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Welcome to my homepage.

Some of you may know me from Amanda's Table, from KT's After Hours Club or from Muckle Geordie's Pub at the Gathering of the Clans Scottish Pages. And some of you probably don't know me at all. I have chatted under numerous names and I won't attempt to remember them all here but the main names recently have been Kindred, Stil, and Carl. But whichever name, if any, is familiar, I hope you enjoy your visit to my homepage. Please look around ....see if you recognize anyone... and feel free to leave me a message on e-mail or the guestbook. There are a few paragraphs about some of my internet family on page two (and soon page three) as well as a couple photos. I will have more about my family and friends in the future. These people are important to me and I am very glad to have them in my life.


If you are interested in meeting
some great folks and a photo or two

Go to My Friends and Family Page 1
Go to My Friends and Family Page 2
Then come back and see some of the interesting links below

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Cock O' The North

Member ACLIO - Help stop Chain Letters on ICQ!
Some Other Sites You Might Like:

Garrison Keillor and Prairie Home Companion
Car Talk with Click & Clack
Amanda's Table Chatroom
Scotsman Newspaper-Edinburgh--Look for the live camera
Gathering of the Clans--Scottish Pages
Gateway to Scotland--Edinburgh University
Rowan Fairgrove's Pagan Links Page
Rowan Fairgrove's Homepage
Alexia's Web--> A source for Wiccan and Pagan Links
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
