Update 6 >> 2-24-02

Keiko: Hey all, we just went with a bunch of friends to
see -Metropolis- yesterday! Here is what we thought...

Update 5 >> 2-7-02

Ryasu: Hmmm...ok I'll make this short. YES! We have a new
layout! Aren't you smart! And isn't it lovely? Okay, so the other
pages don't look like this and there are a few broken links BUT
other than that it's BEAUTIFUL!!! :D And we're getting up some
manga and portraits soon so c'mon back in a lil! 

Update 4 >> 2-3-02

Akiko: Halloooo everyone, just to say we're getting a bunch
of pics up SOON and that Ji-Yang's Evangelion analysis will also
be starting up soon...also getting some new logos ^^ Basically we
looked through the site, looked for broken links, so if you find
any email us. BAI!

Update 3 >> 1-27-02

Keiko: Okey, we've been terrible about updating, so please forgive us! Anyways...

Akiko: There's an anime movie out in theatres! Unfortunately, it's not in many, and though there is a downloadable version of a preview on the official website, I haven't seen any on TV. Anyways, it's called Metropolis, and it's a remake of Tezuka Osamu's original manga and anime which came out in 1949. I haven't seen it yet, but plan to this weekend at which point I will review it. All I know is it's about robots, and this once character, Tima, who is a robot but doesn't know it. Basically it's about a future relationship between humans and robots. You can download a background, preview, and get -a lot- more info by going to the official movie site- http://www.spe.sony.com/cthv/metropolis/ or to the original manga site- http://en.tezuka.co.jp/manga/sakuhin/m011/m011_01.html Ji-Yang: Okay, that's all for now.