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San Francisco Street Artists Memories & Lore

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New Gallery added 04/03/11: 2011

In Memoriam

Lyn F. Magnuson

by Rick Magnuson

Born: April 14, 1945 Place: Detroit, Michigan
Died: March 1, 2011 Place: San Francisco, CA

Lyn’s Family

Father: LeRoy Jodway Mother: Marjorie Jodway Brothers: Rick Magnuson, LeRoy Jodway Sister’s: Faith Terenzi, Elaine Best, JoAnn Bashaw, Corrine Dunkel, Denise Onafray

My Brother Lyn growing up

A Cub Scout, paperboy, Graduated Pershing High School Detroit, MI, In the Navy from 1964-1968 rate: ASEAN Electrician

Places Lyn lived:

Detroit, MI, Sioux Falls, SD, Baltimore, MD, Oklahoma City, OK Charlotte, North Carolina, Madison Heights, MI, San Francisco, CA, Taxco, Mexico

Lyn’s Travels took him places like:

Woodstock, NY, after Woodstock Lyn went down to a commune in West Virginia to recuperate, and that is where he met his first and last wife Liza. Story tells it, that they were married on the commune in the stream.

Lyn went to Oklahoma City to live with his father for awhile and gained the reputation as fastest diamond setter in the West, which was published in the local newspaper with Lyn’s picture on the front page.

Lyn also went on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, Bosnia. Lyn also took time to visit Rome and other places of interest while he was in Europe.

Lyn took a short trip to Canada where he roughed it living as a pioneer, camping in the snow for a couple days. Lyn also made trips back and forth across our country many times, trips all over the USA.

My Memories of my Brother Lyn

How I remember my brother, a person who was dedicated to his skill, with a desire to become the very best. A person with a good heart and ready to help anyone who needed it. A person who wouldn’t take any shit from anyone and who would fight at the drop of a dime. One hell of a pool shooter, could build a beautiful cabinet, and played a real good game of chess. Lyn loved all kinds of music, played the guitar, loved to read, and was a scholar of the bible. Oh I can’t forget…pretty hardheaded. Lyn also loved dogs and it seemed like he always had a BIG dog at his side. Finally, Jeweler Extraordinaire!

A FREE SPIRIT who did it his way……..

Lyn F. Magnuson was one of the original San Francisco Street Artists. As a master goldsmith for over forty years, he embodied the spirit of the street artist community and was part and parcel of the pulse of San Fransisco until his life was tragically ended. We will miss you, our friend.

Dear San Francisco Street Artists,

Welcome to the San Francisco Street Artists Memories & Lore website. Within these pages are hundreds of photographs of San Francisco Street Artists dating from the early 1970's onward. This website was created to preserve hundreds of photos Lyn Magnuson had posted on his website, and for this, Lyn is owed a great debt of gratitude. His contribution to posterity is immeasurable. Hundreds of more photographs have been added beyond those of Lyn's.

This website is a work in progress as more pics are continuously being added. If you have pictures of San Francisco Street Artists and would like to donate scanned copies to this site, please e-mail them to Bruce Tackett. Please feel free to also include comments, anecdotes, or stories about various individuals, which will be posted below designated photos and attributed to the sender. So, please look through your albums and shoe boxes and see what you can find, ok? Thank you.

Names and captions for the pics are provided when known. If you recognize people and can provide names, it would be greatly appreciated. Again, please feel free to also include comments, anecdotes, or stories about various individuals, which will be posted below designated photos and attributed to the sender. When emailing me, Bruce Tackett, be sure to include the number of the picture you are referring to. Thank you.

You can also share information by going to The San Francisco Street Artists' Forum

Dennis Dooley

A special thanks to Dennis Dooley who collected, categorized, and scanned hundreds of photographs. Due to his efforts and the good will of those who contributed photographs, these memories and all this history will stand for all time as a testament to the San Francisco Street Artists.

Now settle back, relax, and enjoy a stroll down Memory Lane:

Lyn Magnuson Collection:

Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 3
Gallery 4
Gallery 5
Gallery 6

Marc Cassius Collection

David Samuel Collection

Dennis Dooley Collection

Peggy Riemer Collection:

Gallery 1
Gallery 2

Riccardi & Guy Holman Collections

Weinstein Collection

Miscellaneous Collection


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