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"Firefly is a ruthless mistress. Demanding of my guidence, my time. Now that she has seen fit to make me over in her image, that task is much easier. My humanity is slipping away, replaced with these alien instincts. Walking the path of a Shaman has never been easy. And that difficultly is doubled, seeing as I follow an Insect Totem. Something that most people would consider evil. Perhaps, I..." *stops, chuckling* " a way, are evil. But for now, it is enough. It is enough to continue on the path that was chosen even before I realized it. Even before I was born. Firefly chose me, not the other way around. That is the way of Totems. They, see a need within us...and fullfill it. Sometimes it tis more than expected, sometimes its just what it wanted. Its very difficult to explain, and yet.. I understand it perfectly. To stray from my path would mean death, to continue ensures life. Our life. Shamans usually end up hearing the call of a normal totem; or spirit guide...if you will. Only the truely insane, people who have been faced with unspeakable horrors hear the call of the insect... in the Shamanistic tradition. I heard the call of fire-fly, she eased my pain...promised the chance at revenge....but I realize she has her own agenda. Though, wihout my intervention... they would not be here now. I heard her song, and became entranced in a way... summoning just a small group of these insect spirits."


Insect Shamans
Firefly Totem
The Hive
Insect Spirits
RPG Terms
Archived Roleplays

Email: Dirk Hadrin

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