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The Day I Met Becky!

Okay, there are lots of us who would love to meet Becky Hammon, but not all of us are that lucky ;o) So how about those of you who HAVE met her? C'mon, share your experience! If you have any pics from your encounter with Becky and can share those too, that would be even better! Just send in your little stories about when/where/how you got to meet this Liberty star and how it went and what y'all said! The stories and/or pics will appear on this page, well, once we get some.

We've gotten a few so far, all of them are great! We love hearing about different fans' encounters with Becky, so send yours in if you have a story, even if it's not very long! We've got some more stories after this, so click here to continue on to page 2!

Everyone fears Becky's shooting!

The Day I met Becky

By Christina(co author):

It was a cold Friday afternoon and I just got home from school. It was about 2:40 pm. I was all happy cuz at about 7 pm I would be meeting TSpoon. After a few moments after I walked in the door my Dad called and said, "Christina, Spoon will not be there today." I was so upset, I was going to cry. Than I asked, "Will anyone else be there in place of her?" He than goes," Umm, whats her name? Let's see it starts with a B." Before he could finish I screamed BECKY!!! At about 7 we got to Meet the Team night for the Rutgers Women's Basketball team(Home of Sue Wicks, Baby)where Becky would be making an appearance. After waiting and waiting for everyone to talk they had Becky come out and talk. I was like OMG!!! Than at around 9 they had this little autograph thing. As I waited in line for about an hour with a Becky pic in one hand and my jersey in the other I felt my heart start to pound. Than before I knew it I was standing right in front of Becky! I couldn't talk I was speechless. I had waited over a year for this and it finally happened. Before I made myself look like an idiot without saying anything, just standing there looking at her, I handed her my jersey. She gladly signed that and my pic. After that my Dad took a quick pic. I than said Thank You. But before I could say Thanks, I had to ask her for a hug. I asked for a simple hug and she looks me right in the eye and says "Sure, why not? Hugs are free." As we drove home, I just sat there and thought to myself that I had just met Becky Hammon my role model for life. Thanks Becky. =) CREDIT FOR THIS FIRST PHOTO TO Becky Hammon Online!

Another Fan's Experience(s) With Becky:

The Day I Met Becky #2


I went to school on some day in February and I walked in, and I thought it was a normal day...but it wasn't! The first thing I see when I walk in is a poster of Becky; I spotted it VERY quickly. It said that she was going to be doing an alumni game for our school, and it said where it was and what time. Then I saw the date of it and I freaked out! It was a day after my b-day, and 3 days before hers! I was sooo happy! I will now skip ahead to March 8th! That day was the best day of school that I have ever had! I was HAPPY ALL DAY! It went by very slowly since I knew that I was going to see Becky that day! So when that school bell rang I rushed home to get ready! My friends picked me up at about 5 to go out to eat before the game! I could hardly eat, but I managed to eat a little! All my friends were laughing at me, cuz I was soo nervous and like freaking out about meeting her! They didn't know how important this day was going to be for me! The game started at 7 and I wanted to go at 6, but they had different ideas! They didn't want to go THAT early so we went driving around town for while, but we got to the game at like 6:30, so I was happy! We walk in and I was all cool. We go by some chairs and then to the entrance of the gym, and my friend stops me and asked if that was Becky in the chairs. It was and I didn't even notice it! I wasn't calm from then on! We walk in and sit in like the second row, for my sake! I am sure my friends wanted to sit a little farther up but they sat there for me! HOW NICE! Anyway she comes out and starts warming up for the game and I am taking pics! Then I see my parents come in and they are talking to my friend's mom that knows Becky, and I see them point over to me! I started getting a little curious about what they were saying! So I am sitting there and the lady that knows Becky waves me down from my seat! And I got soo nervous! Then I hear her yell to BECKY!! Man I swear my heart was pounding SO HARD!! So Becky comes over and she introduces me to her, like I didn't know who she was, lol! So then we get a pic taken together and she goes back to warming up! I could have gone home right then and I would have been satisfied but it gets better! We are watching the game and I am taking pics. And it is all cool! Halftime comes and they said that they were going to auction some of Becky's stuff off at halftime! So I get my dad, since he is a loud mouth I figured he could get the attention of them better than me, and I start looking at the stuff seeing what I want to get! I see her jersey there, which at the time you couldn't get anywhere, and I told him that I wanted it! It was the lst thing auctioned off, and I got it!! YEAH, but for $200!! I had to pay for it with my own money too! Oh well it was Becky's! But see then it gets better! I go down to get it, FROM BECKY by the way, and she asks me if I want her to wear it the second half of the game! I was like "YEAH!!!" I was sooooo happy that she wore it, cuz then I figured that after the game I had to get it back, lol! I am always thinking! So before she gets ready to play the second half I go down and have her sign a pic of herself and my Liberty t-shirt! She asked me where I got the t-shirt and I almost forgot cuz I was soo nervous, but I was able to get it out without too many stumbles, lol! I said it better than I thought I would though! And then she said that she liked it so I was like, "AWESOME!!!" But then the second half starts and it was just a time to relax for me! I hanged with my friends and watched the game! It was funny too! So after the game I was really excited and I was like, "DUDE I still have to go get my jersey!" I didn't know how to ask for it though, cuz she was signing autographs again! So I go up to her and I am like "I need my jersey!" She looks at me and is like 'OH YEAH you do don't you!' And she had to wait a little bit cuz people wanted autos. She felt bad about having us wait for like 5 or 10 minutes till she could get it off! I was like "TAKE ALL THE TIME YOU NEED!!" lol, and she gave it to me and I said thanks, and I was about to say "Happy Birthday", but I couldn't!! I would feel too dumb! I kind of regret it now but it is all good! Anyway that was the end of the night and it was a good one at that!

By the Way that was the second time I met her! My first was at our b-ball practice! It wasn't as exciting! She like showed up, and I didn't even know that she came in. My friend had to ask me if that was her and it was! I WAS ABOUT TO FALL ON THE FLOOR! I was very excited! She signed my practice jersey and she talked to us girls for a while. It was a blast!!


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