I have been truly blessed by the Lord all my life. I can actually say that He has been with me before I was saved and He called me to his side.
The Lord knows what is going to happen to us in our lives and he uses those things to shape us and make us worth witness of Him to others.
I grew up in a broken home. My parents divorced when I was about 4 years old. I don't remember anything before that time. My mom had a hard time keeping a roof over our head and often had to work 3 jobs. My sister is about 2 years older than me and it fell on her to take care of me and my brother.
When my mom remarried I was about 6 years old, I had already gone to live with my dad. My dad had remarried and his wife seemed nice at that time. When I had gone to live with him a second time she hated us kids becuase he would not have anymore kids. She was very young and wanted her own children. I understand her now that I am a stepmom.
When we went back to live with my mom after the first visit to my dad. Things had changed. I don't rememer much about the time. Bill was in the Army and had gotten stationed first in Oklahoma and then he went to Germany. We stayed in Oklahoma. My mom was injured by a buffalo on Mother's Day just after he got back. By then I was about 7.
Just before he got back God in the Holy Spirit came to me and told me that whenever I was afraid I could just call out for him and he would protect my mind. I would have to stay where I was, but he would be there with me. When mom was in the hospital (and that was a lot of the time) Bill would abuse us kids all the time. We were beaten, molested and scared for our lives. God was there with me through the whole 4 years. I finally told on him when he actually tried to kill me. My mom had him arrested and put in prision.
I was saved during this time. I would go to church with friends and was happiest during those times. I was baptized on October 17, 1987 when I was in high school, I was a Freshman to be exact. I had many more fights with God before I would give him my future though.
I moved to Houston when I was still 17 and in school. My aunt Sandy took me into her home and made me feel loved. I finished school and went on to partying with my friends. We went to bars and clubs all the time. This is a bad period of my life because I made all the decisions and I didn't want God to come in and screw up my lifestyle. Well he did. He tore my life apart and made me move back to live with my mom. Well now that I think abot it he didn't tear my life apart he let it die. For at the same time I redeticated my soul to him for him to control. I didn't know it then but he was starting to take control.
I stayed with my mom for 3 months then moved to live with my new boyfriend. I didn't understand it completely (and I just wanted to direct my own life) but he was into this *religion* called wicca. He was a satan worshiper. I wanted to be with him and I wanted him to *Love* me so I got involved as well. God let me get pregnant in this period of my life to show me how wrong it was. I lost the baby at 11 weeks. My boyfriend never cared about me being pregnant and wished I wasn't. I left him shortly there after.
When I got back home in 1993, God started putting people in my path that would first show me the truth about wicca and then get me on the path to him. I came into an understanding about the way I was living my life and made decisions to stop doing it *MY WAY* God's way is much better. I got to know some real good friends in Christ Jesus and even got to know some old friends whom I never thought would be my friend at all. Kristie Kendrick is one of those friends. She started me going to church again and we started learning how to be friends. Kristie and I started going to singles meetings to learn how to be single in Christ and still be happy. We both wanted to be married. We met some Great People. Kathy Dailey is one of them. She kept our spirits high as we all felt lonely. She is a great matchmaker as well, she introduced me to my wonderful husband Stephen.
Kathy also introduced us to Chaplain Dickson, or maybe it was another great friend of our group Laird Thompson. I don't know but Chaplian Dickson (Pat) has been the best Christian friend a person can ever have. She taught me about servitude and how to be a christian woman. Pat has been instrumental in making me a good army wife as well. She married Stephen and I when we had only know each other for 2 months and 10 days. She knew that God had brought us together and that we were in Love.
You may never know how much work God is doing in your life, but he is always working. If you are reading this page he is working in your life. God has brought me through the fire and has made me Love. I regret nothing that has happened in my life, for if it had not happened I would not be the person I am. I would NEVER change anything in my life if I was given the chance to.
God is still working in my life today, He has
decided that I should be a nurse and is sending me
school to do so. He opened all the doors on the way
and has provided funding as well. I have to be away
from Stephen for a year to go to school to become
the nurse God wants me to be and it is hard. I
trust in God's plan tho, I know that this year will
not only be hard because of the work I have to do
but also being seperated from my wonderful husband.
For Jesus endured the cross so that I may live this
I will endure for it is nothing in comparison to his
great gift he has given me. Never doubt that
what he has planned for you life is the best for you
because he always knows what is best for you.
If you have been touched by Jesus and would like to
accept him into your heart and life, let someone
know so that you can pray and recieve him. If you
do not have someone you wish to pray with please
email me I would be honored to pray with you. There
are christians also availible in Talkcity's
Jesuscafe who would be honored to pray with you
anytime day or night. Someone is always there.
Love to you all
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