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Something Missing

When Taylor was a child he was kidnapped. He was returned to his family and they resumed their normal life. Now, 14 years later the man who has put Taylor through physical and mental hell has come back for him.

Chapter One - Happy Birthday
Chapter Two - Concerns
Chapter Three - Man at the Show
Chapter Four - The Fight
Chapter Five - Central Park
Chapter Six - Car Ride
Chapter Seven - Return to Madness
Chapter Eight - Holden
Chapter Nine - The Tape
Chapter Ten - Fear and Hope
Chapter Eleven - I Want to Go Outside
Chapter Twelve - Plan of Action
Chapter Thirteen - Punishment
Chapter Fourteen - The Piano
Chapter Fifteen - Letting It Out
Chapter Sixteen - Music Therapy
Chapter Seventeen - Frustration
Chapter Eighteen - Meanwhile...
Chapter Nineteen - Doctor Andrew
Chapter Twenty - Famous?
Chapter Twenty One - Notebook
Chapter Twenty Two - Guilt
Chapter Twenty Three - Friend?
Chapter Twenty Four - A Gift
Chapter Twenty Five - Revenge
Chapter Twenty Six - Kill Him?
Chapter Twenty Seven - Repercussions
Chapter Twenty Eight - The Letter
Chapter Twenty Nine - Confrontation
Chapter Thirty - Help
Chapter Thirty One - It's Over
Chapter Thirty Two - Safe
Chapter Thirty Three - Tying Loose Ends

Won't Go Down - Sequal to Something Missing

Update: 6.6.04 - The first two chapters of the sequal, Won't Go Down are up here. I probably won't be working on this story as fast as I worked on this one, but it will be updated pretty often, especially when I get done with school. So check it out and let me know what you think so far. Also, thanks for all the kind e-mails about Something Missing. I hope you enjoy the sequal just as much.

Update: 5.29.04 - I finally finished the story. I hope you all have enjoyed reading it. Please drop me a line at my e-mail to let me know what you think. I'll begin work on a sequal very soon and I'll put the link up here. Thanks for reading.

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