Welcome to Jerusha's Page!!!!!!
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Welcome to Jerusha's Page!!!!!!

Hey there everyone! Welcome to my page. This is my very own state of the art wonderfully good web page. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

As you can see...this is my first attempt at a web page. Fortunatly for me Angelfire is a very easy place to learn how to do web pages. I dont even have to play with HTML if I dont want to. As you can tell though, I have incorperated a little HTML. Only because it was cut and paste though.

I have recently added the chat to my web page. I hope you like it. I have already tried it out and it is pretty easy and fun to use. Maybe Ill see you in the chat room sometime.

I have also added a freebie page. I added this because there are so many cool free things you can get out there on the net. Most of the freebies that I have listed are things that have to do with web pages though. I have included some links to places that have freebies that are non-computer related. I hope you enjoy these as well.

Also I have 2 diffrent search engines located within these pages. Feel free to use them to find a site that has exactly what you want. And dont forget to check out the banner/advertisment page. Also visit the Link Exchange so that I can get points.

Thanks for stopping by...Feel free to peruse my web site. Also feel free to send me a comment. I always like mail anyways, and if you have a good suggestion then I will probably use it.

For now I will let you get on with whatever you came to do. Have fun. Report any broken links to me. Thanks and Good bye!

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Here are just a few of my favorite links.....:)

Page 2
Freebies Page
My cool banners page!
My web page at Tripod....Check it out!
Kenton - The greatest web page I know! (maybe im just a little prejudice!)
David's Page.........its kinda depressing, but just visit it please!!!

Email: jerusha@kenton.com