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He has a plan for you “This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it”. You’ve awakened and God has given you a brand new day!! Praise God for that because he didn’t have too. Often we look at our lives and we aren’t happy with what we see. Unfulfilled goals, dreams and because of decisions we made in the past here we are today, in this place, right now. I just want to send a word of encouragement your way because often we tend to over look the good in life, because we are so focused and concentrated on what is wrong with our lives. If this is you then here what the Lord is saying to you today… Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Praise God, he has a plan your life!! Before you were born and were even thought of by anyone, God had you in mind and designed a perfect plan for your life that would involve hope and a bright future!! The simple fact that the God of all creation is even thinking about me brings tears to my eyes. That how much God cares about you and loves you. God gave us the free will to choose this plan of his because he will never force us to do anything because he wants it to be because he loves us and we love him. Maybe you haven’t chosen to follow God’s plan in the past, but that doesn’t mean that his plan isn’t still set!! If you want to find out what God’s plan is for you life just ask him. If you call unto the Lord and ask him what his plan is for you life he will surely answer you and tell you all these things you don’t know (Jeremiah 33:3). You can start off by praying this to God… Lord, thank for you planning out a future for me that is filled with hope. Lord I’ve tried to do things my own way and it hasn’t gotten me anywhere so I ask that you show me what your plan is. Forgive me for my sins and for not following your plan Lord. I ask that you would have your way in my life today and change me into the person that you want me to be so that you will get all the glory. In Jesus name, amen. I encourage you all to pray and read the bible everyday so that the Lord can show you what his plan is. If you prayed this prayer then congratulations!! God will show you his plan and know that he is faithful. Praise God that… Jeremiah 31:17 “There is hope for your future” God bless! Danny aka The Preacha

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