Congratulations, You've Found The Home Page Of Eileen Sutton (aka GI Jane13)!
Greetings to all of you out there in cyberworld! I have only recently discovered angelfire and I am just starting my home page. So...please bear with me. I'm still relatively new to all of this computer stuff! I am a 24 year old freshman at Kent State University in Ohio. I am a music education major. I play saxophone, guitar and piano. I also like to write fiction and poetry. I enjoy playing sports (primarily soccer!) My nick name is Ice. I received this nickname when I was in the army (if you've ever seen
American Gladiators, you know to whom this nick name refers!)
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My Favorite Past-times
- Playing and composing music.
- Reading and/or writing.
- Hiking.
- Sitting in front of a raging fire.
My Favorite Links
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
sony on-line
world broadcasting systems
Jeremy Bakers Homepage.
WENZ-The End Rock
Alien and UFO Zone
Costa's UFO Page
ISUR (International Society for UFO Research)
Bambina's Realm
Email: esutton@kent.edu