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(Name Your Card)
Fred C. Baunann

In the past there was a trick put out by Mike Bornstein where he used a small box to find a selected card. It had a small red disc in it that moved to show a green spot when it was placed over the selected card. It worked with an attraction and repelling force of a magnet. With that idea in mind, I designed my system using LED lights that changed from RED to GREEN including sound when the green light came on, only one bulb is used.

Effect: The magician has a spectator select a card and remembered then returned to the deck. He then states that it is the year 2000 and new technology will be used. After shuffling the deck places 5 cards on the table randomly, then hands the spectator a half dollar and then says to rub it on his sleeve and states that the coin will become electrically charged with static electricity. The magician then displays a small box with a small LED (no color) on it (LED light emitting diode). The spectator is told to hold out his hand palm up with the coin lying flat on the fingers and place it over one of the cards. The magician places the small box over the coin held in the spectator hand, to his surprise the light goes on and is red removes the box and the light goes out. The spectator is then told to look at the card, it is not his. The move is repeated a couple of times and the light remain red. The last and final time this is done the light turns to GREEN and a sound is heard the card is turned over to be the selected card.

Method: Unknown to the spectator the coin is a magnet half-dollar and in the small box is an electronic switching system that I designed to change a duel LED from RED to GREEN. This idea is not known in the magic world to the best of my knowledge. The led is only 2 poles (not the one with a common 3 pole). Each color has its own power supply 12-volt battery Radio Shack No 23-154, see Fig. 1 & 1a, Fig. 1b is the interior. The box is the type that you can change the battery as required. When a new battery is used in the green led, the high power makes the led yellow. It is a good idea to switch the battery and put the new one in the red so as to keep the green color, of course the change is due to how often you do the trick or use the box for other ideas. One other note be sure that you test the magnet half to find the best side the magnet is on, in most cases it is the head side that is the strongest side and the space between bottom of the box is about 1/8".

Fig. 1

Fig. 1A

Fig. 1B

Presentation: The handling of the box must be done in a natural manner once you learn the position of the reed switch, the first one is located about ½" from the right RED, the GREEN about ½" more about the center see Fig. 1. With a little practice you'll get the handling of the box.


A card is selected, then four small piles are made (remember I'm using the breather card see Fig. 2). I cut the deck in half, at the breather card and place them on the pack on the table on my right then cut it in half again and place it toward the left. The remaining cards I place the packet below the one with the breather and cut it towards my left. Now I have four piles on the table. The upper right contains the breather the spectator then is asked to place the card on top of any of the piles, a total free choice. (If the pile is selected with the breather, just cut it pretending to loose the card this is very deceptive). Lets say it is put on the upper left all you do is put the pile with the breather (on the bottom) on top of it and then the other two on top as you choose. This is a very important point to remember NEVER SQUARE UP THE DECK TO PERFECTLY handle the cards in a very natural manner.

Pick up the cards and simply cut the deck, unknown to the spectator you cut to the selected card complete the cut. Count off five cards, the first is the selected card and state you don't do miracles. Now the next move is very deceiving. I cut a small packet of cards from the top of the deck and place it on the table, then pick up the five cards and place then on the ones on the table. Remember the cards left in my hand has the breather on the bottom, I place then on the top. I pick up the deck and do the cut at the breather again.

The 5 cards are now on top, the breather goes to the bottom. Place them on the table-keeping tract of the selected card. To all nothing happen due to the fact I did not display any fancy moves. I state the point. I introduce the electronic box and do the trick as described above, once revealed people will believe that it was electronically done. Like all props used in magic it how the presentation is done to protect the secret and implant suspicion on the incident NOTE: There is a book on the breather card. Switch the coin by any means if they want to examine the coin. There are magnet English pennies that can be used, but are not too common.

Fig. 3

Until you can purchase a magnet half-dollar you will be supplied with a magnet gimmick that is clipped between your first and second finger as shown in Fig. 3. It is designed so that the moisture from you fingers will hold it in place even while handling the cards.

When you are at the point of the trick where the selected card is in the deck, say 4 from the top. Remove one card and place it on your right hand as you carefully turn it palm up, place it over the magnet in your hand, it is strong enough to radiate through 4 cards. Pick up the box and position it on the card so that the red light comes on. Repeat the action until you come to the selected card and the light turns green. Still use the static electricity idea by rubbing the card on the mat. With a little practice you should be able to hit the two positions to activate the switching systems.

In the event you show the routine again and there are people who saw it when a magnet half dollar was used this is an out. Have the above gimmick and a real half-dollar in your pocket, work the gimmick into position in your hand and display the coin and proceed as above, except you place the half-dollar on the card before using the box. Since the coin is not magnetic the radiation will pass through with no problem. Once the card is revealed everything can be examined, the coin that is and the box can be passed over it and not activates the switching system. A real mystery to be hold. To vanish a shim coin, the gimmick works fine if you know how to work with and handles coins in coin magic. A shim English penny really fools people. I think the new design of the gimmick will open many doors to coin and card magic. I use it in a new trick that I call INVISIBLE COIN VANISH.