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Close-Up Magic
The Art Of Special Effects

The following diagrams are the first to be shown how to wire a seven segment LEDs to be used in Close-up Magic to reveal a selected card via ELECTRONICALLY using a Phototransistor system. Diagram 1 shows how to wire the 7 segment LEDs to get 6 cards and suits. Ace, six, eight of hearts or spades, of course you can work out your own by trial & error.

This Diagram 2 shows the complete timing and activating system.

When I was a novice I came up with this idea in electronics many years ago and put this system together, "to have a card revealed with led lights." There was no such system existing at the time, it worked and I displayed it, very badly I must say so I let it slide. At a slow time in magic I decided to fool around with electronics to bring about some changes, as I learned more and more things started to develop so I dug out the old drawings and went to work designing a new system based on new knowledge. Now the system exists with new presentation and patter, and as in the past I am the only one doing the routine.

With the use of the breather card and method in "REMOTE CONTROL"the effect gets a stronger response due to the fact that the led lights going on for 10 seconds showing the value and suit of the card selected. The system has six selections ace, six, eight, either hearts or spades only the no. 8 and suit S or H come up, to get a complete read out is a lot of work but for the time being this will do.

PRESENTATION: The deck is set up with the card to be forced say six of hearts on the bottom of the deck, and the breather card next. The electronic box is switched on at that suit and value. Do a few Hindu shuffles but do not disturb the bottom two cards, pull cards from the middle of the deck. This shuffle can be found in any card book. This is how to force the six of hearts using the breather. Pull cards from the top of the deck and let them fall into that hand palm up and continue adding small packets to the hand, lets say the left. Ask the spectator to tell you when to stop at that moment drop the remaining cards into the left hand and simple cut the cards at the breather leaving the six of hearts on top, now extend the left hand for him to remove the card.

Have the card returned as in Remote Control, (the packet idea on the table and counting method). When you find the selected card place it on the box being careful not to flash it, the box is in position so the spectator can read the led lights when they come on. The system is infrared and I use a body flasher to turn it on, a flash from a camera is the best use I've found to trigger an infrared system. When the led lights go on and he looks at the card and it's a match he is surprised and you've got a winner.

695 EAST 4th ST. BKLYN., NY