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The Grand Republican

Alibris - Books You Thought You'd Never Find

Founding Father
Richard Brookhiser

Angel in the Whirlwind
Benson Bobrick

Founding Brothers
Joseph Ellias

Dearest Friend
Lynne Withey

David McCullough

Alexander Hamilton
Ron Chernow


The American Revolution in Indian Country
Colin Calloway

Liberty! The American Revolution

Thomas Fleming 

Setting the World Ablaze
John E. Ferling

The First American
H.W. Brands

The American Revolution: Writings from the War of Independence
John Rhodehamel, Editor

His Excellency:
George Washington
Joseph Ellis

Stephen Brumwell

John Adams
David McCullough

Selected Reading...

Author   Title
    Illustrated History of Crown Point
William Howard Adams The Paris Years of Thomas Jefferson
John R. Alden The South in the Revolution: 1763-1789
John R. Alden A History of the American Revolution
John R. Alden George Washington: A Biography
Jacob Axelrad Philip Freneau: Champion of Democracy
Charles Bahne The Complete Guide to Boston's Freedom Trail
Bernard Bailyn The Peopling of British North America
Bernard Bailyn Faces of Revolution
Bernard Bailyn The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson
Robert D. Bass Swamp Fox
Bob Bearor The Battle on Snowshoes
William J. Bennett The Spirit of America
William J. Bennett, Ed. Our Sacred Honor
George Athan Billias, Ed. George Washington's Generals and Opponents
Benson Bobrick Angel in the Whirlwind
Daniel J. Boorstin The Americans: The Colonial Experience
Robert Booth Boston's Freedom Trail
Catherine D. Bowen Miracle at Philadelphia
M.E. Bradord Founding Fathers
John Braeman The Road to Independence
H.W. Brands The First American: Life and Times of B. Franklin
Fawn M. Brodie Thomas Jefferson: An Intimate History
Richard Brookhiser Founding Father
Richard Brookhiser Alexander Hamilton
Richard D. Brown Revolutionary Politics in Massachusetts
Joy & Richard Buel, Jr. The Way of Duty
Colin G. Calloway The American Revolution in Indian Country
Henry Steele Commager The Spirit of Seventy Six
Edward Countryman A People in Revolution
Edward Countryman The American Revolution
Wesley Frank Craven The Legend of the Founding Gathers
Noble Cunningham In Pursuit of Reason-The Life of Thomas Jefferson
Bruce Davis Yorktown
Linda Grant DePauw Four Traditions: Women of NY During the Am Rev
Lincoln Diamant Chaining the Hudson
Carl Van Doren Secret History of the American Revolution
Carl Van Doren Benjamin Franklin
Richard M. Dorson America Rebels
Jonathan R. Dull A Diplomatic History of the American Revolution
Joseph J. Ellis American Sphinx
Joseph J. Ellis Founding Brothers
Richard Handler Eric Gable The New History in an Old Museum
T.R. Fehrenbach Greatness to Spare
John Ferling John Adams: A Life
John Ferling Setting the World Ablaze
Thomas Fleming Liberty
Thomas J. Fleming Now We Are Enemies
James Thomas Flexner Washington: Indispensable Man
Esther Forbes Pual Revere & the World He Lived In
Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography
Jack Fruchtman, Jr. Thomas Paine: Apostle of Freedom
John J. Gallagher The Battle of Brooklyn
John R. Galvin The Minutemen
Edith Gelles Portia
Larry R. Gerlach The American Revolution: New York as a Case Study
John Grafton The American Revolution Picture Sourcebook
Jack Greene, Ed. Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Am Revolution
Robert Gross The Minutemen and Their World
David Freeman Hawke A Transaction of Free Men
David Freeman Hawke Everyday Life in Early America
Christopher Hibbert Redcoats and Rebels
Don Higginbotham Daniel Morgan: Revolutionary Rifleman
Harv Hilowitz Revolutionary War Chronology & Almanac
Paul Gilje Howard Rock Keepers of the Revolution
Washington Irving George Washington: A Biography
S. Kurtz J. Hutson Essays on the American Revolution
Michael Kammen Colonial New York
Linda K. Kerber Women of the Republic
Richard Ketchum The Winter Soldiers
Richard Ketchum Decisive Day: The Battle of Bunker Hill
Richard M. Ketchum Saratoga: Turning Point of America's Revolutionary
Bernhard Knollenberg Origin of the American Revolution: 1759 - 1766
Bruce Lancaster The American Revolution
A.J. Langguth Patriots: The Men Who Started The Am. Rev.
Robert Leckie George Washington's War
Robert Dalzell Lee Dalzell George Washington's Mount Vernon
Lincoln Lorenz John Paul Jones
Pauline Maier The Old Revolutionaries
Pauline Maier American Scripture
John Mollo Malcolm McGregor Uniforms of the American Revolution
Joseph Plumb Martin A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier
Andre Maurois Adrienne: The Life of the Marquise de la Lafayette
David McCullough John Adams
Bart McDowell The Revolutionary War
Robert Middlekauff The Glorious Cause: The American Revolution
John C. Miller Triumph of Freedom: 1775-1783
Nathan Miller Sea of Glory
William Lee Miller The Business of May Next: James Madison
John C. Miller Origins of the American Revolution
John C. Miller Sam Adams: Pioneer in Propaganda
Lillian B. Miller In the Minds and Hearts of the People
Barbara Mitnick, Ed George Washington: American Symbol
Samuel Eliot Morison The Intellectual Life of Colonial New England
Paul Nagel John Quincy Adams
Gary B. Nash The Urban Crucible
Russel B. Nye The Cultural Life of the New Nation
Thomas Paine Common Sense
Howard H. Peckham The War for Independence
John Hyde Preston A Short History of the American Revolution
Myron Luke & Robert Venables Long Island in the American Revolution
Kenneth Roberts Arundel
Mary A.B. Robinson, Ed The French and Indian War
Eric Robson The American Revolution
Theodore Roosevelt Gouverneur Morris
Clinton Rossiter The First American Revolution
Clinton Rossiter, Ed The Federalist Papers
George Scheer, Ed Rebels & Redcoats
Kenneth Silverman A Cultural History of the American Revolution
Richard Norton Smith Patriarch: Washington and the New Am. Nation
Page Smith A New Age Now Begins, Vol I, II
Sol Stember The Bicentennial Guide to the Am. Revolution
T.J. Stiles, Ed. Founding Fathers
T.J. Stiles, Ed. The Colonizers
James L. Stokesbury A Short Hisotry of the American Revolution
Charles S. Sydnor American Revolutionaries in the Making
David Thurheimer Landmarks of the Revolution in New York State
Arthur B. Tourtellot Lexington and Concord
George Otto Trevelyan The American Revolution
R. Ernest Dupuy Trevor Dupuy An Outline History of the American Revolution
Barbara W. Tuchman The First Salute
Dorothy Twohig, Ed The Papers of George Washington
Harlow Giles Unger John Hancock: Merchant King & Am Patriot
Robert Venables The Hudson Valley in the American Revolution
Christopher Ward The War of the Revolution, Vol I, II
Harry Ward American Revolution: Nationhood Achieved
George Washington Rules of Civility
Thomas G. West Vindicating the Founders
Arnold Whitridge Rochambeau
Bruce Catton William Catton The Bold and Magnificent Dream
D. Duane Cummins William G. White The American Revolution
Adrienne Koch William Peden The Life and Selected Writings of Thomas Jefferson
W.J. Wood Battles of the Revolutionary War
Gordon S. Wood The Radicalism of the American Revolution
Gordon S. Wood The American Revolution
W.E. Woodward Lafayette