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by Fred C. Baumann

EFFECT: Magician places a half-dollar on the table and covers it with a dollar bill see Fig.1, he smoothes it out by moving his hands from the center out to the edges see Fig.3. With a pointing gesture with his right hand states that the coin will disappear from under the bill with a snap of his fingers, once done tells the spectator to lift the bill, to his surprise it is gone. Takes the bill from the spectator, folds it into thirds like a tube and states that he did not examine it to well, tips it edge towards the table and the coin falls out from within.

METHORD: There are many ways of doing the effect as above, but this new improved idea has the gimmick concealed in the hand which lets you handle object more freely. It is part rubber and plastic with a small magnet built in and with enough surface area to hold a shim half-dollar, and not be dislodged until you do so. The main secret is the rubber sleeve, the moisture from your finger give it it's gripping powers, see Fig. 2.

Fig. 3 shows the action and where the gimmick is held between the second and third fingers and the weight of the coin presents no problem. Dislodging the coin is a matter of feel. A nice idea is to make the coin go through the table it is so clean looking. This gimmick surprisingly is used in some of my electronic tricks.