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She wasn’t beautiful that was for sure, her black hair was jaggedly cut and uncontrollable, her eyes nothing much was wrong with her eyes they are a deep majestic blue. The only really noticeable thing that set her apart from others was the fact that she had a long slanted scar under her left eye. It began just under her left eye and ran down slanted past her eye, then it simply stopped.

When someone asks how she got it, she stutters and says I don’t know. For indeed she doesn’t know, she’s had it all her life. Well, at least as far back as she can remember. Nope she wasn’t perfect and she was often looked down upon by others. Some, oh yes a very few some enjoyed her company and thought that she was a very kind girl, but she never really talked much she had a tendency to keep to herself.

She lives in the forest, where? Nobody is sure where exactly she lives, she just lives in the forest. Everyday she comes out of the forest and walks to my little store where she works, then when her work hours are done she disappears into the misty forest never to be seen again well at least not until the next day. She most likely has a little house on top of small mountain that she hikes up to, I know this because I always see the smoke of a fire there, but then it goes away. As far as we know she lives alone there all by herself, some local kids come up with stories about how she hunts her own food and eats it raw. Now I know for sure that is not true, but others believe what they want. One time I asked her what she thought about being talked about like that and she just shrugged and said, “Let them believe what they want, for it doesn’t bother me.”

Curious don’t you think? Yes, she is a very curious girl. One day she just showed up in town nobody knows where she came from, who her parents are, anything. You couldn’t really write a book about her history because like I have said nobody knows. When she showed up she was not that old maybe 13 years old, it’s been two years since then so I believe that she is now around 15. Anyway when she first showed up she tried to get work at many many places, everyone turned her down. Then she came to my store and bought a few things. When she stopped by to pay I asked her if she would like to work for me.

When I asked her this she turned to me and said, “What?”

“Would you like to work for me? I could use the extra help.”

She looked at me for several seconds her blue eyes seemed as though they were dancing finally she looked down and said, “I would love to be able to work for you.”

“Great,” I said handing her a basket of freshly baked muffins and a little sheet of paper with a address on it, “If you don’t mind I’d like you to start now and take these to this address. By the way if your going to be working for me you’d better let me know your name. I’m Osano.”

“I don’t mind starting now, and my name is Zena,” she said taking the basket and looking blankly at the address, “If you don’t mind Ms. Osano could you kinda point me in the direction that I need to go?”

“Huh? Oh yes sure you just go that way and for the record just call me Osano I’m not that used to formalities k?”

Zena smiled which I have found out was a rare thing, “Okay Osano,” she said then went out the door to deliver the muffins.

When she returned she looked as if she was going to cry, “Zena? What’s wrong?”

She looked at me and handed over the empty basket, “I don’t think I want to deliver anything anymore. It that’s okay with you.”

“Okay, but what happened?”

“I don’t think people around here like me that much.”

“Oh Zena that’s just because they don’t know you.”

“Maybe so,” she said heading for the door, “I’ll be back tomorrow early in the morning to start work.”

“Where are you staying?”

“In the forest I’ll get the house later.”

Strange girl she is, “Oookay bye.”


The next morning she showed up and I taught her about taking money and giving change and how to run the store. Now I must say of the many things she didn’t know, she did know how to work. Boy did she know how to work. When she wasn’t at the register, she was either cleaning or restock the shelves. Never was she just sitting back doing nothing.

Well, two years past and I’ll say those two years where the most eccentric years of my life, but she is still working here as for her house that she said she’d get later, well I asked her about that. It turns out she built her own little house out there somewhere in that big forest. What did I tell you? Huh? Boy that girl can work. I asked her about her being a good worker and she just said that she had been working all of her life and that it wasn’t that hard.

“Hey Zena?” I called out to her. In return I got the sound of a crash and little scream, “Zena?” And there she was the now 15 year old Zena she came crawling out of one of the isles dust all over her.

“Yes Osano?” she asked trying to brush off some of the dust that was all over her clothes.

I couldn’t help but start laughing at the site that was before me, “Zena? What happened?”

“I was dusting up on the top shelf and when you called me I got startled and fell off the stool that I was standing on, and then to top it all off the boxes came crashing down also. Don’t worry Osano I’ll get it cleaned up.”

“Okay Zena and when you are done cleaning that up could you take over here at the register? I need to go take care of something.”

“Okay Osano.”

Turns out Zena didn’t take long at all to clean up the mess and she took over at the cash register.

In the store walked a young lady and her 5 year old son, they shopped around for about a half hour then came up to Zena.

“Hey mommy? When I’m old enough can I get a Bishel Dragon?”

The lady was trying to figure out how much she was spending, “Yeah sure fine.”

Zena leaned over the counter and looked at the boy, “What’s a Bishel Dragon?” she asked him.

The little boy turned to her and said, “A Bishel Dragon is a wonderful creature that you can bond with when your old enough that is.”

“Where do you get them?”

“Why don’t you know anything? At the Bishen Realm of course! Though if I was you I wouldn’t try getting one.”

“Why? Why can’t I get one?”

“Because you have that ugly scar on your face and your not pretty or perfect like I am.” he said.

Zena looked like she was going to cry she gave the lady her change and they left. When I came back out from the back bakery and saw Zena so upset I asked what happened and she told me. I looked at her and said, “Oh Zena ignore that brat child he doesn’t know anything, besides I know a few things about Bishel Dragons too and they don’t really mind what you look like, they care about what is on the inside.”

“You think so?” she asked.

“Zena I know so. Besides what dragon wouldn’t want to bond with a kind quiet friendly girl like you?”

“I may be nice, but I’m not pretty.”

“It doesn’t matter if you pretty or not, I don’t think that Bishel Dragon’s really judge people by what they look like.”

“I wish I could bond with a Bishel Dragon.” she said looking at the ground.

“Well why can’t you?”


“Why can’t you? If you want to try and bond with a Bishel Dragon then you go for it. I’ll even escort you to The Bishen Realm myself if I have to.”

“You would?”

“Yeah I would. In fact we leave tomorrow really early. Be here before sunrise we are going to the Bishen Realm.”

Next morning-

”You ready to head out Zena?” I asked her while on top of my big bay horse.

Zena who was on a palomino gelding looked up and said, “I’m ready Osano, but is this really safe?”

“What? Riding a horse. Oh don’t worry Zena you’ll be fine. Now lets get going.” I said and urged my horse onward, Zena did the same and got behind me. I took the road that leads to The Bishen Realm and off we went.

2 hours later-

“Osano? I don’t mean to be a pain, but are we there yet?” Zena asked practically falling asleep in the saddle.

“Yep Zena we are here.”

I looked at Zena and she started to look around, “Oh Osano it’s wonderful.”

“Yeah it is a wonderful place. Now come on Zena lets hop off our horses and find whoever is in charge here.”

“I’m not in charge here, but I can help you.” a young man said stepping from some bushes.

“Hello I’m Osano, and we have come very far could we possible rest our horses someplace?”

“Sure,” he said and whistled someone came running, “could you take their horses to go get some rest?”

We got off the horses and a little boy took our horses, “This is the Bishen Realm right?” I asked.

“Why of course. I’m Ganto by the way. Follow me and I’ll take you inside.”

“Okay, by the way this bashful girl over here is Zena.”

“Osano!” Zena whispered to me, “I can introduce myself.”

“Nice to meet you Zena.” Ganto said to Zena, poor girl is to shy for her own good. We went inside then and I must say the inside was as beautiful as the outside, somewhere, I’m not sure where but somewhere I could hear a wonderful little song being played.

“Are you here to adopt a Bishel Dragon?” Ganto asked us while Zena was over looking at a painting of some Bishel Dragons.

“Um, yes she is. I just brought her here,” I said to Ganto, “Zena! Please stop gazing aimlessly at that majestic painting and come over here.”

“Sorry Osano.” Zena said walking back to where Ganto and I were standing.

“Well, Osano tells me that you are the one hoping to bond with a Bishel Dragon.” Ganto said to Zena.

“Uh, yes.” Zena said.

“Well, I’m sorry to inform you but there aren’t any eggs available.”

Zena looked very disappointed, “Oh,” she said sadly.

“But there is a contest going on. The Kailan set it up. You see there is a very special Bishel Dragon egg that he has, but in order for someone to get it you have to find the Fourteen Bishen Seals which are hidden all around The Creature Refuge. Maybe you’d like to enter the contest and find the Seals?”

“Oh I’d love to, but where is The Creature Refuge?”

“I will take you there if you like, but you must go alone without Osano.”

Zena looked first at me I nodded to her trying to say go for it Zena, then she looked back at Ganto, “Okay!” she said that with more enthusiasm than I would have imagined possible for a girl like her. Unpredictable she is, yes unpredictable.

“Well, lets go then. This portal right here should take us right to the entrance of The Creature Refuge.”

“P, p,..portal?” Zena stuttered.

“Don’t worry there is nothing to fear just step through.”

“Bye Osano!”

I waved my hand goodbye and said, “Goodbye Zena, and good luck!”

“Thanks Osano!” she said then stepped through the portal.

“Don’t worry Osano,” the boy said, “she’ll be fine.”

I wasn’t sure what I should do then so I went and got our horses and headed back to the little town hoping all the way back that Zena would be okay.

At The Creature Refuge-

When I stepped out into The Creature Refuge I must say I was very startled at what I saw. Creatures everywhere I didn’t even know what most of them are.

“Come on now Zena, I’ll take you to Indyana and then you can get started on your quest.” Ganto said from behind me.

He led the way then and we found a lady carrying wood with a little creature flying about next to her. I quickly found out that her name was Indyana, we talked for a little while and then I got started on my, what did Ganto call it? Oh yeah my quest. My Quest to find the Fourteen Bishen Seals to be precise.

I walked and walked and for a little change of pace lets just say I walked some more. I came upon a lady named U’haria who was taking care of somethings called featherdrakes I think it was there names are Edge and Christian.

I saw something glinting on the ground. Leaning down, I picked it up and turned it over in my hands. Edge came over to investigate, then whistled excitedly to U'haria and Christian.

"That, traveler, is one of the Fourteen Bishen Seals," U'haria said, looking at the seal I was holding. "It is the Kin Seal, I believe." Christian nodded and blowed out a puff of hot air in excitement. "I hear that the Kailan at The Bishen Realm has started a hunt of some sort at the Refuge for those seals. Perhaps you will be the one to win."

’Well,’ I thought to myself, ‘I’d say I’m off to a good start.’

The Energizing Seal-

I continued walking after I found that one Seal. After walking a while I came upon Xylin we talk for a bit.

Then I turn to go and trip, falling flat on my face. Xylin comes over, concerned.

"Are you all right?" He asks, helping me up.

"Yes," I said, brushing off and turning to look at the ground. "I just tripped over som--" Suddenly, I caught sight of what I tripped on. It's one of the Fourteen Bishen Seals! Xylin sees the seal and picks it up.

"Hmm, the Energizing Seal of the Bishen," he says, wiping some of the dirt from it. "Who would leave such a thing here? I better tell Jarod about it."

"No, wait," I quickly said, "it is part of the Kailan's Hunt. It was meant to be hidden here."

"Oh, I'd nearly forgotten about that," Xylin says. "Well, I'm sure the Kailan won't mind if I at least put it somewhere less muddy." Xylin places it on a flat rock near the side of the path. "There," he says, "it's barely moved a meter." I found another.

The Zephyr Seal-

Walking and looking was about all that there was to do on this quest of mine, but that’s okay. I have been meeting many interesting creatures oh yes many indeed.

Just then I saw another interesting creature, and from all that gazing at that wonderful picture back at The Bishen Realm I knew that this was a Bishel Dragon

“Hello there.” I said to him or her.

*Hello. I’m Jarod a male Bishel Dragon.* he said. I asked him a few questions about The Bishen Realm and The Creature Refuge that he gladly answered with ease. When we were done talking I said goodbye and turned to leave.

Suddenly, Jarod looked at me thoughtfully. *Traveler, wait here a minute,* he said, and then disappeared up into the tree tops.

I waited quietly in the forest. The birds sing and chatter around me, and the bugs drone a lazy hum. After a few minutes, Jarod comes swooping from the sky, holding something.

"This," he says, "is one of the Fourteen Bishen Seals. Now, the Kailan set up a hunt here at the Refuge. If someone can find all the seals and can prove that they are worthy, they will be allowed to take care of a very special Bishel Dragon egg. You seem worthy, and you have a good soul. I would like you to take the Zephyr Seal. This will bring you another step closer to winning the hunt."

I was completely speechless as Jarod handed me the seal. "Thank you," was all I managed to say.

The Trust Seal-

I continued examinging the area while I walked, ‘Hey what was that?’ I think to myself. Something was shining in those bushes, I go over to them expecting a creature to be waiting in the bushes, but what I found was not a creature I found another one of the Foureen Bishen Seals. Carefully I bent down and picked it up, only there was a bit of a problem here. Nobody is around to tell what Seal this is. Trust. What? I stared at the Seal very confused. It didn’t? Did it? I gripped the Seal and closed my eyes. Trust There it is again. That’s it! This is the Trust Seal. Of course why didn’t I think of that sooner? Well, four down and ten to go.

The Fall Seal-

I continued on looking for the rest of the Seals when I found a lady named Ramona and a creature named Alenon.

‘Wait a minute,’ I thought to myself, ‘What is in his beak?’ “Ramona, is that one of the Bishen Seals?” I asked her.

“Yes," Ramona says, nodding and taking the object from Alenon's beak. "This is the Fall Seal. It is one of the Seals of Time."

“Great!” Only nine more Seals, this is taking quite a long time.

The Summer Seal-

As I walked out, I noticed that something was embedded in one of the walls in the cavern. “Hey!” I said aloud, “It's one of the Fourteen Bishen Seals!” This must be one of the Seals of time, hmmm, probably the Summer Seal. Eight more to go.

The Feasting Seal-

Later after I found the Summer Seal I found a creature named Richard, I think he likes poetry, because he appears to be making up some new poems of his own.

*I say,* Richard suddenly says, *do you suppose you might help me?* He fixes me with a waiting gaze.

"Um, okay sure, what can I do?" I asked.

*Well, I'm having a bit of trouble finishing this bit of poetry. Perhaps you might be able to find a word that could help.* He clears his throat and begins to quote his verse:

*Love's sweet call, like a bird in spring,
In my ears does ring.
Life, breath, dream, and beat,
Head, heart, claws, and feet,
Season's gentle growl, hanging in the heavy air,
For she. . . *

Richard stops. *That's where I'm stuck, I'm afraid. One last line. It must rhyme, of course. Can you think of anything?*

I tried to help him the best I could and when I was finished helping him with his poetry he asked me if I was looking for the Fourteen Bishen Seals. I nodded and said, “Yes I am.”

*Well then,* Richard said, lowering his voice, *let me let you in on a little secret. In that hollow over there, you will find one of the Seals of Life.* Richard motions to a small hollow in the rocky walls. *It is the Feasting Seal.* Richard gave me a kindly smile. *I'm sure the Kailan will find you worthy,* he said.

“Thanks!” I said. Another seal!

The Aqua Seal-

While looking around The Creature Refuge somemore I found another Bishel Dragon here named Athena. As I look out into the Sea and see something glimmering on the ocean floor.

*I see you have found the Aqua Seal, young one,* Athena said.

“Yep, now I’m yet one more seal closer.”

The Terra Seal-

Next I met Pierre another Bishel Dragon. We talked a little, but then I went to leave. As I’m walking away I hear some coughing I turn around and see that Pierre was coughing.

*Ack,* he coughs, blowing dust about, *the tunnels are so dusty. Sometimes a dragon can barely breath.* He gets out of the burrow and rubs his eyes. He then sneezes before plopping down, exhausted. Oh dear, I dug into my pockets to try and find anything that might help him and it turns out that I happened to have a handkerchief

I offered it to him, but in return he jumped up and shouted yay.

*I knew it! I knew you were the one!* He said, excitedly jumping up. When he started doing this I must say I was so confused, I didn’t know what was going on. I suppose that he saw my confused expression because he stopped jumping around and turned to face me. *You are on the Kailan's Hunt, from , aren't you?* He asked. I nodded, beginning to understand a little. *You see,* Pierre says, *I planned that to see what you would do. Only a person who is caring and takes initiative would have offered me help.*

"So you don't need the handkerchief?" I asked him at this Pierre bursts into a fit of laughter.

*No, no, traveler,* he said. *Terran Bishel Dragons are born to burrow! However, you have proven yourself worthy in my eyes. Wait here.* He disappeared into the burrow and quickly reappeared, holding something in his mouth which he dropped at my feet.

*This,* Pierre says, *is the Terra Seal. It is one of the Seals of Element. Now you know its name and location!*

Boy, was I shocked at this, “Thanks Pierre, I’ve been searching for these seals for what seems a year.”

*Well, now you're this little bit closer,* Pierre observes, smiling.

The Love Seal-

Next I came upon a creature named Damiana and a cocoon. I didn’t spend that long there, but then I saw something placed glinting in the moonlight next to the cocoon.

"What's that?" I asked Damiana.

"It is the Love Seal," she said. "There are fourteen Bishen Seals hidden around the Refuge. It is part of a hunt over at . I hear that they are searching for someone to take care of a special Bishel Dragon egg." Then picks up the seal and shows it to you. It depicts two penguins caring for their eggs. "I think this is one of the Seals of Soul."

“Well, I guess I’m getting closer to finding all of the seals.”

The Homeland Seal-

I went over to the registery desk when I got back to the main entrance, I looked around at what was there.

Then I saw a very interesting looking thing on the desk, “What’s that,” I asked Indyana.

"This," she said, "is the Homeland Seal. It is one of the Fourteen Seals created by the Kailan of the Bishen Realm. It represents ties to home and hearth."

"Wow," I said practically speachless.

"The Kailan has hidden the Fourteen Bishen Seals here in the Creature Refuge. It is part of a quest for those who hope to adopt a special Bishel Dragon from the Realm. Are you participating in it?"

"Yeah I am.”

"Here," Indyana said, handing me the Homeland Seal, "You are well on your way; go in peace."

The Winter Seal-

Well, I just found the Winter Seal and I must say it was very funny how I found it. You see I met a boy named Henry who watched after a little creature named Cu Ar'xek Nivia which I found out means Deep Ocean’s Ice. When I spotted the Winter Seal I wasn’t entirely sure which seal it was, but then Cu (Cu Ar'xek Nivia) came up to me and said, “Nivia,” and after thinking about what he said I figured that he was trying to help he figure out what seal it was because Nivia is part of his name and it means ice! Funny, don’t you think?

The Singing Seal-

Next I met a Dream Dragon, I knew a girl in the town I lived in who had a Dream Dragon also. Very nice creatures I think.

I was about ready to leave, but then I spotted something near the Dream Dragon whose name is Fytila, “It’s a seal! But which?” Echinacea the guardian of Fytila quickly explained to me that it was the Singing Seal.

“Oh my goodness. I only have one more seal to find!” I said then quickly told the two creatures goodbye and went to look for the final seal.

The Final Seal the Spring Seal-

I must admit that finding the last seal wasn’t at all easy. I was walking along, but then I found an entrance to a library which I didn’t even know was there. I went into the library and looked around at all of the books. Then I met Blazing Star who is in charge of the library. I told her that I didn’t even know her library was here then I ended up asking her a few questions about her library, I was about to leave when I saw something that looked very familiar on one of the shelves.. of course!

"That's one of the Fourteen Bishen Seals!" I said while pointing to it. Blazing Star looked over and nodded.

"Yes, that is the Spring Seal," she said. "Jarod asked me to hide it in my library. I told him that no one ever has the time to stop in here, but he said that only those who would take time to visit my library would be worthy of winning the hunt. It looks like you must be worthy, traveler."

Well, I took all of the seals names and locations back to see if they were correct and it turns out that they are! Now I guess all I must do is wait and see if I might get the special Bishel Dragon egg.

Zena was called back to the Bishen Realm a while later and the Announcement was made. Then winner turned out to be a different girl, Zena smiled happy for the girl who got the Bishel Dragon. She turned to walk away and head back home.

"Hey where are you going?" someone said smiling.

"Home." was all Zena said in reply.

"Without your dragon?"


"Everyone who participated in the Kailan's Hunt gets a dragon too! You can have either a male Bishel Dragon or a female Bishel Dragon."

Zena looked past the girl who was telling her this and saw that sure enough there were eggs other than the special one. Blue eggs that Zena knew from reading about the dragons those were females and green eggs which were the males. She saw that practically everyone there was getting a female dragon, Zena walked over to where everyone was getting there Bishel Dragons. Zena didn't know if she was going to cry or not she was so happy. She got in the line and when she arrived at the front of the line to get her dragon egg. She didn't know if she wanted a male or a female. She spotted on green egg a little way apart from the others she walked over and got it, then she walked over to the girl whom she was talking with, "Do we take out dragons home now? Or is there something else?"

The girl smiled, "You may go home now, but one day when you dragon is full grown you will be called upon to come back for his Shantel so I must assume that we will be see eachother again. Goodbye now Zena."

"Goodbye." Zena said and walked out the doors and started her journey home with her dragon.

After two long hours Zena finally arrived at her little town. Zena with her Bishel Dragon egg walked over to Osano's shop and went inside. When Osano saw Zena she leaped from behind the counter and rushed towards Zena.

"Zena your back! Did you get the special dragon?"

"Nope. I got something better, something wonderful, something that is going to be so adorable when he hatches into a Wyrm." After saying that Zena showed Osano her male Bishel Dragon egg.

Osano marveled at the sight for she had never seen a dragon egg, "When will it hatch?"

"He will hatch soon, I'm not completly sure. Well Osano I have to go and get him settled in at my home in the forest, but don't worry I'll be at work tomorrow."

"No. You take tomorrow and even the next day off and get some rest. Stay near your little egg."

Zena looked up at Osano and thanked her, then sped off with her little Bishel egg to her home.

When Zena arrived at her home deep into the forest that had a tiny pond near it with a seperate little building for her food storage she was very happy to be home.

She entered her home and looked around at her bed a few dressed and cabinets, she even had a stove for cooking in one corner. The walls had many pictures and little treasures of Zena's. Most of the pictures were of the stars.

Zena loved the stars and longed to be able to go up into space and explore the stars. On one of the shelves in her home she had many books some fictional stories, but most were books about mathematics, science, books on the stars, the universe, etc. Zena was smarter than everyone thought, she had a heating unit in one corner that she built herself, and every night she would turn on the heating unit which she merely calls the H.U. instead of heating unit, curl up under all of her covers on her bed and grab a good book about the stars. When she didn't feel like reading at night she would climb to the top of her house and lay on the roof gazing up at the stars.

Zena sighed as she got together a little place for her wonderful Bishel dragon egg. When she was done fixing a little spot for him she set him down onto the many cushions and put a few extra blankets around the little egg.

Zena smiled when she was done, then she walked over to the H.U. and turned it on. In about a minute or two the entire house was warm. She got a book, sat down by the egg and started to read.

It has been a few days since Zena's little egg hatched. After much thought Zena decided to name her little blue wyrm Devgan which means curious warrior, and if you saw the little one you would certainly say that his name fits him well. When he first hatched he gazed at all of the open books that Zena had sprawled out on the floor. He went around his home looking at everything there as if he was figuring out what it was and analyzing it.

Zena sat on the floor of Osano's shop and and watched while Devgan went around each aisle and looked at what was for sale.

Devgan moved over to a basket filled will fruits and looked at them, he sniffed one, then took a bite. After he took a bite he quickly spat it out and shook his little blue head in disgust.

Zena laughed as she watched Devgan's expression at trying out one of many exotic fruits. In return to this laughter that Devgan heard he tilted his head, then tried another fruit and did the same thing, though after doing that this time he looked at Zena afterwards. Zena laughed again then got up and walked over to him and picked him up.

"Seems to me you like to make people laugh," she said, "that and you are very curious. Now come on lets go get you some food, we can't have you trying out everything in the store as if it was all a big Buffet." Devgan looked up at Zena and in his own special Bishel Dragon way he seemed to be smiling.

A while later while Zena mopped the floors and Devgan sat quietly on a table, that same boy that said Zena would never be able to get Bishel Dragon walked into the store, saw Devgan and ran over to him.

"Oh my gosh!" he said, "the people at The Bishen Realm musta had my dragon delivered!"

The boy ran over to Devgan and picked him right up, Devgan opened his eyes sleepily thinking that it was Zena who had picked him up, but when his vision cleared and he was able to see he found not Zena holding him, but a very unfamiliar boy.

At first Devgan thought that he should call out for Zena, but then he thought why should he bother her he'd take care of this matter by himself.

"Yay!! It's my Bishel Dragon!" the boy said.

*That's it I can't take this!* Devgan thought, then he wiggled out of the boy's grip bounced down on the floor and bit him really hard on his leg.

"AHHHHH!" the boy shouted, "you mean dragon!" And with that the boy ran out of the store.

Zena who had heard the boy shout ran out from one of the aisle's and saw Devgan looking out the door with a very angry look on his face.

"Devgan?" Zena asked.

Hearing his name Devgan turned around and and practically leaped towards Zena. After what just happened Devgan made a desicion, he would never let any harm come to Zena and all of his friends.

Zena looked down at Devgan, "Well, it looks like your not only curious and ready to learn, but I think I've got a little fighter on my hands."

*Yes! It is I the great Devgan! Who will always be looking out for all creatures great and small,* Devgan said, *I like the sound of that don't you Zena?*

"Yes it is wonderful, now come on great Devgan let's go get something to eat."

*Yes! Food.* Devgan said with a happy little whistle. Devgan was ready to make sure that every creature was treated with respect and kindness no matter what.

It had been a while since Devgan hatched into a Wyrm and now when Zena looks out the door to see where Devgan was playing she didn't look at the ground, she looked at the sky, yep that's right. Devgan is now a Shrape, a blue Arboreal Shrape.

"Devgan? Don't get hurt out their flying around." she called to him.

*Don't worry,* he called back, *I'll be careful.* Devgan continued his loops around the branches of the trees every once in a while he would let out a high pitched whistle showing that he was having fun. While slowing down a bit to look around Devgan saw something shimmer out of the corner of his eye.

*What's that?* Devgan thought to himself and decided to go a little lower to get a closer look at it, *Wow, what a beautiful rock thing.* he thought again, not completly sure what it was.

Zena looked out a little window and saw Devgan practically upside down looking at something, "Huh, musta found something intresting." she said to herself.

*Zena!* Devgan shouted, *Zena come have a look at what I found! It's wonderful!*

Zena went outside and walked over to where Devgan was she looked at the perfectly round shining stone that he was gazing at, "It's is wonderful Devgan."

*Pick it up, pick it up,* Zena picked up the stone and found that it was very heavy, almost instantly after she picked it up a type of portal emerged right in front of them, *Wow, cool a portal, I'm going through.*

"Devgan wait!" Zena cried out to him, but it was no use he was already gone. Zena looked at the portal from top to bottom, then instead of carefully steping through she leaped into it.

When Zena came out on the other side the portal instantly closed behind her. She looked around and found that she was in a completly new world everywhere there was crystals of all shapes and colors. Devgan was flying beside her and on his face you could see of look of amazement.

Suddenly out of nowhere a lady with long brown hair wearing a purple dress appeared, "I am Amethyst guardian of crystals, oh goodness thank you for returning my orb Zena and Devgan. Thank you so very much." she said taking the orb from Zena.

"How?" Zena began but before she could finished Amethyst just said I know all and see all.

"Zena for returning my orb I am rewarding you by taking away that awful scar on your face, because for years I know you have suffered from it. Well now it is gone," Devgan looked at Zena and told her that it was indeed gone, "and to you Devgan you are given these beautiful jewels that you may give to whomever your mate will be or you may simply keep them to look at to replace my orb." she said and a little case of jewels appeared.

After saying all of that the lady dissappeared and in a flash of light Zena and Devgan were back in front of her house.

*Wow,* Devgan said, *that was weird.*

Zena thought for days about what had happened. Her losing her scar and Devgan being given a vast variety of jewels worth quite a bit.

Today was a warm day and even though Devgan had those very beautiful jewels he still insisted on looking for pretty rocks and pebbles, *Zena. I will be having my Shantel soon, don't you think so?*

Zena who was laying on a blanket with her eyes closed just enjoying the feeling of the warm sun muttered, "Yah, sure," in response.

Devgan didn't think much of it and went on with finding rocks and pebbles to add to his collection. Devgan was about to pick up a rock he had found when all of a sudden something very mysterious like caught his eye, he peered after it thinking that maybe it was just a forest creature but then he thought he saw a glimpse of a sparkling weapon. Devgan wasn't taking any chances so he let out a *TREEEEEEE!* sound to warn Zena.

Zena knowing immediately that a TREEE sound coming from a Bishel dragon meant trouble lept to her feet to see what was the matter.

"I come in peace," said a voice, "I am from the Bishen Realm here to deliver two messages. One is that you Zena have been made a Gold Star Parent by the Bishen Realm," the boy had come out from hiding and handed Zena a kinda certificate, "Also, Devgan you and Zena need to come to the Shantel which is being held today."

*Yay! Come on Zena lets go! Lets go!* Devgan was flying around doing loop-de-loop's from all of his happiness.

Zena got around quickly thrilled that she had been made a Gold Star Parent, and left quickly with the boy and Devgan.

The Shantel was amazing, many dragons went before Devgan but when it was his turn Zena watched as he flew up and just as he was about to land he tumbled head over tail and landed in a lump in front of the Kailan. Devgan turned back to Zena who was laughing and gave her a confident grin.

The Kailan seemed to be laughing in his own way then he spoke, *Devgan, from the beginning, you have been able to see things for what they truly are. You are not fooled by acts and illusions. To you, I give the Clarity Crystal, so that your vision may always remain clear and true and so that you will always be able to see the world the way it really is.*

The Shantel ended not too long after that and Zena went home with her now fully Bishen Blue Arboreal.

Zena was working at Osano's and Devgan was flying about the room most of the time when he flew around in circles and never stopped it meant that something was on his mind.

"Okay Devgan what is it?"


"What's wrong? You only fly around like this when something is bothering you so what is it?"

Devgan stopped flying around in circles and flew right in front of Zena, *I, I want a mate.*

"Oh is that all? Well, I'm done here and it's time for me to go home so let's go look for one."


"Let's go find you a mate. Is there anyone in particular you like?"

*Zena! It's not that simple! What is she says no?*

"Devgan you are a wonderful Blue Arboreal, why would they say no?"

*Uh, uh.* Devgan stuttered he just couldn't get the words out. Zena never saw him so scared of anything.

"Devgan, I'm with you all the way and if you ask someone and they say no I'm still going to be with you. Now come on."

*Uh, okay.*

"Now let's go to the Bishen Realm and see if we can find you a mate."

*But, but the Bishen Realm is two hours away.*

"So. If you really want to find a mate then let's go."

Devgan looked at Zena and saw what he had always seen a very nice girl with a troubled past and a heart worth more that gold he smiled and replied, *Okay then let's go!*

Zena got her Bishel Dragon at the Bishen Realm click on the image at the very bottom of the page and it will take you to the Bishen Realm so you may get a dragon too! Also, Amethyst came from Amanda's Page Guardians be sure to go there and check it out. :)

Recently Devgan has found a mate! A red arboreal named Gunnhild. As mates often exchange gifts Gunnhild gave Devgan this wonderful gift:

Devgan loves it as well as Gunnhild very much. He is very happy to have finally found somebody.

Name Sex Age Color Type Breath Weapon Magical Object Mate
Devgan Male Bishen Blue Arboreal His vision remains clear and he may always be able to see the world the way it really is Clarity Crystal Gunnhild

Amanda's Page Guardians