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Light Matrix System

This is the first designed electronic system where the light only moves from one place to the other with out the use of a bulb. This routine is done just the same as any coin assembly. The mystery is that two colors are seen first red then green and only one led is used to move from one place to another.

Display for Light Matrix

EFFECT: The magician states that in order to do magic during space travel, he has to use an object that can not float in space. Of course that is a magicians dream to be able to float. The only thing I can think of is "LIGHT". He then displays a board (as shown above) and states that he will make the lights travel from each corner and come all-together to the upper left corner. He stress's the point that the bulbs will not move only the lights. He turns the lights on and the three single are RED. Turns them off and states that he will make them assemble at the upper left corner, he then gestures over each one and pretends to toss them to the corner. To the surprise of the spectators when he turns the lights on again there are THREE RED LIGHTS that go on at the upper left corner grouped together. The magicians then states that it's not often that they will repeat a trick but in this case it's an option since it involves another method of presentation. He then turns the red lights off and pretends to scoop then up and put them into his pocket.

PHASE: 2 When he turns the lights back on there are now 4 GREEN lights on, one in each corner, and states that he will cover the upper 4 with his left hand and the lower left single light with his right, then a moment later lifts both hands to show that there are 2 lights on it the upper left corner. He repeats the gestures with the remaining two lights. See Step 4. To learn how to build this system contact coinfred by email.