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Laser Light
Fig. 1

"Link Scanner "

Bar Code Card
Fig. 2

Playing cards
Fig. 3

Control Box
Fig. 4

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by Fred C. Baumann

With today's technology the door has opened for a great advancement in close-up magic. I've been doing a lot of studying in electronics and found the field of two areas that have not been used with a different approach, magnetism and infrared systems. Oh yes magnets are used to attract or repeal and make items touch each other or move away and the strength was the main factor. What I am doing is using the flux field (magnetic radiation) as a switch turning light on and off, relays to work and buzzers to sound, all at the same time with 9 volt battery power, the voltage sounds high but the systems are designed with the necessary components. This routine is electromagnetic and infrared designed.

EFFECT: Magicians states that gamblers are always looking for a way to win in Las Vegas and that he has a way of marking the cards and being able to read them. He spreads a deck of card's face up on the table and shows a small box with a light on the end of it see FIG. 1 and states he will record the cards in it with a laser beam. As he moves the box over the cards a blinking red light is seen, when he comes to the end of the row, states that he will now transfer them (the cards) to the card with a bar code on it. Displays the card and places it on the table. Passes the small box as the red light is blinking over the bar code. When he is done, states that he will now test the bar code.

The magician place's the card on a box 5" X 5" with 2 sets of lights on it, a red led a blinking led which are on see FIG. 2. When he removes his hand a buzzer sounds and 2 blinking green, an incandescent lamp come on, he then removes the card ever thing stops and states it works. Now has a spectator select a playing card is told to remember it and return it to the deck. After a few cuts starts to place cards on the table then stops and gather them up and puts every thing together again and asks the spectator if he knows how to cut cards. The magician then demonstrates how to do it. The spectator then does it to the satisfaction of the magician. He is told to put a card one at a time on the box see FIG. 3. While this is being done the magicians picks up a black flat box like a remote controller and places the bar code card on it see FIG. 4. As the spectator is placing cards on the box, a moment later a buzzer sounds and lights go on as before. The spectator is then told to look at the last card he placed on the box, it is his selected card.