Here u will find bioz on all the gorillaz (including Del.) Gorillaz 2002 will provide u wit all da info on all da gorillaz I know..... so..... read!
2-D is a very interesting part of Gorillaz. He was introduced into Gorillaz because he was hit by a car twice by Murcoc. Hence the name 2-D, whitch is short for Two dents in my head. Thats also why he has black eyes The teeth are missing because he wanted to say something durring an interview and Murdoc punched him. 2-D was origonally named Stu-Pot. but after the incodent he was given his new name.2-D is very spiritual and studies Buddism.Everyone thinks hes cool and enigmatic but he only has a mygrane witch he never seems to get rid of.2-D has a passion for zombies and painkillers.2-D idolises Murdoc because he feels that he saved his life, tho Murdoc hates him.He's not much of a conversationalist, infact he dousnt really say anything at all.
Noodle, a ten year old orphan. Was born in Osaka Japan. A few years ago when The gorillaz were just Russ Murdoc and 2-D. They put an ad in the paper saying they needed a gutarist. And apparent all they receved was a crate from japan with Noodle inside. When they opened the crate the descovered that she didnt speak a lick of english. The only word she could say at the time was noodle. Since Russel studied Japaniese, he became Noodles father figure and they became inseperateable. Noodle loves the powerpuff girls and enjoys pokemon. She is the Axe princess of Japan. Litterally. Shes the best guilrist for her age. She, in her cute way, pulls the band together.
Russel grew up in NYC. When he was a child he spent alot of time with his best friend Del. That is until he was gunned down in a drive by. But Del descided to stay on earth by living inside his massive buddy. Out of fear for his son, Russes parents sent Russ to England for private tutoring. Later on Russ saw an ad in the newspaper for a drummer. so he then became the drummerfor the hit band, Gorillaz. Later on they receved Noodle and Russ became a father figure to Noodle, and spends alot of time with her. Russ is a very nice guy to know, (unless you get on his bad side), and hes very polite to his elders. His favorate pastime is eating and working on the Geep.
Murdoc is the one who started it all. It all started when Murdoc hit 2-D with his car. He origonally wanted to start a band. And after nursing 2-D back to health desided that 2-D should be the singer. Murdoc gets his insparation from the dark lord himself, Satan. He shoplifts, is a heavy smoker, and used to set fire to cats. Him being the oldest in the group,(35) Murdoc usually takes charge in interviews. He is the leader of the group tho he dousnt sing. Murdoc hates 2-D and loves to hurt him. infact 2-D's front teeth are missing due to a recient interview. Murdoc believes that 2-D owes him his soul after taking care of him from hitting him with a car TWICE.
Del is one of the reasons that Russel got kicked out of skool when he waz a kid. When ever Russel hears da beat Del awaikens from inside Russ. So i guess datz were he got the line "Finally someone let me outta mah cage!"
Thank you Avidgamers for these bioz!