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The Zeke Page

Okay,what are you doing looking at pictures of my dog when you should be studying??!!

Zeke -- all wrapped up in playing with his crazy owners

    Zeke is the most grumbly dog alive. He "talks" all the time -- when he doesn't like one of my kids' friends, when he doesn't want to go to bed, when I come home from work. As I touch the door, in his best dog voice, he says, "Heh--eh-lo, Ow R OOOO?"

    I, of course, reply, "Fine. How are you?" That's Zeke.

    We got him from the pound. He weighed 15 pounds and we were told he was a full grown cockapoo. He was just what we were looking for. . . a little lap dog!!

    We took him home and found out he was covered in lice!  At the vet, we discovered he was really only 6 months old.  We also found out he is a Bearded Collie mix!!  Guess what?!  Our lap dog now weighs 50 pounds!!

    The most fun thing about Zeke is his tail which curls in a complete circle.  We have used it as a handle so often that it is now probably the strongest muscle on his body! The second most fun thing is that he sometimes goes ballistic and runs in circles while on the leash, especially if you have just planted grass and don't want it ruined. He runs until you scream "Down!" or until you fall down from dizziness.

Photos by Josh, Hannah, and Mrs. M.

                        As a little kid once said, "Man, that is one hairy dog!"


       Zeke -- the model.                   

Zeke lies on the step and looks through the

front window from there.

Beanie Baby attack!

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