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Operation: New Finland Colony.


In August of 1998, JG Enterprises recieved the appropriate funding to embark on a voyage of gigantic proportions. One never before attempted by mortal men. The mission was to sail across the ocean sea to the mythical land called Spain. Once there, JG would establish a permanent colony to be named New Finland.

The mission was to set sail sometime in early October. Three vessels were chartered for the task: The Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. All three ships are classified as caravels, and were fairly hardy craft.

Admiral Joshua Gulch was to command the flagship Santa Maria, while Captain Andrew Black had the Nina and Captain Jakob Norton took the Pinta. However, disaster occurred when Captain Black attempted to sail the Nina home and severely damaged its keel. Black was stripped of command, and the vessel placed under the able command of Captain Courtney Saul. But the Nina was in no way seaworthy, so she was drydocked. This unfortounate happening pushed up the operation launch date until November or even December. So the Nina was replaced with a larger ship called Mayflower. Captain Saul's command of Nina was transferred to Mayflower, and the ships began to be loaded with supplies.

But then, in November, the funding was cut. The cost of repairing the Nina proved to much and so JG Command cancelled the voyage.

Many people were then put out of work. The voyage they had trained so hard for was now derailed. Along with Admiral Gulch, and Captains Black, Norton, and Saul, the following people were also trained for the mission:

-Commander Lesile Tipping, Pinta's anchor.
-Commander Daniel Norton, Pinta's sail.
-Lt. Commander Danny Hubbs' pants, Nina's sail.
-Admiral Bryan MacAfee, Pinta's ballast man
-Midshipman Grace Flores, Chum dragged behind Nina.

In addition to those above who manned the three ships (Funding was cut before all of the positions were filled), were the military task force, which would aid in defense against the natives of the land of Spain who may try to protect their homeland. Sailing on the Pinta, the militia consisted of:
Big Daddy MacAfee, Operation leader.
The MAFIA, GRAFIA, and the SOUTH AFRICAFIA would follow B.D. MacAfee's commands and establish order among the natives.

But, alas, this was not to be.

No funding, no mission.

It wasn't until April, 1999, five months later, that the mission was able to get new funding.

But not the same ships.

Nina's damages proved to costly to repair her, so she was scrapped. Pinta was called away on a top secret mission, and was last seen pulling out of Cairo heavily laden with armaments. All other information on her is classified. Mayflower was put up in drydock for the replacement of the ship's walrus. That leaved only the Santa Maria who could be ready by the proposed deadline of July 1. So other ships were looked in on. A new fleet was formed shortly thereafter.

1. Santa Maria - Flagship. Under the command of Admiral Joshua Gulch.
2. Titanic. Under the command of Captain Daniel Norton.
3. U-96. Under the command of Kaptain-lieutenant Jakob Norton.
4. SS Minnow. Under the command of Captain Courtney Saul.

Big Daddy MacAfee and hit ground troops will travel aboard the Titanic.

And, in addition to the fleet of ships, we now have available to us an air squadron. Captain Bryan MacAfee in command of the Hindenburg. With him will be a fellow in a helicoptor armed with a Super Soaker. A most deadly force.

The shuttle Challenger has been called in to provide orbital information such as analysis of the area and such. Colonel Andrew Black, JGAF has been placed in command of the Challenger.