Designed by Marinka on a drive through cottage country, checking out
properties for sale on August 13, 1998. This was inspired by some
incredible rustic kitchens we had the opportunity to walk through and
the awesome number of hair elastic in the bottom of my tote, left over
from my *150 scrunchies challenge*.
Materials Needed
1 - Air Freshener Doll (Fiber Craft - 3101)
2 X 60cm (24") 3mm (1/8") satin ribbon
1 large pony tail elastic
3.5 mm hook (UK 9, US E/4)
125gr (4 1/2oz) 2/1 viscose fiber or
125gr (4 1/2oz) bedspread cotton (used 2 strands together)
or any fiber & hook combo to give you gauge below
Gauge: 10 cm X 10cm (4"X4") = 11 V stitches
and 12 1/2 rows 3 mm satin ribbon
Chart legend
` chain
- single crochet
I double crochet
Stitches used: Chain, slip stitch, single crochet, double crochet,
treble, V stitch (2dc worked in one stitch or space)
Dress Bodice
ROW 1: Chain 31, dc in 3rd ch from hook and in the next 28 chs, 29 dc
(including first 2ch), chain 3 and turn
ROW 2: Dc in 5 dc, chain 2, 3 sc, chain 2 , 11dc, chain 2, 3sc,
chain 2, 6dc your work should look like this:
Row 2 I I I I I I``---``I I I I I I I I I I I ``---``I I I I I I
Row 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _________ tail
Chain3 and turn
Working on left back of bodice only!
ROW 3: Dc in 5dc, chain 3 turn.
Row 3 I I I I I I
Row 2 I I I I I I``---``I I I I I I I I I I I ``---``I I I I I I
Row 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _________ tail
Chain 3 and turn
ROW 4: Dc in 2dc, chain 2, sc in 3dc, end leaving enough fibers for
Row 4 ---``I I I
Row 3 I I I I I I *
Row 2 I I I I I I``---``I I I I I I I I I I I ``---``I I I I I I
Row 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _________ tail
Working on centre bodice only, attach fiber at * chain 3
Design short cut - keep the tail end of attached fiber behind your work
and capture it within the stitches you make. If you do this each time
you attach thread as you go along, it saves you working them in later!
Row 3: Dc in 2dc, chain 1, 5sc, chain 1, 3dc, chain3 turn
Row 4: Dc in 2dc, chain 2, 5sc, chain 2, 3dc, end
leaving enough fiber for joining
Row 4 ---``I I I I I I``-- - --``I I I
Row 3 I I I I I I I I I`- - - - -`I I I *
Row 2 I I I I I I``---``I I I I I I I I I I I ``---``I I I I I I
Row 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _________ tail
Working on right back of bodice only, attach fiber at * chain 3
(remember to work end in as you go!)
ROW 3: Dc in 5dc, chain 2 turn.
ROW 4: Sc in 2dc, chain 2, dc in 3dc, end leaving enough fibers for
Your work should look like this:
Row 4 ---``I I I I I I``-- - --``I I I I I I``---
Row 3 I I I I I I I I I`- - - - -`I I I I I I I I I
Row 2 I I I I I I``---``I I I I I I I I I I I ``---``I I I I I I
Row 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I__________ tail
With right sides together, crochet or sew up the shoulder seams using
the ends. Weave in any ends left and trim now. Much easier to do than
later when dress is all finished.
Try bodice on doll and see how it fits, it should look fabulous so far!
ROW 1: Attach fiber to center sc in armhole, chain 3, holding end
behind wok and capturing it as you go, 25 dc evenly around armhole,
chain 3 turn do not join
ROW 2: increasing row - 7dc, 2dc in each of the next 10dc, 8dc, chain
3 turn
ROW 3: decreasing row - work 2dc tog to last dc, dc in last dc, chain
3 turn
ROW 4: decreasing row - 1dc, work 2dc tog 7 times, 3dc, chain 3 turn
ROW 5: 11dc, chain 3turn
ROW 6: 11dc, chain 3turn
ROW 7: sc in first chain, *chain3 sc in dc*, repeat * * ending with sc
in turning chain. Pull up on the loop on hook to prevent unraveling,
and gently turn work inside out by pushing the bodice through the
armhole of sleeve just finished. Insert hook through the first sc made
on the last row, picking up last loop made opposite it, and join sleeve
seam by slip stitching together towards the bodice. Finish off and
weave any remaining ends in now and turn sleeve right side out again.
Another way of joining the sleeve seam would be to end after the last
sc made and sewing up the seam.
Repeat with other sleeve.
At this point try the bodice on the doll one more time and see how it
fits. Notice particularly how her body shape flares (if you are using
the air freshener doll, poor darling lacks legs) out and this is how
the skirt will need to flare out as well.
ROW 1: with inside of bodice facing you, attach fiber to end and chain
2, sc in every loop of starting chain to end, 28 sc, chain 3 turn
ROW 2: increasing row - 1dc in first sc, *1 dc in next sc, 2dc in
next sc* repeat * * across ending with 2dc in turning chain, chain 3,
Note: working 2dc in a stitch creates what will be from now on known
as the V stitch
Row 3: increasing row - 1 dc in the last V stitch of previous row,
*V stitch in next dc, V stitch in next V stitch *, repeat * * across
ending with V stitch in last V stitch, chain 3, turn
ROW4:1 dc in the last V stitch of previous row, V stitch in each
V stitch of row 3, chain 3, turn
ROW 5: repeat row 4
ROW 6: increasing row - 1 dc in the last V stitch of previous row,
*1dc in space between the V stitches, V stitch in each V stitch*,
repeat from * * , chain 3, turn
ROW 7: increasing row - 1 dc in the last V stitch of previous row,
*V stitch in next dc, V stitch in next V stitch *, repeat * * across
ending with V stitch in last V stitch, chain 3, turn
ROW 8:1 dc in the last V stitch of previous row, V stitch in each
V stitch of row 7, chain 3, turn
ROWS 9 - 11: repeat row 8
ROW 12: same as 11 but do not end with chain 3 and do not turn work
ROW 13: overlapping the last V stitch over the first V stitch of row
12, insert hook through both V stitches and st together, chain 3, dc
in same space, V stitch in each V stitch across, closing round with
sl on 3rd chain, chain 3, do not turn
ROW 14; dc in V stitch, V stitch in each V stitch across, closing
round with sl on 3rd chain, chain 3 do not turn
Continue row 14 until skirt is 25cm (10 in) from waist
Join this row and chain 2, sc in each dc, close round with sl on 2nd
chain, chain 3
Decreasing for base:
ROW 1: work 2dc together across, closing round with sl on 3rd chain,
chain 3 do not turn
ROW 2: *work 2dc together, 1dc in next dc*, repeat * *, closing round
with sl on 3rd chain, chain 3 do not turn
ROW 3: 1dc in each dc across, closing round with sl on 3rd chain,
chain 2 do not turn
ROW 4: working over an elastic, *1sc, chain 1*, repeat * * closing
round with sl in 2nd chain, fasten off, weave end in.
Attach fiber to overlapped stitches in row 13, chain 3, sc evenly up
the left back of skirt /bodice forming loops that will be used for
lacing closure. Continue working across neck opening keeping the loops
closer together so they create a ruffle effect, then work down right
side of bodice/skirt carefully matching loops to left side.
Finish off and weave end in.
Using length of ribbon as if you were lacing a shoe, start with the
matching loops at ROW 13 lace the ribbon
loosely through the loops ending at collar, put the dress on Adriana,
adjust the loops, tighten (visions of Scarlett being laced in!), and
tie into bow.
ROW 1 - chain 9, sc in 3rd chain from hook and remaining chains, chain
1 turn
ROW 2 - 4 work in sc across 8 stitches, on row 4 chain 2 turn
ROW 5 - dc in first sc, 2dc in each sc across, chain 3, turn
ROW 6 - dc across, chain 2 turn, You now have 16 stitches
ROW 7 - sc across, chain 2 turn
ROW 8 - sc across, chain 3 turn
ROW 9 - dc in first sc, *1dc, 2dc* repeat across ending with 1dc,
chain3, turn You now have 24 stitches
ROW 10 - dc across, chain 2, turn
ROW 11 - sc across, chain 2, turn
ROW 12 - sc across, chain 3, turn
ROW 13 - dc in first sc, *1dc, 2dc*, repeat across ending with 1dc,
chain3, turn. You now have 32 stitches
ROW 14-16 dc across, chain 3, turn
ROW 17 - dc across, chain do not turn
Edging : working up the left side of apron, sc evenly to row 5 of
pattern, chain 3, sc to corner of bodice, chain 3, sc across top of
bodice, chain 3, sc down to row 5, chain 3, sc along the right side
of skirt, working 3sc in corner, sc across bottom, working 3sc in
corner and finish off. Weave end in.
Heart Pocket
Form a double loop by winding fibre on the tip of your little finger,
working into this (take it off the finger first!) chain 3, 2 dc, 3 tr,
5dc, 1 tr, 5dc, 3tr, 2dc join with slip stitch to chain, finish off.
Holding the heart, pull on starting tail, this should close the loop
nice and tight and help form the heart pocket. Attach to apron with
slip stitch from wrong side or sew on. Thread ribbon through the 3
chain loops to create neck loop and ties.
ROW 1: Chain 5, sl to connect.Chain 2, work 15 hdc around, sl to
second chain to close, chain 2
ROW 2: sc in next hdc, 2 sc in next 2 hdc, sc in next hdc, chain 3,
ROW 3: dc in first sc, 1dc in next sc, 2dc in next 2 sc, 1dc in next
sc, 2dc in last sc, chain 3, turn ROW 4: dc in first dc, 1dc in next
3 dc, 2dc in next 2 dc, 1dc in next 3 dc, 2dc in last dc, chain 3,
ROW 5: dc in next 5 dc, work next 2 dc together (decrease), dc in next
6 dc, chain 3, turn
ROW 6: dc in next 3 dc, 2dc together, 1dc in next dc, 2 dc together,
dc in next 4 dc, chain 3, turn
ROW 7: dc in next 4 dc, work next 2 dc together (decrease), dc in next
4 dc, chain 3, turn
ROW 8: dc in next 2 dc, 2dc together twice, dc in next 3 dc, chain 3,
ROW 9: dc in next dc, 2dc together twice, dc in next 2 dc, chain 3,
ROW 10: 2dc together twice, dc in next dc, chain 3, turn
ROW 11: 2dc together, dc in next dc, chain 3, turn
ROW 12: 2dc together, end and weave end carefully through wing
Wing will not lie flat, it is meant to cup slightly.
For second wing, on ROW 1, skip 4hdc, attach fiber and repeat from
ROW 2 - 12
Chain 24, careful not to twist chain, close with slip stitch. Sc
across, sl stitch to first sc, finish off and weave end in. Attach
very carefully to Adriana's head!
To hang Adriana so that she can start taking care of those empty
grocery bags for you, add and extra length of whatever fibre you have
used to crochet, tie it around her waist in a loose loop wide enough
to use as a hanger. Hide this under the apron.
I hope you enjoy making Adriana as much as I have enjoyed designing
her. May she always keep an eye on all the joys a family kitchen has
to offer.
Designed on Thursday, August 13, 1998.
Copyright© 1998 by Marinka