Ant ~~ group mind, patience, action
Alligator ~~ maternal, revenge
Antelope ~~ action, agility and sacrifice
Armadillo ~~ safety, boundaries, medicine shield
Badger ~~ aggressive, healer, energy conduit
Bat ~~ rebirth, secrets and initiation, long life
Bear ~~ power, industrious, instinct, healing, introspection
Beaver ~~ determined, strong-willled, builder, protector
Bee ~~ organization, industrial, productive, wisdom
Buffalo ~~ sacredness, life, prayer, abundance
Butterfly ~~ metamorphosis and transformation
Cheetah ~~swiftness, insight, focus
Coyote ~~ the trickster, intelligence, stealth
Crane ~~ solitude, justice, longevity, independence, intelligence, vigilance
Crow ~~ law, shape shifting, change, creativity, spiritual strength
Deer ~~ intellectual, gentleness, caring, kindness
Dog ~~ noble, faithfulness, loyal, teaching
Dolphin ~~ kindness, salvation, breath of life
Dragon ~~ longevity, infinity, wisdom, power, movement through space
Dragonfly ~~ flighty and carefree, illusion breaker,
Duck ~~ water energy
Eagle ~~ divine Spirit, sacrifice, connection to creator
Elephant ~~ strength, power, wisdom
Elk ~~ strength and agility
Falcon ~~ new beginnings, adventure, passionate, leadership
Fox ~~ cunning, agility, quick-witted, camouflage
Frog ~~ water energy, cleansing, rebirth
Gazelle ~~ the soul, agressive
Goose ~~ self-demanding, reliable, prudent, rigid
Grouse ~~ the sacred spiral, cycles
Hawk ~~ messenger, intuition, victory, healing
Horse ~~ stamina, mobility, power
Hummingbird ~~ messenger, timelessness, healing, joy
Jaguar ~~ chaos, shape-shifter
Lion ~~ family, strength, energy, courage
Lizard ~~ conservation, dreaming
Llama ~~ comforting others
Lynx ~~ keeper of secrets, guardian and guide
Moose ~~ headstrong, longevity, steadfastness, wisdom
Mouse ~~ scrutiny, order, organizer
Opposum ~~ diversion, strategist, deceiver
Otter ~~ playful, friendly, dynamic, female energy
Owl ~~ deception, clairvoyance, insight , messenger
Ox ~~ sacrifice, self-denial, chastity
Panther ~~ self empowerment, movement in darkness without fear, death and rebirth, strength
Peacock ~~ immortality, dignity, self-confidence
Porcupine ~~ innocence, companionship, trust
Rabbit ~~ fear, timidity, nervousness, humility, fertility
Raccoon ~~ curiosity, cleanliness
Raven ~~ introspection, magic, healing, shape-shifter
Salmon ~~ proud, intense, confident
Seahorse ~~ confidence and grace
Shark ~~ hunter, survival, adaptability
Skunk ~~ reputation, presence, strength, respect
Snake ~~ impulsive, shrewdness, rebirth, transmutation of energy
Spider ~~ creatrix, web spinner
Squirrel ~~ planner, gatherer
Swan ~~ grace, balance and innocence
Tiger ~~ strength, valour, power, energy
Turkey ~~ generosity, life-giver, sharer
Turtle ~~ nurturer, protector, grounding, Mother Earth energy
Whale ~~ wisdom, provider, keeper or ancient knowledge
Weasel ~~ strength, energy, ingenuity and stealth
Wolf ~~ loyalty, preserverance, freedom, teacher
Woodpecker ~~ sensitive, protective, devotion
A Dictionary of Symbols by J. E. Cirlot
Earth Medicine by Kenneth Meadows
Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson