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It had just rained, it seemed like it had been raining for days on end. Tagla, an older woman who lived with a few crazy scientists near the ocean, was happy to be able to go outside and not get soaked. Now Tagla lived next to the ocean oh yes, but she hated the water and everything it represents she thought of it in the most rudest way. She never drank water at all, but yes at times she was forced to use it. She didn’t want to go around smelling like a pig. Keep in mind though this story isn’t about Tagla, it is about someone or something very special and different.

Tagla exited her house happily, being cooped up with three 75 year old scientists which actually are her brothers thought strangely enought she is a not even close to there age, she is only 55. She walked along the ocean side careful to not get wet in anyway even a mere toe in the water scared her beyond comprehension. She walked and walked she then decided to sit upon a rock in which she thought was very interestingly shaped. The rock was in the middle of many mossy leaf covered tide pools. Tagla took her chances and leaped onto the rock. She sat there for a long time until she heard the most peculiar sound which reminded her of a baby’s cry. She looked around for whatever was making the sound and found in one of the tide pools she was next to a little baby, not that old. The baby was wrapped up in long leaves and a soft blanket. It was so cold outside Tagla didn’t know how the baby could have survived.

“Strange,” Tagla whispered to herself and she picked up the baby. Tagla looked about for the mother, but there was none. Not a trace of anything that might be able to tell her what was happening. Tagla decided then that she would take the child with her to her house, “What shall I call you little one?”

Almost as if in answer the wind in a way started to whisper softly in Tagla’s ear, “Cordelia,cordelia.”

Tagla bent down to stare into the childs eyes, “Cordelia is your name.”

When she arrived and entered her house the baby started to cry, and that caught the attention of Gam, Ram, and Tam. The three scientist triplets came out from their labratory and grabbed Cordelia.

“Let her go now!” Tagla screamed at them and instantly the child was back in her arms, “Come on Cordelia lets get you out of this wet blanket.” Tagla said and started to unwrap Cordelia from the blanket. When the blanket was all the way off, Tagla found pink swirles covering the infants body.

Gam, Ram, and Tam said together, “Odd,” then they ran into their lab to leave Tagla alone so she could care for Cordelia.

“Ram, Tam, what do you think of this child?” Gam said once inside the lab and the door was closed and locked.

“Strange.” the two replied.

“I believe that we must keep this child under a watchful eye, she seems to be very different from an average human being.” Gam said and they all agreed, Cordelia was to be their next project.

____________________________________________________________________ ____

Four years later-

Cordelia ran wildly and jumped into the water, oddly enough Ram, Gam, and Tam had built her a outdoor pool. Yala, Cordelia’s friend ran followed her example and did the same. Yala didn’t find it odd that Cordelia had pink swirls on her, she thought of her friend as just different then she thought well it’s only natural, everyone is different.

“Yala!” Cordelia called, “Come here I must show you something as long as you promise not to tell anyone,” little did Cordelia know that Ram was watching from behind some bushes.

“Okay,” Yala said and went over to her friend, “I promise not to tell anyone.”

Cordelia looked around to see if anyone was watching and said, “I have two things to show you, do you have a watch?”

“Yes.” Yala said and showed Cordelia her waterproof watch with timer and everything, “It even has a timer.”

“Good, now how long can you hold you breath?”

“Don’t know, bout a minute.”

Cordelia bent closer to her friend and whispered, “I can stay under the water for up to 30 minutes, I don’t know how but I don’t have to come up until I need air and I timed it.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Set your watch and see.”

“Okay then go.” Cordelia went under the water while Yala watched minute after minute tick by. Exactly 30 minutes 25 seconds Cordelia burst out of the water, Ram wanted to go tell his brothers right not, but then remember there was another secret thing Cordelia wanted to show her friend.

“See?” Cordelia said to Yala.

“What was the other thing then?” Yala said sticking her tongue out to Cordelia.

“Come closer Yala, for this is the secrets of secrets.” Yala did as she said then Cordelia bent close towards the water and waved her hand above it, immediately the water came up out of the pool and formed a water like twister infront of both the girls.

“How did you?” Yala began.

“I don’t know, but when I want the water to do something it does it.” Ram left his hiding place and went back to his brothers.

Shortly after that Yala went home, two weeks later Yala was killed nobody knows who killed her, but someone did.

____________________________________________________________________ ____

11 years later-

Cordelia was now celebrating her 15th birthday, but ever since Yala was killed Cordelia didn’t like to celebrate her birthday. Whenever Tagla questioned her about it she just said that it made her sad to not have Yala there to eat cake with her. Cordelia never told anyone else her secret, she was afraid that somebody might think that she was the one who killed her friend. She always kept it to herself, but she never knew that Gam, Ram, and Tam knew about her secret, they were always watching her and this she knew, but she didn’t think much of it because they seemed to always be watching everything. Cordelia also kept herself from using this strange in comprehesible power of hers. She never did quite understand why she had this power, nor did she really care why she had it, the truth of the matter is that she like it, but at the same time was very afraid of what she might be able to do.

She sadly watched out of her window as it rained, another thing she had always noticed is that the weather sometimes echoed her emotions. Every time she had a birthday it rained, everytime she was happy it was sunny. It was very confusing to have such things happen to her, because she didn’t ever know why it was happening. She decided at that point in time that she didn’t want to stay around Tagla and the three crazy weirdo scientists she decided that she wanted to leave, run away is she had to, but she couldn’t stay there, she just couldn’t. She thought about telling Tagla face to face that she was going to leave, that she had to go on a sort of quest to find ot something about herself, but decided against it when she realized that Tagla being very protective of her wouldn’t let her go. That day Cordelia made the final decision that she was going to pack up her backpack and leave a note to Tagla saying what exactly she was doing.

It was close to midnight when Cordelia was ready to leave, she stood in the mirror before proceeding to write the letter to Tagla. She looked at her reflected image and decided not to wear her pink dress, but to wear her blue one instead.

She through her backpack onto her back and made sure the straps were on just right. In her backpack were many books that surprisingly weren’t that heavy, also she had an extra blue dress in there, plus a shining blue orb that she found while walking along the beach.

Quietly Cordelia exited her room and went into the kitchen and wrote her letter to Tagla, it said:

Dear Tagla,

I’m leaving this house and this place, I don’t think that I can make it here anymore. I need to go on a quest to find out about myself, and to find happiness. I’m sorry but I must say I’m not that happy here, there is more to the world than this so I’m going to go out and find it. Don’t worry Tagla, I’m a big girl, I’ll be fine.


She left after putting the letter into an envelope and writing to Tagla on the front of it.


Cordelia smiled to herself as she realized that she was actually on her way to get away from this town next to the ocean. She didn’t know where she was going, but she knew that wherever she went she would be happy and she would be at her home. Cordelia decided that she wouldn’t stay in one place for to long, she’ll only stay for a long time in her new home wherever that may be.


Two days later-

After traveling for two days Cordelia came upon a place which she found wonderous, it looked like it was open to the public so she entered. Almost instantly after she enter the big building she was greated by a lady, “Hello there!” she said, “I’m Indyana and welcome to the Bishen Realm.”

Cordelia didn’t expect such an enthusiastic greeting but smiled and replied, “Hello and nice to meet you I am Cordelia,” then she asked, “What exactly is the Bishen Realm?”

Indyana smiled and said, “Here you may adopt a Bishel, also known as Bishen, Dragon, though first there is some things you need to read, would you like to adopt one? We have 11 eggs available.”

Cordelia didn’t expect to find this on her quest but she believed everything happened for a reason and replied in the nicest way possible, “I’d love to.”

She was then led into a room with many books and papers, “Here you go Cordelia,” Indyana said getting down a small book, “All you need to know is in here, rules and all. Now after you read everything feel free to come fine me so I can have you fill out a form, and don’t worry you don’t have to stay here forever and a day to find out if you got a Bishel Dragon or not, you can go back to your home and we will contact you.”

“Okay,” Cordelia said, “and thanks.”

Indyana smiled once again and said, “No problem,” then she left.

Cordelia buried her face into the book and found it all fascinating, instead of the class hatchling, adolesent, and then adult. These dragons were called Wyrms, Shrapes, and the after a thing called a Shantel they are classified as full Bishen.

After she finished reading everything she went to find Indyana, who was outside sitting next to a kind of pool watching as something swam about in the water, “Um, excuse me, but I’m done reading,” Cordelia said as politely as she could.

Indyana turned around and said, “Okay then,” she got up went to a desk and got a paper and pen, “here is the form you need to fill out.”

She handed Cordelia the form then sat down beside the water again. Cordelia sat down beside the water too, and started to fill out the form.

While she was still filling out the form something poked it’s head up out of the water and sniffed Cordelia’s toes, *Hi!*

“AHH!” Cordelia screamed and with her scream the water in the pool started to make waves.

*I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,* seeing that it was one of the Marine dragons Cordelia calmed down and so did the water both the dragon and Indyana saw this, *There is something different about you isn’t there? Other than the obvious purple swirls on your almost white skin. You have a certain power don’t you?*

Cordelia just said, “No, I don’t know what your talking about.”

*Hmmm, I am Athena normally I’d be at the Creature Refuge, but I’m visiting. I have the feeling that you do know what I’m talking about, don’t worry you can tell me.*

“And me.” Indyana said.

Cordelia didn’t want to tell anyone, but she decided to tell this dragon and Indyana, “Well,” she began but didn’t know how to tell them, “I can control water.” she said practically blurting it out.

The Bishel Dragon nodded her head, *Yes, and you don’t have anyplace to live do you?* Cordelia said no, *There is a little house over there that is empty, I believe it would be fine for you to stay there.* Cordelia looked and sure enough there was a little house which was practically right next to the Bishen Realm.

“I might need some fixing up, but I believe that you could stay there like Athena says.”

Cordelia smiled and handed Indyana the finished form, then she went over to the little house and found that it was just perfect. The inside was nice there were 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. She decided that one room would be her’s another would be her office, and the third larger one would be for her dragon if she got one. Outside there were a lot of trees which Cordelia liked, plus there was a large corner in the backyard where Cordelia could start her garden that she had always wanted. Cordelia was happier than she had ever been, for now she had found her home and hopefully she would have a Bishel Dragon to share it with.


Cordelia was happy at her new house with her new life, but she was most happy about not having three weird scientists always watching her. Sometimes she thought that they knew about her strange power.

Since she had arrived in the area she had been greeted by many people who actually lived at least two miles away such as an older woman named Pamay. Pamay visited Cordelia quite often to see if she was okay and each time Cordelia just told her to stop worrying about her she is perfectly fine.

The other person she met was a boy about 2 years older than her and he had a very large sense of humor, always when she saw him he was joking about something or other. She forgets his name constantly and every time she see’s him he yells out, “Hey Lia!”

And she replies, “Hello, uh, uh.”


“Oh yeah.” The first time they met Cordelia said to him what her name was but he either didn’t want to call her by her full name or he didn’t hear the first part of it so to him her name was Lia which didn’t really bother Cordelia but she wasn’t sure she really liked it either. When Cordelia was 6 years old she had asked Tagla why her name was what it is, Tagla just told her that the name Cordelia was whispered to her by the waves of the ocean. Ever since Cordelia was told this she thought maybe it had something to do with her having this ability to control water.

Anyway that day was a bright and sunny day just to Cordelia’s liking and she was busy digging in her garden and planting all sorts of veggitables. When she finished planting she went to go get the hose, but then thought to herself why don’t I use this power of mine so she looked around for any form of water and saw a small pond over next to a tree. She concentrated on the pond and the water just seemed to lift itself up then it went over to her garden and sprinkled all over her plants. She was quite pleased to because each section of her garden got just the right amount of water and not one section got more than the other.

“Hey Lia! That was a cool trick, can you do it again?”

“Oh hi Kegan, what are you doing here?

“Wow, you remembered my name for once. Yay!”

“What are you doing here?” Cordelia repeated get a little angry.

“Calm down Lia goodness I was just dropping by to say hi and how are ya?”

“Well as I already say hi, and I’m fine.”

“Good grief your not in a very good mood now are you?”

“Kegan why are you really here?”

“Okay ya got me, I was just wondering if you wanted to go swimming with me and a couple of my friends.”

“No thanks.” Cordelia said not wanting to accidently stay under the water for 30 minutes, she’d have everyone asking questions and wondering why she doesn’t have to breath air for such a long time.

“Ah, come on Lia I’ll be fun. What are ya scared of the water?”

“I’m not scared of the water.” she said back rudely though when she thought about it, it seemed like she almost was afraid of the water, but for different reason’s than Kegan thought.

“Okay Lia, but your missing out on all of the fun.”



“Do you know if there is an ocean around here?”

“Well, I don’t know about ocean but there is a pretty big lake about 5 miles from here. Actually that’s the lake that we are going to.”

Cordelia needed to be near the water for some reason so after much thought and many ‘are you going or nots’ from Kegan Cordelia finally said, “Fine, I’ll go with you.”

“Cool, now all we need is someway to get there.”

“How about we walk?”

“Walk? Oh well I guess it’s our only option.”

Cordelia followed Kegan and got introduced to his friends, there was Tomal, Rosa, and Navan.

Tomal seemed to be Kegan’s best friend, Navan seemed to be just Kegan’s good friend and Rosa was a semi rude girl that Kegan said just seems to follow Navan everywhere. When getting introduced Kegan just said, “Hey guys!” at this Rosa cleared her throught and Kegan added, “and girls. This is Lia.”

Cordelia tried to correct Kegan before everyone started calling her Lia, but it was to late for everyone quickly said, “Hi Lia.” or something like that. Rosa just looked at Cordelia and said, “Why do you have purple swirls on your body?”

Cordelia could tell she was going to be a problem and was about to fight back with some smart remark but Kegan quickly said, “Why does it matter Rosa?”

“I was just wondering Kegan.” she replied in an even ruder tone of voice, if that was at all possible.

Tomal sensing a conflict was about to start quickly said, “Oh come on Rosa be quiet your just jealous cause she’s prettier than you.”

At this Cordelia hoped that she wasn’t blushing it would defiantly show because of her abnormally light colored skin.

When they all arrived at the lake which Cordelia found to be wonderous they all went into the water in a big hurry, all of them exept Cordelia who looked around at her surroundings. The lake was surrounded by trees and after asking Kegan she found out that they were the only ones that knew about it, plus there was a beautiful waterfall.

Kegan splashed around underneath the waterfall, Tomal splashed around with him, Rosa sat on a rock and splashed Navan with water who was trying to get away from Rosa.

“Come on Lia!” Kegan yelled. Cordelia got in the water then went underneath it, she found out that the lake was not only just normal sized but it went at least 20 feet down. Not aware of the time 15 minutes passed as Cordelia looked at the bottom of the lake. When she came back up to the surface Kegan shouted, “Lia are you okay? You were down there for at least close to 20 minutes!”

“I’m fine.” she shouted back, a very confused Kegan and his friends just wondered about it but didn’t say anything else.

So after seeing that Kegan and his friends weren’t going to question her anymore she went down again and found that about maybe 10 feet down and to the left of the waterfall there was a little opening in the side of the lake, Cordelia was curious about it so she swam in and swam for about five minutes to find that it came up into a large cave. there wasn’t any wildlife in sight at all. After exploring it for a little while longer Cordelia decided to get back to the others or there would be questions.

After a while longer of swimming Kegan and the others were ready to go home, but Cordelia told them that she was going to stay a bit longer.

When they had all left Cordelia went back down to the cave and found that there was just the main section but then it branched off into two other sections. After much thought Cordelia decided that this was to be her new home, sure she liked the house Athena told her about but for some odd reason she just felt more comfortable there. She wondered if she lived there if she could still have a Bishel Dragon, she hoped that the answer was yes.

A few days later Cordelia wanted to go back to the other house and get her things, but right when she was about to leave she heard a faint, “Hey Lia! Lia where are you?” she knew right off that it was Kegan back for some reason. Cordelia sighed as she plunged into the water to go see what he wanted.

“What is it?” she said immediately after coming up from below.

“Where have you been?” he said, “I know you never went back to your home.”

“I have a new home.”

“Yeah? And where might that be?”

Cordelia sighed, “You really want to know?” he nodded yes. Cordelia didn’t think he could hold his breath that long so she decided to part the water and show him. She did this by putting her hands in front of her while facing the water and slowing parting them it wasn’t really necessary, but she felt like doing it anyway. The water parted just like her hands and Kegan stood there watching with his mouth wide open.

“Uh.” was all that was to be spoken from Kegan.

“Well? Say something other than that.”

Kegan did but it was that different all he said this time was, “Um.”

“The hole about 10 feet down is my new home, it leads up into a cave.”

“Oh.” Cordelia saw that he wasn’t going to say much and probably was very startled at what she could do so she let the water come crashing down to cover her home yet again.

“Well I must go and get my things from my old house plus I need to get a few other things.”


“Don’t know I just always have been able to control water and hold my breath for up to 30 minutes.”

“When you told me your name I immediately nicknamed you Lia and forgot the rest, would you tell me again what it was?”


“Cordelia, Cordelia, where does that sound familiar?” Kegan kept pondering that all the way back to her old house.

Once Cordelia had gotten all of her things from the house and found more things to add to her house she turned to Kegan who was still thinking about her name and said, “Well are you ready to go?”

“Cordelia? Cordelia? Hmmm, yeah I am.”

“Good then can you carry that big bag over there? It has torches to put on the sides of the cave walls to make it warmer and lighter in there.”

“Cordelia? Cordelia? Hmm? Oh yeah sure.”

Cordelia grabbed her backpack with those things in it and grabed a bag filled with blankets and pillows. She sighed and got ready for the long journey back to her new home, “Oh dear.”

Then suddenly Kegan shouted, “I”VE GOT IT!” and scared Cordelia half to death, she was almost certain that all water for 20 miles started to make waves just like before.

“You’ve got what?”

“Cordelia is the name that means daughter of the ocean.”

“What are you saying? I’m the daughter of an ocean?”

“You never know.”

“Huh, well lets go now.”

Cordelia was shocked that he would even bring up such an odd theory, but like he said you never know.

____________________________________________________________________ _____

When Cordelia and Kegan got back to her house she parted the water again and got everything into her cave. Cordelia thought that getting every thing in would be very hard, but it turned out to be one of the simplest things she had ever done.

It took about an hour to gett everything in the right place and all of the torches on the walls which was kind of hard, but it worked. In less than a half an hour the cave was scorching hot which Cordelia surprisingly liked.

“Foo, it’s hot in here like a volcano. How can you stand it? I’m sweating like a, a, well I’m just sweating a lot.”

“I don’t know I just do.”

“Let me get this straight, you control water, can hold your breath for up to 30 minutes, and you like really hot places. Your not even sweating at all.”

“I’m just weird.”

“Naw, everybody’s weird.”

“Not as weird as me.” just then a shimmering light appeared and out stepped Indyana holding a green egg.

“Okay,” Kegan said, “Your weird, but not as weird as that.”

“Hello there, goodness it’s hot in here.”

Kegan piped up again and said, “That’s what I say, but don’t try telling her that.”

Indyana smiled and said, “Cordelia congratulations you have recieved a male Bishel Dragon,” she handed Cordelia the egg, “and I have decided to give you a gift. This triangular shaped object is a type of portal creator, all you have to do is put in the place you want to go or person you want to find then it will create a portal for you to get there. All you have to do then is step through and don’t forget to pick this back up, it’s very important and rare, but this way you and your dragon can go wherever you please.”

“Hey! I want one.” Kegan said, but Indyana gave him a look as if to say sorry but you can’t have one.

“Thanks,” Cordelia said to Indyana, “Thank you so so much.”

“What are you going to name it?” Kegan asked.

“I am not going to name him till he hatches."

“What why not?.”

“He is still an egg stupid Kegan.”


Indyana didn’t want to get in the middle of this argument, but decided to say something more, “I think it is a wonderful decision, plus I brought you this little toy for him to play with when he hatches,” she said and pulled out a cute little orange Marine Bishel Dragon toy.

“Thanks.” Cordelia said, then Kegan, Indyana, and Cordelia sat down and talked a little, but Indyana didn’t stay that long the heat seemed to bother her to much. Shortly after that Kegan left too.

Cordelia laid down on a bed that Kegan and her amazingly managed to get in her cave then she curled up with the egg and sighed happily.

Cordelia's Bishel dragon egg had finally hatched into a blue Wrym and she had decided to name him Striking Echo because when his egg hatched the noise from it sent a loud echo through the entire cave. Kegan happened to stop by a few days later and spent the entire time trying to explain to Echo that the orange dragon that wouldn't move was actually a toy. When Echo finally accepted the fact that it was a toy he told Cordelia that he was going to call it Orangie.

*Come on Orangie! Let's go play!*

Kegan shook his head and watched as Echo slithered away from Orangie then the little blue Wrym turned around and said, *Come on!*

"He can't move Echo. He's a toy."

*I know he's a toy, he's not a Bishel dragon he's a toy. Got it, but I still think that he looks like a Bishel dragon.* he said looking up at Kegan then Echo turned to Orangie and said, *Are you sure your not a Bishel dragon?*

After waiting a few minutes for a response Echo nudged his toy with his nose making it fall over, *AHH! Orangie!*

Cordelia was watching the whole thing while sitting in a chair near a small table. She sighed and said, "Echo," the blue Wrym turned to her with a confused look on his face, "Orangie is a toy and a toy is an object that you play with. Orangie can't move without being pushed or picked up or kicked, he is like a, a,..rock."

*You mean that Orangie isn't really alive? He's just a soft thing that I play with? He can't talk? He can't move?*

Cordelia nodded and picked up Echo, "He isn't alive. He is a soft thing you can play with. He can't talk nor can he move."

*Oh, okay. Kegan just kept saying that he's a toy, I thought that was a different type of dragon species. I guess I thought wrong.*

"Well Kegan could have explained it better, but oh well."

Kegan looked up from sitting on the floor and said, "Hey give me a break."

*A brake? I don't think I have one of those.*

Cordelia laughed a little and said, "He didn't me for you to give him a break, he ment the other kind of break. Not b-r-a-k-e, but b-r-e-a-k."

*Oh, okay. Sorry.*

"It's okay Echo." Kegan said then told them that he had to leave. After Kegan left Echo curled up and went to sleep. Cordelia soon did the same.

*Yahoo!* Echo yelled as he splashed around in the water.

"Are you a shrape yet?" Cordelia asked him as she swam around with Echo.

Echo lifted his head towards the sky and spit water everywhere, *I'm a fountain! A shrape yet? I don't know.*

"Hmm, well your pretty big, but you still don't have wings or legs," Cordelia puzzled over this while Echo continued to splash around, "I GOT IT!"

Echo leaped up startled, "Huh?"

"You should be a shrape by now and you are. Your a Marine type!"

*Uh, cool. I'm going to go get Orangie.*

The pale skinned girl laughed, he was getting older everyday, but he still loved his little toy, "Okay."

Echo leaped up high and dived into the water. Minutes later he leaped back out with a wet little orange Bishel dragon toy in his mouth. The blue Marine dragon through the toy way up high and caught it in his mouth again.

Cordelia watched him play, but as she did she made little water Tornado's spin around him. Echo grinned and tried to bite at them, *Haha! This is fun!*



"Would it be alright with you if we took a trip someplace?"

*Sure Lia that'd be fun.* Echo had picked up the habit of called Cordelia Lia from Kegan who was visiting his grandpa for a month. Before he had left he kept complaining to Echo about how boring it would be and because of this Echo had told him that he could take the portal generator so that he could go visit someplace without his grandpa ever knowing, *But what about the portal generator? I let Kegan use it.*

"Yeah, and without asking me first."

*Hey! I said sorry!*

"I know, I know. Well, I guess that means that we'll just have to go the long way. It's only two days traveling."

Echo immediately stopped playing and looked at Cordelia, "T, t,tw, two? D, d,dd, days?"

"Yep, no big deal."

*What about water? I'm a Marine type remember? And, and you need water too. And my Shantel!! I can not, can not miss that!!*

"Who said that you'd miss your Shantel? Besides with the water thing, we'll just follow along rivers. I'm sure that we will be just fine."

*I don't like the sound of this, but okay. Where are we going anyway?*

"We are going to the ocean and we are leaving tomarrow morning, bright and early. You'd better get some sleep instead of having a party like the last few days." Cordelia laughed remembering how Echo had been bouncing off the walls of the cave while reading a few of the scary books she'd gotten.

*Oh, okay.*

"Hey, you'd better smile this instant. Did I really just ruin your day."

Suddenly without warning Echo splashed Cordelia, *Nah, you didn't ruin my day. I just don't know about this visiting the ocean thing, but oh well.*

"Your going to get it." Cordelia said and splashed him back.

The next morning bright and early-

"Echo are you awake yet?! I told you that we were going to be leaving early in the morning or did you think I was kidding?"

Echo yawned and got up out of his bed, *Ah come on Lia, I'm still tired. Just maybe two more minutes? Please?*

"Nope. Get up you lazy Shrape you."

That did it, Echo hated to be called lazy, *I'm not lazy.*

"Well get around whatever you think you have to take with you."

*Can I take Orangie?*

"Will he help us survive if we run out of food and water?"

Echo blinked, *Uh, yeah.*

Cordelia sighed as she put her backpack on, "I think that it would be best if we just leave Orangie here."

Echo slumped down and sighed, *Okay. I guess I don't really have anything that I need to take.*

"Okay, well breakfast is over there. Eat quickly."

*Okay okay.*

After Echo had finished his breakfast they set off for the ocean.


It was about 3:00 and Cordelia felt they were making great time, Echo had insisted on slithering alongside Cordelia instead of as he said, *Looking like a fish trying to go up the river or having a fisherman think I was the biggest fish in the universe or something.*

"You are quite right Echo now step lively as they say."

*Well, in my case I guess that'd be slither lively. Hehe, oh I crack myself up. That's enough comedy for now I suppose.*

"Hmm, nah, I'm always up for a good laugh."

*Yes, a good laugh is always important to maintain having a good day. You know what I believe that I spot the legendary deer over there.*

Cordelia looked up and spotted through the tree's a little female deer grazing with her baby near her, "Well, I wouldn't call it legendary."

*She's in trouble!*


*Look over there, a Cougar. Ready to strike, I must help!* And with that Echo shot off to help the deer.

"Echo! ECHO! You'll get hurt!" Cordelia pulled out one thing she was now happy she had remember to grab. Her wonderful sword that she happened to get one day when Echo was still just a little Wyrm.

Cordelia arrived just in time to see that Echo had bit the back of the ferocious animals neck and was hanging on for his life, *I know you need to eat, but these two are under my protection. Eat something else.* Echo said and leaped off.

Suddenly shocking both Cordelia and the giant cat Echo let out a most piercing ear ringing sound, "TREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

Slowly the mean creature backed down and the deer came forward and nudged Echo, *Thank you!*

Cordelia looked up with utter amazement, "T, Talking deer?"

*Your welcome, amazing you didn't sense him, but everyone makes mistakes though yours would have proved to be most fatal.*

Putting her sword back were it belong Cordelia walked over to the deer and said, "You talk?"

"Of course, my clan was given the ability to talk by a lone man by the name of Atalinay. He said that one day it would help us, but never talk to any human or creature unless they had proven that they are worth a chat with."

Echo looked puzzled but shook his head then turned back to the deer and her little one, *Hmmm, well now that you are alright I suppose that we shall be off.*

"Wait, can't I do anything for you in return for what you did for me. You saved our lives."

*Nope, just helping you. I'm sure that you'd do the same for me.*

"Such a kind brave warriors, both of you. If you ever, ever need any help with anything be sure to call out my name and I will hear and help you. My name is Amya. What is yours brave warriors?"

*I am Echo and this is Lia.*

"Actually that's,.."

*Come on now Lia, let's go.*

After a moment more of talking with the deer they were back on their trail, "You better not let all of this brave warrior stuff go to your head Echo."

Echo grinned, *Wouldn't dream of it.*

"Yeah, right."


*Are we there yet? Is the ocean any farther? Please say it isn't.*

"Actually it should be just over that hill up there." Cordelia said grinning down at Echo.

*That is a hill?! More like a mountain! I don't wanna go any further.*

"Well don't you be thinking of getting me to try and carry you."

*Couldn't you?*

"Oh please, don't tell me that the brave warrior can't stand to try and get over a little hill."

*Stupid Kegan.* Was all that Echo said as they began to go up the hill.

After they reached the other side Cordelia gazed happily at the sight before them, the ocean, "See Echo? That wasn't that bad."

Echo grumbled, but he stopped when he caught sight of the ocean, *Wow.*

"Yeah, wow. Let's set up camp somewhere and see what we can do in the morning."

*Huh? But I'm not ready for sleeping! I wanna go explore this ocean.*

"We will tomorrow morning. See the sun is already setting, let's go."

Echo sighed and turned around to follow Cordelia, but just as he started off towards her a slight cold shiver went through him. The blue Marine turned around to see if anything was there, but he found himself once again staring into the blue depth's of the ocean.


Cordelia woke up that night for some unknown reason and walked out to look at the full moon as it cast it's glow onto the blue ocean. She wore her blue dress as usual then with her bare feet she left Echo in the tent and walked down to the ocean. For the longest time she stared out into it then heard a something whisper her name, "Cordelia."

Cordelia spun around and looked everywhere, but she didn't see anything, "Hello?" She called out but didn't get a response. "Echo! Are you playing tricks on me? If so it's not funny!" She yelled at the tent and out from it came a sleepy Bishel Shrape.

*Wha? I'm not playin' any tricks on you.*

"I don't think I wanted to hear that. If you didn't say my name then who did?" Then it hit her, of course it couldn't be Echo. He hardly ever called her Cordelia anymore.

"Cordelia." The voice whispered again, Echo picked it up and slithered quickly over to Cordelia.

*What was that? Who said your name?*

"I thought you did the first time, but since you didn't then I don't have any idea."


Without warning the water started to spin around in a whirlpool and came up into a Tornado, Echo looked at it carefully, *Lia?* He questioned.

"It's not me." Was all she said. They watched as out of the water seemed to appear a lady. A lady that looked very similar to Cordelia, only older.

She looked at them, then looked straight at Cordelia and said, "Hello, daughter."

"Excuse me?" She asked to the figure sitting on the water.

"That's right, I'm your mother. You may call me Ocean or Oceana, I'd prefer Oceana if Mother is to much for you. For that is what I am the ocean. Only in a human form. You are my daughter."

*Wait, wait, to weird. I'm confused are you saying that my bondmate is the daughter of the ocean?" Oceana nodded, *Cool. Odd, but never-the-less very interesting to say the least.*

"So your my Mother? And I'm the daughter of you, which means I'm the daughter of the ocean?"

Oceana walked on top of the water towards Cordelia, "Right. I'm so glad I finally get to meet you. I want you to come back."

"Back? What do you mean back?"

"Well, I want you to come with me back into the ocean. Where you can live with the sea creatures. You see, you have always been able to control water, just like me. And you can breath underwater for up to 30 minutes currently, but I wish for you to come back for good. Sure, you could still visit your friends and such. But please my daughter come back."

Cordelia looked down at Echo, who gazed angrily at Oceana, *No, you can not do this. Cordelia, yes I said Cordelia. May choose to do what she wants and what right do you have to all of a sudden show up and say that you are her Mother.* Silently he added to himself, *Please let this be a dream.*

"I can do whatever I want. And she must come back, though if she refuses then I suppose there isn't much I can do."

Cordelia glanced from Echo to her Mother, and back and forther again. "I choose to stay on land with Echo."

"But he's a Marine type, he can stay in the Ocean also. With you!"

*I don't want to and neither does Cordelia, we have lives. But I'm sure we'd be able to visit.*

"No! You must come back!" She shouted and reached towards Cordelia to grab her and drag her underwater.

Echo saw this and leaped out to bite Oceana's arm before it could reach his bondmate. He bit down hard and Oceana yanked back angrily, "Why you little!"

"Echo! Let's go! Run!" Cordelia shouted and ran as fast as she could away from this place, but when she looked back she found that Echo had been caught in an old net, she went back and freed him as fast as she could. Then together they raced off, but before Cordelia completely ran off she shouted back at whoever that creature happened to be, "I'm sorry, but I must stay on the land. If you are really my Mother, then give me a sign through the water or something and perhaps we'll visit."

*Was it wise to tell her that?*

"Maybe, maybe not. Now let's go, I think a certain Shantel should be coming up soon."

At the sound of this Echo sped up and they began their journey back to the Bishen Realm.

When the reached the Bishen Realm they found that the Shantel was indeed going to be taking place that day and Echo was extremely happy that he hadn't missed it. Cordelia watched as it was Echo's turn to go forth and receive his Magical Object. The Kailin looked at him and said, *You are cautious by nature, but you are not afraid to act when danger threatens. To you I give this Shrieking Bone. It allows you to produce a hypersonic scream that will paralyze all foes. Also, it allows you to sense the past history of places, sense previous events that have taken place there. May it protect you and allow you to explore as much as you wish.* Echo took bone and carefully went back to line to watch his siblings get there Magical Objects, after he was so happy.

*Can you believe it?* He asked Cordelia.

"Of course I can silly. I saw it myself." She said, happy for Echo but her mind was still trying to sort out things that had happened in the past few days.

*How about we go home and rest a bit now. I feel we should.*

"Me too." Cordelia said and they both headed off to their home.


Recently Echo has found a mate! Her name is Faiamitsukia and is surprisingly an oppisite of Echo. Echo never knew that he'd have a mate, he always thought nobody would want to be his mate, but now Echo is with Faia whom Echo loves deeply.

Above is the gift Faia gave to Echo. He loves his gift and says, "Now Orangie has somebody to talk to!"

Name Sex Age Color Type Breath Weapon Magical Object Parents Mate
Striking Echo Male Bishen Blue Marine Shrieking Bone Can produce a hypersonic scream that will paralyze all foes. Also allows him to see the past history of places, previous events taken place there. Naturail and Atlan Faiamitsukai

Chibi Ningyo's Adoption Page