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hidden truths       HIDDEN TRUTHS

This page has been created to get people thinking, and to share some valid information. I have assembled and am still gathering photos, interviews, eye witness reports, and links that may help to open the mind to some of the limitless possibilities in our universe.

Because of the internet communications have reached a new level today. With people all over the world in constant communication with each other and shareing information about events as they occur. I believe that this is making it ever more difficult for those that would hide the truth to keep their secrets. I am attempting to create subjects that I hope will pose some interesting questions about our government, their involvement with UFO's, some of the research they are supposed to be doing, just when they started hiding the truth about things from the people of the United States, and who decided for us that keeping these things secret was in our best interest. And while I am on the subject what ever happened to by the people and for the people?


I believe that man has wondered about the universe and if we were alone in it ever since the human race first climbed down from the trees and began to walk upright. It is without a doubt the most universal question in history. Hopefully some day soon this question will be answered once and for all. Of course if contact were made tomorrow there would always be those that would be afraid of the changes that it would make in our world. (Fear of the unknown must be a terrible thing to have to live with.) It never occurs to most people that just because man is a creature of destruction doesn't mean that other races in the universe would be the same. It is my personal belief that anyone willing to travel light years to visit a tiny blue dot like ours would be here as explorers. Even our own history has proven that it is extreamly difficult and costly to attempt to dominate others from long distances. And this fact alone (if nothing else made sense) would lead me to believe that any visitors from other worlds would be seeking other intelligent life or just be exploring and learning about the universe
( much as we are trying to do these days).

There are those who say the modern UFO era began in the fifties with the coining of the phrase "flying saucer". I however: wish to differ with this opinion after discovering the following photograph on Colonel Wilson's web site.


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This photo taken in 1932 shows clearly that there are some pictures where UFO's were accidentally captured on film prior to the fifties. Giving us (as of the date I am posting this information) over sixty five years of photographic evidence. And no doubt there are still older pictures out there. I just haven't found any yet but trust me I am still looking.

I previously had a link to Colonel Wilson's Skywatch International page at this location. However: some time after the Colonel passed away his page was removed and I have been unable to locate a copy anywhere.

A friend of mine in Scotland has ( after his own personal sighting) created a great website dedicated to the UFO question. On this site you will find video's and and a lot of information about UFO's   UFO Scotland (Great UFO Site)

The next picture was taken over Nellis Air Force Base in 1993 since this was taken over an official government site and has to date not been proved to have been tampered with in any way (like many other photos) I find it some what incredible that the Government claims that there is no basis for further investigation into the ufo matter.

  Any serious UFO researcher owes a large debt of gratitude to Colonel Wilson (one of the few military people to research and share this type of information). His passing was a huge loss to everyone with an interest in UFO's or Government coverups.

You may find some answers to these and many other questions by visiting Warlocks UFO Site .

  The next three photographs were sent to me from an unknown source. I tried to respond to the e-mail but got a mailer demon. So I do not really know where they came from. However; it was stated in the e-mail the the crop circle was inside the United States. After looking at it I would also find it hard to believe that anyone could have hoaxed it in a few hours of darkness. The two ufo shots seem to be in the early evening hours. I will assume that this accounts for the their some what hazed appearence..

I have also put a link to my own copy of the UFO law here and at the bottom of this page.

The UFO Law

The Government Claims To Tell The Truth About UFO"s .



Steven Gibbs is supposed to be a reputable source for some of the strangest tales of all time. Most of Mr. Gibbs story sounds similar to a novel I read in the sixties about the time police. I have never met Steven Gibbs but have heard about him only during the last few years. Below you will find a transcript of an interview with him done in 1995 by Strange Magazine. Also note the Interviewer's coments to start off the transcript. There are many who believe that the Government has been experimenting with time travel for many years. I have heard that some of these time travel experiments were even a so called side effect of nuclear testing. Giving the government scientest a chance to study two phenomonon with one experiment. If this is the case it is no wonder that we live in the world as it is today. Most likely likely no accident either.

You can read a transcript of the interview with Mr. Gibbs done by strange magazine by clicking this link  The Interview

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