Ryan: How did it all start (the band thing, not life in general)? I know you
and Ken were in a different band together before GBB. Why did the two of you
Jim: The whole thing started with 2 bands, Rhino 39 (Jim, Chris and Todd) and
Controlled Aggression (me and Ken).
After about 3 years, Controlled Aggression HAD to shitcan Ken (he was a
drummer then), and Rhino 39 just broke up, but those guys started jammin'
with Danny. One night everyone was hangin' and drinkin' beers and Ken
got on the mic and started freestylin'(everyone in the room was freakin
out cuz' we knew he'd be good but not that good). A couple months
later they wrote some songs and I produced a little demo that sold out.
Then with the help of winning the WAAF battle of the bands we went in
and made "THIS IS NOT A TEST". I quit Controlled Aggression a little
later cuz' I was burnt out and they asked me to join. That's the long
answer, basically EVERYTHING clicked from the start.
Ryan: What are the band's influences? Cuz you guys are
clearly rapcore, but your stuff seems to have a unique vibe to it.
Jim: Between all the guys in the band we listen to all music (except country,
because that shit can eat a fat dick).
Ryan: What exactly is a Gangsta Bitch Barbie? That's the most intriguing band
name I've heard in a long time.
Jim: GBB came from the Saturday Night Live skit....and in the 90's, the more
fucked up the name, the more people take notice.
Ryan: The scene up in the Boston area seems to be making a lot of noise lately.
Why do you think that is, just the large numbers of pretty good bands?
What other bands from your area do you recommend to all the pimp rockers out there?
Jim: You have to check out REVEILLE they are the best live band on the
planet,also check CONTROLLED AGGRESSION, 7th Rail Crew, 7HILL PSYCHO'S, S.O.C.... also there's COLEPITZ out of Maine. There's a ton
of shit around here and it's all good.
Ryan: Do you have a Street Team or anything that helps promote the band?
Jim: We have people that help out all the time but we do the majority of the
promo ourselves. We hit every show with handouts and posters to make sure
every single person knows of the band..and the biggest plus is Carrie from
107.3 WAAF is into the band and she helps us out. Actually there are a lot of
good people out there that really help us....This is the station that helped
break GODSMACK and they're doin' pretty good....
Ryan: Is GBB getting checked out by any record labels? Do you think there are
any advantages to remaining unsigned?
Jim: This past week we showcased for some major labels and there's gonna be
more comin' up...everything is lookin good..I can't see any advantages to be
unsigned, but there must be...I don't like being broke.
Ryan: Any plans to go into the studio again soon? I heard you've been writing
new stuff lately.
Jim: We're taking July off to write some more songs and right now we have
about seven in the can we like so we'll be puttin' out new shit by the fall
and it's gonna be a lot different....but the people who liked our last stuff
will like this stuff even more.
Ryan: Is the song-writing an equally-shared responsibility in the band?
Jim: The way it usually goes is I will come up with basic ideas @ my
house, come into practice and the band adds to it to make it a GBB song, and
Ken writes the lyrics and we change the song a few times until we like
it. You could watch us play 3 gigs and never hear a certain song sound the
same way until we're all happy with it.
Ryan: What's your all-time favorite GBB song?
Jim: I like em' all, but every time we write a song, it kicks the shit out of
the last one.
Ryan: Bonus Fun Question: What band that's gained popularity/respect in the
loud-music world can you simply not stand? Be as brutal as you need to
be, I won't tell anyone.
Jim: I would love to answer that but my manager would kill me. I get in a lot
of trouble for being a loudmouth dickhead. Very tempting but I can't.