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My Virtual Photo Album page 2

my 18th birthday celebration (1985)

yes, this is an oldie. it was when the drinking age was still 18. here are a few of my best friends and i celebrating at PAT O'Brians, in the french quarter. left to right: Brenda, Dean, Me, My date (lol cant remember his name), Linda, and Carlos! this was the greatest group of friends a girl could have. :0)

I MET RAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i had the pleasure of meeting one of my favorite chat pals this summer. RAD!!!!!! was real fun, shes just like she is on the net :0) SCAREY HUH?


this is Mich! for whom the poem Hands Of A Sculptor was written. :0) nice butt, huh ladies? (did u know if you take your mouse u can make the little arrow on the screne do naughty things to people?-lmao!!!!)