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Price $30.00

Fig. 1

See FIG. 2 for the location of clips that hold the camera together. With a small flat screw driver gently pry open the right end clip. Work your way around the top, bottom toward the film compartment and remove the film cartridge it is safe to do that. Do not split the left end leave it in tact. The inner circuit board assembly can be worked out as a unit, see above drawing and FIG. 3 actuarial wiring. Test switch location for smooth operation with flash trigger. Also that added wire is free and clear of all clip and internal connections before final assembly. Replacing the battery should not be a problem if you reworked the system in such a matter with this in mind.

Fig. 2

NOTE: Notice that at the top how the flash trigger protrudes up, if you lined up the switch correctly you may have to add some kind of filler. I used double-sided foam tape and added crazy glue to make the filler hard and solid. By doing this you just have to tap the trigger. As an after thought I modified the winding wheel by cutting a portion off the side that faces the switch and reinstalled it. You can see it behind the red tip of the switch. Trim half the rings to permit room for the switch nut to have a smooth flat surface to rest on.

FIG. 3


In the past there has been many ideas on having a selected card revealed by a photographic method. With today's technology I'm introducing the use of a cameras flash and taking advantage of the unit calling it "WHITE LASER", being able to take a picture of a "THOUGHT" an idea you get in your mind before it becomes real, not until it is written down on paper. Now you will be able to take a picture of a though and bring it into reality as a finished product.

EFFECT: A card is selected and remembered by a spectator. The magician then displays a camera and states that he will take a picture of him thinking of the card. This is a new method called "WHITE LASER PHOTOGRAPH" eliminating the use of film and processing. He points the camera at the spectator to take a picture. He then removes a small piece of paper from the camera and places it on the table. The deck is cuts a few times, and at each cut a card is removed until there are four cards on the table.

The magician then turns over one card stating if this is your card, it is by chance. The next cards, by luck. The third by a miracle, none of the cards is the selected one. If I place this small piece of paper on the last card, then asks the name of the card,"TEN OF SPADES". He then turns over the small paper revealing the selected card in miniature and turns over the last card is also the real selected card full size, and states that's magic.

METHOD: The forces of a selected card are many and you can use any that best suits you. I use the method in NYC LITE a simple card trick. Bring out the camera and state that you will now take a picture of the card as being though of with the new "WHITE LASER PROCESS". It is most important that you make the camera hold the secret to the routine, not your skill on handling cards. Take the picture; remove the paper (small card) place it on top of the table. Revealed it as above, and show the thought of card (small) then the full size card. I believe this new method will improve and enhance any simple card trick, or another approach to a mental effect.

ABOUT THE CAMERA: It has been modified to work electronically without the use of film. On the front a charge button, standard on all cameras. The automatic system has to be pressed once to turn on the pilot light, once on the camera is at full power for the flash to be at its brightest. It will remain on for 5 minutes or so, keeping the camera ready for use, this is normal.

To set off the flash press the trigger button (on top of the camera). All other connections are not functional due to the modification. The film compartment holds the small copy of the card, there is a sleeve to hold the card in place, and to make it easy to be removed see FIG. 2. To open the compartment, gently place the small key that comes with the trick in the slot and pry open. Be gentle and careful as not to break the clip that holds the cover in place. After inserting the card, replace the cover, press it down till it clicks, the cover is now locked so that you can open it with the key later. Although the camera was designed not for reuse, my modification makes it so under a different condition. The only replaceable part is the AAA battery, so you can use it over & over again. See FIG. 2 for the clip locations on how to open the outer shell to get to the battery compartment. With a small flat screwdriver gently pry the clip loose they should pop free, once free gently lift the cover up as evenly as possible. With the screwdriver pry out the battery, be patient. Gentle as not to break any clips. Make sure the battery goes in the right way see FIG. 1. Now press the charge button, you should hear a high pitch squeal sound. The battery power is charging the system, 2 or 3 seconds. Then pilot light comes on; indicating the flash is at full power, ready to use at any time within the next 5 minutes or so.

ABOUT THE CARD: I made a template of cards using the computer via scanning and reduced them 50%. The sleeve is old rolled negative or unused film, it's the right size to fit in the film compartment, and simple trial and error will do.