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Handyman tips

Handyman tips

Gutters : If you haven't done so already now is a good time to have your gutters serviced. If your not afraid of getting on a ladder, then you may be able to handle the task yourself. You will need a ladder,  garden hose, gloves,and several garbage bags. once your up on the ladder remove all old leaves and debris from the gutters , then check all down spouts or leader for any loose or blocked passages. after all of the leaves are removed, run the garden hose and flush out any dirt left behind in the gutters...
Decks : It's also a good idea to start inspecting your deck for any repairs. Make arrangements  to have it pressure
washed, stained, or painted if needed.....

Questions ?

Handyman Services of Florida is not responsible for any damage to your home or person due to tips posted on the site. All repairs are done at your own risk and discretion.We also offers free handyman tips via email. And for those who would like to donate funds we have a link at the bottom of the webpage so we can maintain our site and post more info frequently.
We also answer technical questions concerning general home repairs and improvements.
If you have any questions or need advise in regards to repairs or projects around the home, feel free to email us. Thanks for visiting.

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