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Meghan's Room!

This page is now dedicated to Austin Croshere in addition to being my room!



About Austin Croshere!

Age: 25

Birthday: May 1, 1975

Plays for the Indiana Pacers

Went to Providence--First round draft pick for Pacers

Averaged 6.4 rebounds and 10.3 points per game in the 99-00 season

Height: 6'9"

Weight: 235 lbs.

Position: Forward

Ranks 16th in the NBA for his free throw percentage of .848

Other Great Pacers:

Dale Davis, Jalen Rose, Travis Best, Sam Perkins, etc..

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Meet *Meghan*

1. Name & Nicknames: Meghan; Meg, Megs, Mega, Meggie, Hey You

2. Birthdate: 11/3/85

3. Location: LP, Indiana

4. School: LPHS

5. Hobbies: Basketball, phone, computer

6. Color Eyes: Blue

7. Height: 5'10" or 5'11"

8. Shoe Size: i hate my feet, they're nasty.

9. Favorite Color: Orange, yellow, purple

10.Favorite Songs: I like a lot of songs :)

11. Favorite Book: Mr. Was

12. Favorite Vacation spot: Florida

13. Absolute One Best Friend: Sarah Snyder

14: Best Friend of the Opposite Sex: Wes Parker

15: Single or Taken? Single as always

16: Do you have a crush? Who?: Yeah, actually two!

17: Things you like in the opposite sex: Smile, eyes, sense of humor

20: Funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of someone of the opposite sex?I dunno..I try not to get desperate.

21. What CD is in your player right now? No Boundaries--For the Kosovar Refugees!! Green Day, and three other CD's that I don't listen to! I like the radio better.

22: Best quality in a friend: Listens, loyal, trustworthy

23: Fondest Memory of you and your Friend(s): When we took Karen to Chicago!

24: Scariest Thing that's ever happened to you: When my brother came home from college in the middle of the night and pounded on my window, shining a flashlight in because the deadbolt was on

25: Favorite Computer Font: This is like, the weirdest thing to have a favorite of, but, I guess Comic Sans MS or Lucida Casual

26: Favorite Food: McDonald's Chicken Nuggets, popsicles

27: Favorite Place to Eat: Someplace w/ food, I've recently taken a liking to Don Pablos

28: Food you Hate: Spinach, Most meats, CORN!, most cooked veggies

29: Weirdest food that you like: i dunno what weird food is

30: Dumbest thing you've ever done:Most of the things I do are dumb

31: The One Person that Knows the Most About You: I dunno..

32: Favorite Movie(s): Monty Python and The Holy Grail, My Best Friend's Wedding, The Green Mile, The Jungle Book, Toy Story, Toy Story 2

33. Last Movie you saw? As Good As It Gets

34: Here's the scenario - Any person curled up on a couch with you watching any movie. Who would it be and what movie?: um, no comment

35: Nicest Thing Someone's Done for You: Been my friend

36: Best Advice Ever Given to You?: Umm..Zach always tells me to be myself and don't worry about what people think..I'm thinkin' that's good advice, but trust me, I need lotsa advice and everyone gives it to me, and it's all good.

37: Favorite Quote #1: There's this one quote from Albert Einstein that I like but I don't have it memorized and I don't feel like looking for it.

38: Favorite Quote #2: "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"

38: Favorite Quote #3: "Championships are not won the night of the big events but years before by athletes who commit themselves daily to being a champion"

39: One thing you wish you could tell the whole world: I dunno..I'd have to think about it and I have a headache right now

40: One thing you hope you do before you die: Fall in love

41: Thing you want to be remembered for: Being a good person

42: Your Personality Type: I have no idea

43: Favorite Music Group(s): See the favorite song question

44: Pets: One Cat--Sassy!!

45: Favorite Holiday: Christmas

46: Favorite Season: Summer

47: Favorite Summer Activity:swimming, basketball

48: Favorite Winter Activity: basketball

49: What you wanna be when you grow up: A neuro surgeon

50: Funniest Person you Know: Kelly Edquist

51: Favorite Conversation Topic: Anything, I love to talk!

52: Favorite Sport(s): Basketball!!

53: Favorite Magazines: Teen, Seventeen, YM

54: Favorite Toothpaste: I'm a Crest Kid!

55: Favorite BubbleGum: Cinnaburst

56: Favorite Candy: Jelly Bellys

57: Favorite Stores: Old Navy, Abercrombie, Aeropostale, JCPenney

58: Favorite Thing to Wear to School: Clothes?? I haven't gone to school in a while..I've lost touch w/ that part of my life...right now, it's summer and i don't really care what i wear

59: Favorite Thing to Sleep In: Beater and boxers

60: Biggest Fear: To die unloved

61: Favorite Inside Joke: I can't even think of any right now...sad i know..

62: Favorite Girl's Name(s): Morgan, Alexis

63: Favorite Guy's Name(s): Brice, Brendan

67: Thing You're Picked on Most About: Being tall, being ditsy, even though I'm not usually

69: Favorite Words: Ethiopia, all phobia words

70: Thing you Say Waaaaay Too Much: "awww" "uh huh" "i dunno"

71: Favorite ice-cream Flavor: Phish Food

72: Favorite Soda (it's pop): Dr. Pepper

73: Link to your favorite websites:

74: One Place you want to go to (you've never been there):

75: Time & Date: Monday, August 7, 2000 @ 3:10 pm..why?!

76: What did you do or what are your plans today: I went to weights, and we run after that, then I came home and took a nap and took a shower and I'm gonna play basketball!

77: You kiss someone and you're chewing gum. What kind of gum?: Cinnaburst

78: What college do you want to go to (or are you going to or will you be going to?): I really want to go to the University of Tennessee w/ Wes but seeing how that's never gonna happen, prolly IU

79: Person you Admire the most: My Dad

80: Thing you most regret: I dunno

81: Number of Pairs of shoes you own: a lot, I don't feel like counting..but more than 10 i can tell yah that..

82: Favorite piece of jewelry: my three beaded necklaces and my St. Christopher medal thingy that I got for confirmation

83: Your Themesong(s): I don't have one..

84: If you were a nail polish what color would you be and why: If I were a nailpolish, I would smell good, i'd be a bath and body works kind..bright orange!

86: Color of your bedroom: White w/ *COUGH*pink*COUGH* blinds and curtain thing

88: Last time you showered: a few minutes ago

89: Last person you called: Zach a few days ago

90: Last thing you had to drink: Root Beer

91: What's the weather like: It's really nice and sunny but very hot

92: Last Book you Read by Choice: Mr. Was

93: Last show you watched on TV: Maury

94: Where is your computer: On a desk in between my room and the family room so sorta in the family room but not really, it's basically just downstairs in it's own little place

95: Color socks you're wearing: white w/ blue Nike Checks

96: The silliest thing u've ever said?: I dunno, I say lotsa stupid stuff

97: Favorite Smiley Face: The way :D and ;) look on MSN Messenger or =o)

98: Last phrase you said: Shut up

99: Thing you actually want to be doing right now:Playing basketball, getting away from my sister who's bothering me at this very moment. Things To See And Do!!!

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  • Use all of the links!
  • Have fun!
  • Make sure you reserve your spot in the guest room!!!!!!!

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Lookie!!! Grover came here to visit!!!!!!
I don't member what this picture is, so I dunno what to say about it....
And look who's back to see us
This is MY room!!!!!!!!!!!


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