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You enter a door to your left and find that you have come across a room with a dragon inside.

"Hello." you say.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" the dragon demands.

You quickly introduce yourself surprised at how the dragon sounded.

"I am Tragal guardian of Mirama why are you here?"

"I'm just looking around," you tell him, "Who is Mirama?"

"TRAGAL!" you hear a very angry voice say.

"Oh no she's awake, I woke her up, oh she'll be very angry."

"What? Whose awake?"

He looks at you and whispers as quiet as he possibly could, "Mirama."

Behind him a dragon steps out from behind a curtain, "Tragal! You woke me up! I need my beauty sleep, and you woke me UP!"

You watch as Tragal trys to say that he is sorry, but Mirama doesn't seem to be listening, "Mirama, I'm really sorry."

"I'm feeling nice today so your are forgiven, but believe me this is the only time I will ever, EVER forgive you."

Tyronica runs in apparently she heard Mirama's yells and screams, "Mirama! What are you yelling about?"

Mirama lowers her head and says, "Tragal woke me up from my beauty sleep, but I forgave him."

"Well that's a first, but I'm glad you worked it out. You know if you want now that your an adult I can have Tragal moved unless you don't mind sharing your room with him. He's kinda like your brother."

"Fine, I think I can put up with him. Besides, he's not that bad." The brown dragon continued to talk about how he must not wake her up when sleeping and things like that.

Before you leave to go Mirama yells, "WAIT!"

You immediately stop and turn back to look at her, "Y, yes?"

"I have recently bonded with Wind Blown Cloud, be sure to visit him or I just may give you a visit."

"O, okay."

"Now, Tragal you must never,.." you slowly sneak away before she can stop you for any other reason.

Name Mirama
Gender Female
Age Adult!!
Color Brown
Temperament Rash, uncontrollable
Food Meat only
Body Type Fire
Parents Flaming Kimono & Piercing Heart
Mate Wind Blown Cloud
Children None yet
