncle Hiram Enlow, who raised and educated both of them into early manhood.

According to report of Prisoners of War confined in military prison in Natchez Mississippi from September 26 to October 15, 1864, Hiram Sturgeon was COMMITTED to the prison on October 8, 1864, indicating that the 4th Illinois Cavalry captured him. In addition, the report made at Elmira, New York indicating additional notes about Hiram Sturgeon and an apparent interview in preparation of his taking the oath of allegiance to the United States indicates that he was captured on October 7, 1864. This could be a simple error, but it may be that he was captured on October 7th and then taken to Natchez on October 8th.

Bearss in his DECISION IN MISSISSIPPI indicates on page 485 that Col. Kent's combat team spent a "busy day", and "preparatory" to return to Natchez on the 8th of October the soldiers "loaded live stock, cotton, wagons and property of various descriptions aboard a transport at Fort Adams". The foot note indicates that noted on board this transport were: 73 mules, 24 horses, 330 beef cattle, 46 bales of cotton, and 6 wagons.

Bearss goes on to say on page 488 that "Kent’s combat team, accompanied by 250 negros…, boarded their transport at 8:00 A.M."

Casting off from Fort Adams, the steamboat churned up the river… and did not reach Natchez until dark.

Earlier Bearss notes on page 482 that Col. Kent had mounted 35 of his men on captured mules, and that he had organized a combat patrol consisting of these soldiers mounted on mules, "the 11 men of the 4th Illinois Cavalry", and 100 infantrymen. The objective of this combat force was to comb the countryside northeast of Fort Adams (this would include the area of Percy's Creek, Lake Mary, Smithland Plantation, and the various plantations near the Mississippi River all the way over to possibly the Beaver Creek Community). In fact, Bearss indicates that Kent's patrol penetrated as far as the Buffalo River, 10 miles from the base. He further indicates that although they confiscated many cattle they did not find any confederate activity in that area.

In the same paragraph, however, Bearss notes that Kent determined to remain at Fort Adams until the morning of the 8th of October.

Now, if Kent's combat patrol included the detachment of the 4th Illinois Cavalry that was present in Wilkinson County, which according to Bearss it did, and further if Kent remained in Fort Adams from October 6th to the morning of October 8th, and further if Hiram Sturgeon was captured on October 6th or October 7th by the 4th Illinois Cavalry, then it would stand to reason that Hiram Sturgeon was captured in the vicinity of Fort Adams, just as the family tradition supports.

In addition, the notes indicating that Kent's combat patrol (which would have included the 4th Illinois Cavalry detachment) were involved on the 7th of October in loading supplies out of the town of Fort Adams and on to the transport vessel, then this would also lend credence to the story that the "Yankees were ransacking the town of Fort Adams". Bearss also notes on page 485 that Col. Osband learned from his scouts that a confederate detachment formerly commanded by McKowen (and that would be Powers regiment, since Capt. McKowen was placed in charge of Power Regiment early on in this campaign) was still "lurking in the neighborhood". Once again, a combat patrol from the 4th Illinois Cavalry attempted to capture this particular detachment, but was unsuccessful and lost one man in the process. This event occurred on the morning of October 7th.

So judging from this note, obviously some members of McKowens command (formerly Powers Regiment) were still active in the area of Fort Adams on the morning of October 7th, since this is where Col. Osband was located when he learned of their position.

Earlier, Bearss had noted on page 482 that five miles form Fort Adams where the road to Pickneyville veered to the left, a skirmish had ensued involving Osband's troops and the third U. S. Colored Cavalry, during which Capt. McKowen was killed and his men, the remnants of Powers Regiment, were "scattered to the winds". This skirmish apparently took place on October 6th.

The notes made by Bearss do not indicate any captures at the skirmish five miles north of Fort Adams, nor are any captures noted in the combing of the countryside made by Kent's combat patrol including members of the Fourth Illinois Cavalry.

No captures are noted either on the 7th of October during the loading of the transport vessel at Fort Adams. Nonetheless, I am convinced that Hiram Sturgeon was involved in the skirmish five miles north of Fort Adams which scattered the remaining members of Powers Regiment, and further that he was involved in the early morning skirmish on the 7th of October in the neighborhood of Fort Adams in which the small uncommanded confederate detachment cut its way through the Yankees mortally wounding one of the union soldiers.

Further I am convinced that the same detachment lingered into the area of Fort Adams following this skirmish and in a brazen attempt to spoil the good humored looting of Fort Adams, Hiram Sturgeon was captured, just as Rufus Holmes stated, in attempting to scoop up tobacco out of the Main Street in Fort Adams, and probably was placed on one of the mules loaded onto the transport boat and taken to Natchez and committed to the prison there on the evening of October 8, 1864.

It should also be noted that on October 5th, Col. Osband surrounded the town of Woodville and sent in the Fifth Illinois Cavalry which took the Confederate soldiers in town by surprise capturing on October 5th twelve (12) prisoners.

It should also be noted that at the Battle of Bowling Green Plantation forty-one prisoners were captured.

On page 476 Bearss notes that Col. Frank P. Powers turned over command of his regiment to Capt. John C. McKowen.

Bearss further notes on page 490 that eighty-two (82) enlisted men and four (4) officers had been captured during the entire campaign, and this includes some excursions into Clinton, Louisiana area and the area of Liberty Mississippi. This would include the twelve prisoners captured at Woodville and the Forty-one captured at Bowling Green.
Information submitted by Burril Morrison, for Alonzo Holmes Sturgeon III.

Sumner, Matthew
Co. D, 64th GA Inf
Born 1832, GA; d. December 06, 1864, Elmira, NY. Private in 64th Regiment, Company "D" GA Infantry, died in Yankee prison, Elmira, NY of "chronic diarrhea".

Enlisted on 3-10-1862 in Albany, GA. He was captured near Petersburg on June 17, 1864 and is listed as a Prisoner of War at Point Lookout, Maryland on June 24, 1864. He was transferred to Elmira, NY on 7-27-1864. He died in the Elmira prison on 12-6-1864. On the "Record of deceased Prisoners of War, Elmira, New York, Register No. 4; page 166 is shown "Locality of Grave: No. 1028".

Two other brothers also died in the war: Berrien Sumner who died from chronic diarrhea in Virginia and William R. Sumner from the same.

Suthers, James
Pvt Co. C. 51st Va., Inf.
Born in Wytheville; 2/2/63 Dublin; POW near Wash., DC 7/12/64; Old Capitol Prison to Elmira 7/25/64; died 11/4/64 of pleuro pneumonia. Buried Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira, NY.

Sutton, Pvt. John Bunyon
Co. A 18 North Carolina Inf. (formerly 8th NC Regt., The German Volunteers). Pvt. Sutton was a 40-year-old farmer from Bladen County NC when he enrolled for active service. He enrolled at Camp Hyatt in Wilmington, NC on July 10, 1861. Pvt. Sutton was captured at Spotsylvania Courthouse, VA on May 12, 1864 and arrived at Point Lookout, MD on May 18, 1864. Pvt. Sutton was transferred to Elmira, NY on August 03, 1864. Pvt. Sutton arrived at Elmira on August 06, 1864 and died there on September 23, 1864 of chronic diarrhea. Pvt. Sutton is buried in Woodlawn National Cemetery, grave 395.
Submitted by

Swan, William Durvell
52nd Regiment Virginia Infantry

From an Olive Green " Composition Book" Written by William Swan to his son Ambrose December 28, 1921. The "Composition Book" 8.5"x6.75" was given to me by James McCauley Blanz. Mr. Blanz obtained the book and other records of Lawrence Garland Swan''s when his Aunt Lousie McCauley Swan died. Lousie McCauley Swan was my Great Aunt, younger sister of my Grandmother Edna McCauley Randolph. The Following covers three pages written in ink.

"William Duvall Swan, a son of Charles William and Agnes Ann Swan was born in Madison County on Mar 21" 1841. On June 16, 1858-Left the home of parents, going to Waynesboro Augusta County, Va. To assist Mr George Alexander Bruce a friend of my father in the milling business. My father having Sold his mill, But continued farming. I found that a nice little town of 5 or 6 hundred inhabitance. The Bruce family a good one. Consisting of parents. George Alexander and Sarha Ann Bruce and 3 children 2 Boys and one girl Robert, Bettie & Thomas.

"We were getting along nicely and happily when in the spring of 1861_ The Civil War broke out between the North and South. The older Bruce boy Robert and W. D. Swan Joined the Southern Army. The Waynesboro Guards Co. B "52" Regiment Va Infantry. We went through many a hard fought battle. Not wounded until 30" May 1864. Our mess consisting of 4. Robert Bruce Asbury Myers, George Miller and W. D. Swan. Went into battle 3 were killed. Swan with others captured. We were Sent to Point Lookout Md. There one month. Then Sent to Elmira Ky Prison. The war closed in April 1865. We were liberated on June 30" of that year. W. D. Swan returned to Waynesboro and resumed milling business. In 1866 The Presbyterian Church of the Town had occasion to appoint a committee of young ladies to Solicit contributions in aid of the church. Among the rest came a charming young lady to the mill to see what could be done for the church.

"So soon after the close of the war. There was but little to $ pieces in circulation. But I had Some drawing one of those Large Silver dollars from my pocket presented To the young lady. She received it with many a bow an smile and Soon departed. When not far away She took a Small stone and threw at me. I thought that a strange manner in which to return Thanks I had been in the habit of returning good for evil and did so in this case and let her depart in peace. But made up my mind to find out something about the rock throwing and accordingly Soon Called at her home. I found out nothing, and presumed it was a kind of love throwing rock.

"Little did I think at that time that charming young lady would become Mrs. W. G. Swan. But Such turned out to be the case."

Three blank pages then this entry: "W G Swan and Anna Lee Reeder were married in Waynesboro Va. June 4" 1868 at the Reeder home by Rev. William T. Richardson a Presbyterian preacher in that Town for a number of years."

Also found this poem.

Be Seated please
and make your Self at ease
A little story I will tell
Which ended well

It was about noon
on the 4" of June
Way back in 1868
When we Sealed our fate

One was Anna Lee
and the other W G
We were made one
The journey of life to run

Parson on hand
Had taken his stand
But looked a little funny
until he Saw the money

Then he Smiled
and made us one
out we filled
and the journey began

We then ate a bit
and said goodby
We Knew We Were right
and heaved not a sigh.

Additional Historical Note reference; May 30th 1864 52nd Regiment Virginia Infantry:

Full Battle Record

Please cite results as coming from: Record of Events Database, Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil War, Virginia Center for Digital History vshadow2/mapdataForm.html.

Battle: Bethesda Church State: Va.
Regiment: 52nd Va. Inf.
Start Date: 28-May-1864
End Date: 30-May-1864
Commander: Col. James H. Skinner
Brigade: Pegram's
Division: Early's
Corps: Second
Strength: n.a.
Killed: 38
Wounded: 52
Missing: 26

Summary: Bethesda Church was the bloodiest battle of the war for the 52nd Va. Infantry. The regiment charged across the field towards the enemy. The enemy poured volley after volley into the Confederate lines, creating great gaps in the ranks.

Georgetown Weather: 5-28-1864, 69.5 (0700), 82 (1400), 64 (2100); 5-29-1864, 61.5 (0700), 70.5 (1400), 62 (2100); 5-30-1864, 65 (0700), 84 (1400), 71 (2100)

Local Weather: 5-27-1864, "It was very warm and showery during the day;" 5-28-1864, "It was quite warm and rained in the p.m." 5-29-1864, The day was quite warm; 5-30-1864, The day was very warm. (Hotchkiss)

Submitted by Kenneth K. Koch.

Taylor, David D.
Pvt. 51st NC, Co. F
Born in Nash County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Robeson County at age 21, March 10, 1862. Present or accounted for until hospitalized at Wilson on December 5, 1863, with an unspecified complaint. Returned to duty in January-February, 1864. Present or accounted for until captured at Cold Harbor, VA, June 1, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, MD, June 11, 1864. Transferred to Elmira, NY, July 12, 1864. Died at Elmira on March 4, 1865, of "febris typhoid."

Taylor, DR. G.T.
Dr. Taylor served in the AL 1st Artillery Battalion - Company C. He was captured at Fort Morgan on August 31, 1864 and send to Elmira Prison Camp. The following article appeared in the Confederate Veteran Magazine after the war.

I belonged to Company C, 1st Alabama Battalion of Heavy Artillery, and served on the Gulf Coast most of the war of 1861-65. I was captured August 23, 1864, at Fort Morgan and was taken to New Orleans and placed in Cotton Press No. 3 on September 18 (?). About 300 of us were sent on board a ship for New York City and placed in Castle Williams, on Governor's Island. We were kept there until December 4, when were sent to the Elmira (N.Y.) Prison. While in New Orleans, we fared fairly well under the circumstances. While on Governor's Island a corporal (I think his name was Toby) stole our rations, and we suffered hunger until Colonel Bumford, in command of the prison, removed the man, who was making money while we were starving. While there I took small pox, as did several others, and we carried the disease to Elmira, where a number died of it.

Talk about Camp Chase, Rock Island, or any other prison as you please, but Elmira was nearer Hades than I thought any place could be made by human cruelty. It was a bend of the small river, surrounded by a high board enclosure, with sentinels walking some fifteen or twenty feet on the inside; and if prisoners went near the line, a wound or death was the invariable result. Snow and ice several feet thick covered the place from December 6 to March, 1865. We were in shacks some seventy or eighty feet long, and they were very open, with but one blanket to the man. Our quarters were searched every day, and any extra blankets were taken from us. For the least infraction, we were sent to the guardhouse and made to wear a "barrel shirt" or were tied to by the thumbs for hours at a time. There was one Major Beal who, I believe, was the meanest man I ever knew. Our rations were very scant. About eight or nine in the morning we were furnished a small piece of salt pork or pickled beef each, and in the afternoon a small piece of bread and a tin plate of soup, with sometimes a little rice or Irish potato in the soup where the pork or beef had been boiled. We were not allowed to have money, but could make rings or pins or buttons and sell them for suttler tickets and buy tobacco or apples; but we were not allowed to buy rations. After the surrender of General Lee, we thought it would be better, but were mistaken.

In May they commenced to liberate prisoners, sending three hundred every other day. I got out on July 7, 1865, and started for my home in Alabama. Upon arrival in New York City I secured my first "square meal" in over ten months.

My experience was that when you met a Western man you met a gentleman or soldier; but when you met a "down Easterner" or a Southern renegade, you meet the other fellow.

Taylor, Joseph .J.
Sgt. 7th NC Inf Co. E
Sergeant, born in Nash County (NC) where he resided as a farmer prior to enlisting in Wilson County (NC) at age 18. …..captured at Winchester, Virginia May 6, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland until transferred to Elmira, New York August 10, 1864. Died at Elmira on September 29, 1864 of "typhoid fever."(N.C. Troops 1861-1865, Vol. IV, p. 460)
Information submitted by Richard Simmons.

Teague, Oliver Sanford
Oliver Sanford TEAGUE was born 30 May 1830 in Hall, Ga, the son of Benjamin TEAGUE & Ester Elizabeth SADLER. He died 21 Nov 1865 in Elmira, Chemung Co. NY and was buried in Elmira, Chemung Co. NY. He is buried in the Elmira Prison Camp, He was attached to Jeff Davis, Art. He married Sarah A. MILLER about 1853 in Randolph, AL. Sarah was born 1 Dec 1832 in Ga. She died 13 Dec 1912 in Lee, Tx. (The 1880 Lee Co. Census says she was born in AL this may be a mistake on the part of her son in law she is living with her son Allison Teague in 1910 in Hopkins Co. TX.) Children: Francis Marion TEAGUE was born 10 Jul 1853 and died 13 Sep 1933; Allison Monroe TEAGUE was born 1856; Leavina J. TEAGUE was born 1860. Leavina married L. G. WILLIAMS; Elizabeth S. TEAGUE was born 1863 in Randolph, AL.

Templin, William Harrison
William Harrison Templin was born on November 20, 1840 in Benton, Lowndes County, Alabama. He was the son of George Templin and Martha Pierce Templin. William enlisted as a private in the Jeff Davis Artillery at Selma, Alabama on July 23, 1861. The Jeff Davis Artillery battery was sent to Virginia in 1861 where it was fitted with guns and went through training. The battery was assigned to D.H. Hill's division. The battery's first engagement was at the Battle of Seven Pines in May, 1862. The next engagement was at Gaines Mill during the Seven Days Battle about Richmond. William Templin was wounded in that battle. Also in 1862, the Jeff Davis Artillery fought at the battles of Antietam and Fredericksburg.

In 1863, the Jeff Davis Artillery participated in the Battle of Chancellorsville, where they were with Stonewall Jackson during his famous flanking march around the Union Army. At Gettysburg, the Jeff Davis Artillery was in Carter's Artillery Battalion attached to Ewell's Corps and participated in the engagements on the 1st and 3rd days of the battle. In 1864, the Jeff Davis Artillery was in Page's Artillery Battalion attached to Ewell's Corps and participated in the Battle of the Wilderness in May, 1864. After the Battle of the Wilderness, General Lee anticipated that Grant would move around his flank to Spotsylvania Court House. Ewell's Corps was dispatched to Spotsylvania where Ewell formed a defensive line with a salient, which due to its shape became known as the "Mule Shoe". The Jeff Davis Artillery was placed in the earthworks near the tip of the salient in an area, which became known as "The Bloody Angle."

On the night of May 11, General Lee again anticipated that Grant would flank his army, so he withdrew Page's battalion from the line so they would be in a position to react to the move. In the early morning hours of May 12, Lee learned that the Federals were massing for an attack on the "Mule Shoe." Lee ordered Page's Battalion back to the front. The Jeff Davis Artillery rushed back into position and only managed to fire a few shots before Hancock's Corps. over-ran the Confederate line and surrounded Page's battalion, capturing 20 guns and many soldiers. William Templin was among those captured. William was initially sent to Point Lookout Prison in Maryland, and was subsequently transferred to the Elmira Prison Camp.

At Elmira, William joined a band of Confederates who successfully dug a tunnel from a tent inside the prison to outside the walls of the prison. The tunnel was over 60 feet in length, and required several weeks to dig. The tunnelers disposed of the dirt by placing it in bags made from a shirt and dumping it on the grounds of the camp. On October 7, 1864, William and nine other prisoners escaped from Elmira Prison through the tunnel. Once outside the prison, the escapees broke-up into small groups to make their way to freedom. William Templin, George G. "Hickory" Jackson, and John Fox Maull, all Jeff Davis Artillery battery mates, formed a team. They successfully made their way back to the Confederate lines. Their trek, which took them through New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia was very challenging. They had to forage for food and "borrow" clothing along the way. They encountered Yankees several times along the way and were assisted by both Northern and Southern citizens. Their journey took approximately three weeks.

Upon arrival within the Confederate lines, they were directed to General Jubal Early's headquarters near New Market, Virginia. General Early granted them a 30-day furlough in consideration for their prompt return to the service. After the furlough, William Templin re-joined the remnant of the Jeff Davis Artillery, which was assigned to Fort Clifton between Richmond and Petersburg. On April 2, 1865 the Jeff Davis Artillery retreated with Lee's Army and surrendered at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865. After the War, William Templin returned to Alabama and married Mary Jane Grumbles. William and Mary had eight children. William earned his family's living as a farmer. William Harrison Templin died on April 20, 1917. He is buried at Shiloh Baptist Church in Sardis, Alabama. His grave is marked with a Confederate tombstone bearing his name and "Jeff Davis Artillery, C.S.A."
Information provided by David F. Templin.

Terry, John Calhoun
Private Co. H. 23 Tenn Inf - Capt. M. M. Brien, Jr's, Co.

·  Mustered in Camp Trousdale, Tennessee Aug 23, 1861 by G. H. Smith, Lt C.S.A. for a period of 10 months.

·  Captured in front of Petersburg, VA , June 17, 1864

·  Transferred to Elmira N.Y. from Point Lookout, Md. - July 27, 1864

·  Point Lookout, Md., Register No. 1; page 443 - Elmira, N.Y., Register No. 1; page 115

·  Transferred to James River for exchange Feb 13, 1865

·  Took oath of Allegiance March 31, 1865

·  Submitted by Bob Atnip

Terry, Thomas D.
Pvt 6th Ala Inf Co G.
Thomas was a single 24 year old Pilot who was born in Alabama and lived at Autaugaville Alabama. He enlisted for 1 year on 2 June 1861 at Corinth Mississippi. Elmira Arrived: ? Died 02/14/1865 Grave No. [2061]

Thomas, Philip Evan
Pvt Co. E 5th SC Cav
Georgetown Dist., SC. Enlisted at Santee, SC, 17 Mar 1862. Capt. at Drewry.s Bluff, VA, 16 May 1864. Sent to Elmira, NY, and DOD (typhoid fever), 1 Oct 1864. Buried in Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, NY.
Information provided by Fred Knudsen.

Thompson, J.P.
Pvt 5th Va Inf Co G.
Died of disease at Elmira, N.Y., Sept. 19,1864. Buried Woodlawn Cemetery Grave No. 521.

Thompson, James A.
12th Al Inf Co G.
Born circa 1820/26, farmed in Tallapoosa County. He was with the 12th Alabama Infantry Rgt. in the war, and died as a POW at Elmira Prison Camp, NY. His father's name was Thomas P. Thompson.

Thompson, Thomas P.
13th Al Inf Co O.
Died as a POW at Elmira Prison Camp, NY. Possibly the father of James A. Thompson, but not confirmed.

Thomson, John White
John White Thompson
John White Thomson was born March 2, 1843 near Lee Shoals on the Rocky River in Anderson County South Carolina. His Parents were Major James Thomson (SC Militia 2nd Battalion, 4rth Battalion War of 1812) and Mattie L. Norris daughter of Colonel Jesse Norris.

During the War of Southern Independence he took arms against oppression as his great- grandfather Matthew Thomson had rightfully done during the American Revolution. John's family suffered greatly as all southern families did during the war. Two of his brothers were killed: Cpl. James Allen Thomson Company C of the Palmetto Sharpshooters 1863 at Will's Valley near Chattanooga and William Matthew Thomson of the 7th South Carolina Cavalry Company G at Riddles Shop near Petersburg in 1864.

When John tried to enlist into the local Anderson company he was refused admission. The reason was due to his age 17 years and his small stature. Afterwards, he went and joined an Abbeville company at Sandy Springs July 20th 1861 under Colonel Orr (later U.S. delegate to Russia) called the First South Carolina Rifles.

He was continuously with Orr's Regiment until wounded at Gaine's Mill. Rejoining his regiment after convalescence he was captured at Falling Waters Md. August, 14 1863 following the Battle of Gettysburg. After twelve months of confinement at Point Lookout he was transferred to Elmira New York where he was held until the end of the war.

John was previously acquainted with Colonel Tom Oliver of Hoods Texas Division who had once lived near Abbeville and was in prison with John. The two shared a lifetime friendship following their confinement at Point Lookout and Elmira. Tom was superintendent of one of the cookhouses where John describes "they had very good food, but very little of it." Both men attended all Confederate Veterans reunions together following the war.

John's father was very concerned about his son who had written a letter needing money to buy food. Mr. Baylis Crayton who owned the largest store in Anderson arranged for a Yankee merchant Mr. Inglesby in New York to lend John $150. The family was forever indebted to these two gentlemen. After John's release he set out and succeeded to find and repay Mr. Ingelesby.

John described Elmira as twenty acres surrounded by a fifteen-foot high plank wall where the men were quartered in tents. He described a peculiar spectacle performed when word of Sherman arriving at Savannah reached the people of Elmira, "I recall very well the celebration the people of Elmira made when they learned of Sherman's arriving at Savannah. One amusement they entered into was to aim some of their cannon toward our prison yard. They fired several shots at us, and two of the prisoners were killed. I didn't see the balls hit inside the prison , but I was in position to see the fire from the cannons. A high board fence surrounded us, and I remember that some of the local people of Elmira built an observatory three stories high . They were charged admission to look over us."

Upon John's dismissal from the prison the officer in charge swindled him over his money owed to him, "when I was captured I had in my possession $15 in United States money. The Provost Marshall took this money. When I signed the parole the officer in charge told me to call on this Provost Marshall that I had left my money with. I called on him and asked for my $15. He gave me some bank notes issued by a local bank. I protested telling him that I had United States money when I was locked up and that I wanted United States money in return. He declared rather insolently, that the bank notes were equivalent to United States greenbacks and I left the station, carrying with me the bank notes. Soon after getting out on the street a native asked me to sell him my blanket. I told him I didn't want to sell it; that I might need it on the way home. I told him, however that I had something I wanted to exchange with him-my $15 in bank notes. He held up his hands, pushed me off, and said that the bank that had issued these had closed some time before. As luck would have it, the old provost marshal hadn't gotten far away, and I ran and grabbed hold of him, and demanded United States money for what he had given me. He saw he had been caught and without a word of protest he took United states money from his pocket and handed it over to me, taking back the worthless bank notes."

John lived to a ripe age of 82 years old and died June 12, 1924 at his home in Anderson South Carolina. His wife, son James and two daughters May and Louisa survived him.

He was remembered by Colonel Hemphill speaking in 1891 in the Abbeville medium as able to give a full account of each battle and the names of those that had lost their lives around him. It was even told, that while holding their position in battle they came upon the pitiful cries of a young Yankee soldier. John climbed the fence at the peril of his life to raise the head of the man and let him drink from his canteen.

John White Thomson was a man of good citizenship and loyal personality and who delighted in service to his community.
Information submitted by Larry Thomson.

Thompson, William Andrew
William Andrew Thompson was born in GA in 1828, and married in Appling County on March 3, 1851, to Judy Bennett; he was the father of seven children. He enlisted on August 1, 1862, at Waynesville, GA, in Captain Hopkin's Company A, 24th Battalion GA Cavalry. Was later transferred to Company G, 7th GA Cavalry. He was captured by the Yankees on June 11, 1864, at Trevillian Station, VA, and sent to Elmira Prison Camp, Elmira, New York, where he died on Sunday, November 20, 1864, and was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery in grave # 944.

Thorp, James
2nd Reg. NC light Art. Co. G
Captured Jan.15,1865 at the battle of Fort Fisher. Was from Brunswick Co. NC near Wilmington. Name sometimes spelled Tharp, Thorpe, Tharpe. Released July 7,1865.
Information submitted by Mike.

Tucker, George Washington

One of the unfortunate victims of the Elmira Prison Camp in NY. He was born ca 1827 in Pike Co. AL to Hiram and Catherine Hendry Tucker. He was the 13th of 15 children. Mildred Margaret Bradley's, George's wife, pension application shows the couple marrying the 10th of Dec 1849, probably in Montgomery Co. where Mildred was born 24 Dec 1831. George died in the Elmira Prison camp the 9th of Dec 1864, leaving a grieving wife and 6 small children from the ages of 14 to 2 years old. He and his people were members of the Fairview Church of Christ in Upper Crenshaw Co. AL. His brother, Ira J. Tucker and wife, Priscilla A. Dendy Tucker, gave the land for the church and cemetery. George was buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in Elmira, NY and his wife was buried at the Fairview Church Cemetery. According to the Lowndes Court House by Mildred Brewer Russell, pg. 175, George was one of 2999 fatalities at the Elmira Prison Camp and was in the 1st Alabama Infantry, Co. F. Several men in the 1st Alabama Infantry died there.
Information provided by Wynnette Tucker Welch

Tunstall, Jerome B.V.
23rd N.C. Vol. Born May 16, 1843; died September 12, 1912. Resided in Granville County where he enlisted at age 18 , June 11, 1861 . Present or accounted for until wounded in his right hip and captured at Spotsylvania Court House , Virginia , May 9, 1864. Confined at various Federal hospitals until confined at Old Capital Prison . Washington , D. C , August 11, 1864. Transferred to Elmira August 28,1864. Released at Elmira on June 19, 1865 after taking the Oath of Allegiance. Although he left a diary, little can be gained from it because it was written in pencil. He did remark about being starved. After the war he married Mary Molly Britton ,they had six children. He a tax collector, clerk of court, and constable for Granville County.
Information provided by James R. Tunstall.

Tyner, William
Pvt. 51st NC, Co. F
Born in Robeson County where he resided as a farmer prior to enlisting at age 39, March 10, 1862. Present or accounted for until November-December, 1862, when he was reported absent without leave. Returned to duty in January-February, 1863. Present or accounted for until captured at Cold Harbor, VA, June 1, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, MD, June 11, 1864. Transferred to Elmira, NY, July 12, 1864. Died at Elmira on July 18, 1864 of a "contusion."