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NY State Lyme letters

NY State DOH Office of Health Systems Management:

September 13, 1999: Wayne Osten, Director, OHSM
"Rarely, if ever, have these published guidelines indicated that anything more than two-three weeks of antibiotics are required to cure Lyme disease."

NY State DOH Office of Professional Medical Conduct:

Early December, 1999: Ansel Marks, Executive Secretary, BPMC
"The fact that the disease involved may have been Lyme was of little significance."

December 23, 1999: Ansel Marks, Executive Secretary, BPMC
"Rarely, if ever, have these guidelines indicated that anything more than two-three weeks of antibiotics are required to cure Lyme disease."

January 4, 2000: Ansel Marks, Executive Secretary, BPMC
"As defined by law, a difference of medical and of itself, is not medical misconduct."

May 10, 2000: Ansel Marks, Executive Secretary, BPMC
"The Office of Professional Medical Conduct and the Board for Professional Medical Conduct recognize that Lyme disease can be a severely debilitating disorder and are sensitive to the concerns of those individuals who suffer from this malady."

NY State Legislators:

April 7, 2000: Richard Gottfried, Chair, Assembly Committee on Health
"This seems to say that the Department’s investigative strategy is to identify and investigate physicians who follow a particular treatment methodology. The fact that this text has been removed from more recent correspondence does not change the fact that it was there in the first place."

November 9, 2000: Fred Thiele, NY Assembly
"In consideration of the controversy surrounding this issue, and the knowledge and dedication of this physician, I respectfully requested of the Governor, that he intercede to halt this review until the validity of the charges against Dr. Burrascano can be confirmed. Lyme Disease has adversely impacted the lives of many of my constituents and I do not want to see them denied access to Dr. Burrascano if they could be helped by his treatment modalities."

October, 2000: NY LymePAC TO the NY legislators
"Our state's protective agencies should not allow themselves to be used as clubs to beat back innovation in thoughtful clinical medical practice."


OPMC=Office of Professional Medical Conduct
BPMC=Board for Professional Medical Conduct
OHSM=Office of Health Systems Management
DOH=Department of Health

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Lyme Hearing Transcripts