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Tactics for early season Browns

When fishing for trout in the spring it can be difficult but it is fairly easy with the right equipment.Equipment is very important because this time of year the fish are very spooky and can be scared off so thats were the planer boards come in.They are very important and every boat angler should have one.Planner boards are used for to get your lures far away from the boat as possible.This is needed because the trout are very easily spook because of the cold tempatures and most of the time they are scared of by the motor noise.The planner boards have your lures out to the side and when the boat passes over the fish the fish move to the side and thats when they see and take your lure.You can catch fish on riggers but you will catch alot more on planner boards.You should use long leads of line.Usally around 100 to 150 is good.I sometimes use 200 depending on the clearlity of the water.The next thing you should look into is the should use the right baits for the right conditions.The most use bait in the spring is ussaully the stickbaits. i have use them alot to catch many early season trout.They work very good on the plannerboards and riggers.My favorite stickbait is the thunderstick jrs. they are very good stickbaits and they come in a huge vareity of colors and sizes.The best is the rainbow trout and the watermelon.They are also my favorite ones to.I also have other stickbaits but they only limit my sussucess combared to the thundersticks.Another good bait is lures.These are very good for fish in later spring season.You can use them on both riggers and plannerboards.There are tons and tons of lures on the market but the ones i use in the spring are michingon stingers(my favorite),R&R spoons,northern king,pirate,lillte cleos,and some few more that i cant thing of.The best one of them all is michiagn stingers.They are far the best trout lures on the market.My favorite colors are black,watermelon,gold,green. They are the best and i had so much fun on days that fishing was slow i just but one on and after that they keep on hitting them. Now i always put aleast two out every time i go fishing. Now that you know how to fish for them and what baits to use to catch them. Now you have to know were they are.In early april they are right in front of the shore line and catch them in bewteen 4 to 20 feet.These are brown trout ans if you want to catch steelhead you have to go out deep 200 to 250 feet is common place for them because they follow the tempature breaks on the surface.