Well, the fae are very sensitive beings, and can sense a kind heart and your innermost intentions, much the way that animals can. Having an open and loving heart is the only way you will ever have a chance to see one of the shining ones. Of course, it goes without saying that you must actually believe they exist. Your beliefs determine what you attract into your life. If you believe there are no good men left in the world, sure enough, you will never meet any even though there are thousands of them out there. If you believe the shining ones are lovely creatures from storybooks, then storybooks will be the only place you will encounter them.


As you first open up to the possibility of the fae making themselves known to you, you may only catch a glimpse out of the corner of your eye, or see traces of the tracks they've left behind. If you can answer 'yes' to any of the following questions, chances are you have already had a close encounter of the magical kind, and were not even aware of it.



Have you ever seen a flash of light or a sudden quick movement out of the corner of your eye that could not be explained?

Have you ever seen flickers of light around your houseplant or flowers?

When out in Nature, have you ever felt the woods themselves were watching you?

While walking down the street, has the fragrance of a plant or flower hit you strongly?

Did you have an "imaginary" playmate?

Have you ever walked through an open field and find yourself brushing away spider webs from your face?

Have you ever heard music or singing from unidentified sources?

Do your dreams often and consistently involve outdoor environments?

Have you ever encountered an old woman while walking in Nature, only to turn around the next moment and find her gone?

Have you ever been sitting outside sitting outside singing or humming softly and seen animals draw closer?

Have you ever found things inexplicably appearing, disappearing, or being rearranged in your house?

Did you ever find yourself excessively sleepy when camping or on extended nature outings?

Do you ever dream of strange beasts or dragons?

Do you ever feel upcoming changes in weather before there are any signs?

Are your favorite times of day dawn and dusk? Favorite times of year autumn or spring?***



You answered 'yes' to that many? Well my friend, the fae are closer than you know, and all you have to do is open your awareness a little bit, and you'll see for yourself.


It seems that the best times for encountering them are the 'tweens' ~ that magical time between the dark of night and dawn's first light, or the purple twilight as the sun dips below the horizon just before the Queen of Night puts on her twinkling crown of jewels. The 'tweens' of the earth are the best places to look also; where the mountains meet the stream, or the forest meets the prairie. The more wild and undeveloped environments are the best places to find them, though a beautiful garden in the midst of the city has been known to attract the most adventurous. Try planting some of their favorite plants in your yard (see Fairy Plants and Trees). Adding a water fountain or fish pond would be even nicer. And make sure your home is clean and neat, filled with lots of flowers, and magical treasures like feathers and special stones. Fill the air with beautiful music ( I happen to know that Loreena McKennitt is a big favorite, and so is Patrick Ball's Celtic harp music....there are even some that love Led Zepplin, but as a whole, the more serene the music the better. Experiment.) There are some that say that bells scare the fae away, but I've found that quite the opposite is true. Loud gongs would scare me away, but the sweet tinkling of crystal bells and windchimes sound very much like their own voices and just may call them to your door.


There are some that say that the fae detest iron and that it may even do them bodily harm. I don't know if that's true, but I haven't owned a set of cast iron pots in years, just to be sure.


Finally, the following is a spell for summoning fairies called "The Fairy Call", taken from "Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book" :


Sit where the cat sits.  Cross your toes.
    Close your eyes, and smell a rose.
Then say under your breath:
    "I believe in Fairies, sure as death.

Gadflykins!  Gladtrypin
    Gutterpuss and Crass!
Come to me Fairily
  Each lad and lass!"



So, there you have it. A few suggestions on how you can attract the shining ones into your life or be guided into theirs. Remember that magic is all around you every second of every day. You are the only one stopping you from experiencing it.



May your days ahead be filled with magic and miracles.......




"Just a Wish" is another magical midi courtesy of Don Gilman







***Taken from "Enchantments of the Faerie Realm" by Ted Andrews
The animated fairies are courtesy of Pagefairy


The artwork at the top is my own.