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Lotsa Fonts

AdLib Font used by the Mighty Mighty BossToneS. Downloaded from a BossToneS fan page.
Anson The first of many fonts snagged from my friend and Mac guru Nick Hubbell.
Architect This used to be my favorite font, but got overused in graphic design everywhere. Relatively common font.
Augie From Magnus' 4 Fonts.
Century Gothic Fairly common Mac font. Snagged from local computer lab.
Chalk Downloaded this from Mangus' 4 fonts.
Cheesewiddler Drawn by Otis B of Fluf, Downloaded from Chank's Rockstar Fonts.
Fortuna Snagged from Nick Hubbell, referenced above.
Fruit From Nick.
Geometrix Also from Nick.
Imprint From Nick.
Informal From Nick.
Jester From Magnus' 4 Fonts.
Libby Script From Nick.
Lucida Typical Mac font, but one I particularly enjoy.
Martel One of the FontFace Top 25 fonts -- when I downloaded it on 4.30.98, it was #18.
Maximillion One of the FontFace Top 25 fonts -- when I downloaded it on 4.30.98, it was #24.
Mirisch One of the FontFace Top 25 fonts -- when I downloaded it on 4.30.98, it was #13.
Oxford From Nick.
Revere From Nick.
Rick From Nick.
SapirSans One of my favorite fonts. Relatively common.
Sharpie Drawn by Mark Sandman of Morphine, Downloaded from Chank's Rockstar Fonts.
Stereo HiFi One of the FontFace Top 25 fonts -- when I downloaded it on 4.30.98, it was #9.
Tainted Downloaded from Twisted Fonts.
Techno From Nick.
Trebuchet Common font, snagged from the computer lab.
US Plain From Nick.
Verdana If you have this font on your computer, this is the font this page is in. Another fave, and somewhat common.
Vingy Downloaded from Mangus' 4 Fonts.

Downloads for Mac

Download AdLib, Architect, Chalk, SapirSans, Verdana, and Vingy. (287K)
Download Anson, Century Gothic, Fruit, Trebuchet, and US Plain. (251K)
Download Imprint, Informal, Libby Script, Revere, and Rick. (48K)
Download Geometrix, Fortuna, Tainted, Oxford, and Techno. (18K)
Download Jester, Martel, Maximillian, Mirisch, and StereoHiFi. (110K)
Download Augie, Cheesewiddler, Lucida Handwriting, and Sharpie Stylie. (138K)

More Font Resources

Yahoo's "Fonts" Category
Yahoo's "Typefaces" category
Astigmatic One Eye Freeware Fonts
Eyesaw Fontz (this takes a while to load, has Java apps)
Fish Dicks
Font of the Day
Chank's Rockstar Fonts
Chank Diesel: How to Make Fonts

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