My husband & I are empty nesters. Our boys who are 28 & 25 flew the coop quite awhile ago. The oldest was on his own and the youngest who was 22 at the time was still at home when my husband was transferred to S.C. He decided not to come with us. He had a job & a girlfriend. Those are pretty big deciding factors when you're 22. I can't blame him but, leaving our boys behind sure was tough.
If we had to go at least we were going somewhere warmer. We moved from Ohio to South Carolina in October 2006. Talk about changes!
That old telephone commercial on t.v. that said, "reach out and touch someone" must not have been made by a mother because talking to them on the phone just isn't the same as talking face to face with them.
Since our move our youngest son has married and we have a beautiful grandson! Talk about being homesick now!! My husband & I have a webcam which is fantastic but it can't take the place of holding that precious little boy in my arms. He will turn 2 on Apr. 2.
To fill my time I stay busy taking care of our home and the 7 critters who live here with us. I will talk about them in a minute.
I have been a Christian for many years and my relationship with the Lord is an important part of my life. He has been faithful through good times and bad. In Hebrews 13:5 He said he would never leave us or forsake us and I have found that to be true in my life. Boy, am I grateful for that!
Now let me tell you about the rest of us. We have three beautiful horses, an Arabian named Taz and a miniature named Dolly that surprisesd us with a foal on May 9, 09. We named him Koda, which means "friend". We also have 2 dogs, Tucker & Chip. A cat named Sam, and an African Grey Parrot named Omar.
Tucker, our Lab/mix had back surgery last June to repair 3 blown discs. It's been a long recovery. He's walking again, he's weak on the left side but all in all he's not doing bad and seems to be a very happy dog.
Just after Christmas 2008 my husband & I lost our Great Dane Rosie to bloat and our miniature horse, JJ to colic, just 5 days apart from each other. Talk about traumatic! We were devastated. We miss them both terribly. To see pictures of the animals click here.
To read about our horses & see their pictures click here.
Some things I enjoy: Spending time with family and friends. Time spent with family is far too little since we've moved. I spend alot of time on the phone!
Reading is something else I enjoy. Click here to see what I've been reading.
I must say now that I'm a Grandma my favorite thing in the world is spending time with my grandbaby! There's nothing in the world like it. What a joy!
Have a great day! Psalm 118:24
Our youngest son lost his close and very dear friend in a car accident on Oct 29, 2000. To read more click here.
It is in memory of my brother, Keith who died as the result of suicide that I want to make this help available to you.
If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide click
here or
There are people out there who care, PLEASE don't give up!
I know right now you don't feel as though there is anyone that will miss you, I am here to tell you, they WILL!
I know right now that you feel there are those that would be better off without you, I am here to tell you, they WILL NOT be!
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Website last upadated Jan 13, 2010
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