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By Fred C. Baumann

DEVELOPMENT This routine I developed in 1995 when I was working in a company that had advertised a no drug campaign. After it was over there were many pins left over with the logo affixed to them and were to be disposed so I picked up 50+ and I started playing around with the linking pin routine of which I know nothing about. I worked out 4 steps to the routine: 1. Open the ungimmicked pin and link the gimmicked on it and make it look as if it came off the top of one of the bars. 2. Repeat above except make it look as it came out from between the two bars. 3. Place the two pins flat across each other in the form of an X and rub them in a circular motion. Then with a twisting motion turning then 90 degrees to each other they become linked, reverse the action back to the flat X and lift the upper pin they are unlinked. This one move takes layman and magicians by surprised and always asks to do it again. 4.Passing one pin in a continues motion between the bars of the other and link and unlink them in slow motion. METHOD Displaying the pins closed: The gimmick pin is held in your left hand with the ring end between your thumb and first finger with the cut end toward the right see Fig. 1. The real pin is held in the right hand the same way. Notice that the opening sides of the pins are opposites. The reason being that when you grasp the head of the real pin with you're left thumb and "second finger", you are still holding the gimmick pin with thumb and "first finger". You are able to depress the bar with your thumb and at the same time curl your right fingers around the pin to open it with out any fumbling. Once opened separate the hands with a pin in each (still holding then by the ring portion) casually display them. Insert patter.

Bring the gimmick pin over the head of the open pin and swing the cut end down towards your right thumb and first finger and grasp it with the "second finger" and thumb. Release your left-hand hold and close the pin with your left thumb and first finger the pins are linked. Grasp the gimmick pin again at the ring and form an X equally as possible see Fig. I (link not shown only X position). This X position is used through out the whole routine. If you did the above move correctly the bar that is solder should be under the bar you closed. Draw the gimmick pin inward until its head clears the real pin bars, with a slight twist let the head clear the upper bar and at the same time bring it up and over it and then slide it forward to form the X again. What you've just done is prepared to make it look like you removed one pin penetrating one-bar see FIG. 2. Move the gimmick pin in a circular motion (do not move the other pin). Notice how the cut end comes close to the inner bar of the other pin do the motion a few times. When you feel right twist the real pin inward 90 degrees and hold it. The bar should go right through the cut, at the same time lift the gimmick pin to give the illusion that it penetrated the bar, spread the pins apart. Repeat the above move up to the point where you are to draw the gimmick pin inward* don't do that, leave the pins linked in the X form. Repeat the circular motion and twisting action, but this time draw the gimmick pin inward to give the illusion as to draw the pin from between the bars see FIG. 3.

As stated at point 3 the horizontal pin action is very deceptive. Place the pins flat across each other again in the X form. State that the pins can not be linked in this position. Do the rubbing and circular motion, but this time, the timing action between the pins must happen at the same time. Twist the real pin "outward" turning the inner bar "upward" 90 degrees, at the same time twist the gimmick pin "Inward towards you". The other bar will go into the cut, draw the gimmick pin inward slightly, now the pins are linked and displayed in a 90 degree form see FIG. 4. Do not loose your grip on the pins, a moment later you will reverse the action. Sever the moment, because ever time I've done the move many people (magicians) say they have never seen a more beautiful move, even from ones who do other pin routines. Reverse the twist action back to the flat position and lift the gimmick pin straight up. The whole illusion is a beauty to behold; you'll even amaze yourself as I did, to try to work out the moves. It is ver important not to loose our grip on the pins during the whole action. Display the pins wide apart about 10 inches, state that you are going to link and unlink the pins in slow motion. Bring the head of the real pill (head flat) toward the gimmick pin held at 90 degrees through the bars, twist the gimmick pin inward and flat to form the X, link them. Separate your hands bringing the heads together in a straight line for a moment to show the link. Return to the X position and unlink the pins as in the second link, the illusion of drawing the pin from in between the bars. This last part is done in one smooth graceful slow motion.

The type of pins shown in the photos are standard for NYPD badges and are the best for handling doing this routine, approx. 3 inches in length. I came across another type without the type of head shown in FIG. 5 made in one solid shape piece. Two and one half inches in length. Both sets work well.

Magicians are often asked, "How long have you been doing magic?" I state ever since I've been 5 MONTHS OLD. It gets a great laugh, then go into the patter about how my mother pining my diaper on to tight.