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This Child, My Child


As my child slept so peacefully last night,
I gazed at his face in the dimness of the night.
His body at rest from a long and busy day,
So beautifully peaceful in his own special way.

This child, my child, once so fragile and small,
Has grown from a seedling, so handsome and tall.
He has learned how to walk, and speak his own mind,
His past days of helplessness, left far behind.

This child, my child, with a smile that beams,
I wish for him contentment, fulfillment of dreams.
I give him my love with all that I do,
And guide him through life, with goals to pursue.

Our memories should hold, such a colorful display,
Of first words, first steps, and first times at play.
Make each day important, don't push him too fast,
Take time and enjoy him, make each moment last.
Your child needs love, as much as you do,
Give love to your child, and he'll return it to you.

~Author unknown to me



© October 17, 1998