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Hi my name is Derinda if you all didnt know and came through a web ring.I just love animals I always have since I was a little girl.I have 2 dogs, a cat, and a bunch of fish that seems like they make babies all the time lol. Here is some pics of my animals.Well, they arent real pics of my pets but this is how they look like exactly.I just wanted to say that I got all my animals from the local pound.Please go there if u are looking for a pet and save a life.REMEMBER ALWAYS GET YOUR ANIMALS SPAYED OR NEUTERED!!!

If you dont know this is a Siberian Husky.I just love her to death. She is 4 years old and I got her when she was 6 months old from a friend. She is so lovalble and she has the gorgeous ice blue eyes.Una is very protective of her family and she will alert you when somebody strange comes around.Una is extra special to me because I got her right after I lost my pet Duke.Una will never replace Duke but she made a new place in my heart and she is my baby!!

This is my latest addition to the family.His name is Jumper my son Michael named him. We got him from the pound on his last day there!!! He is just a puppy right now but the pic is a bit bigger but he will get that big I believe.Jumper is 8 months old,and very playful. He is scared of his own shadow,and just barks at everything that moves outside. Una and Jumper get along great just play and play and chew on things lol

This was my beloved Duke.My husband got him for me when we first got married. He loved to hunt and run just run like crazy and he was 6 weeks old when I got him. He was really good with my son.I lost Duke to the highway he got off his chain and got hit by a car when he was 6 months old.We sure do miss him.

Just like this little guy says please go to your local shelter if you are looking for a pet for the family.There is so many little guys there that need a good home and lots of love.If you do you will save a life and you will feel very proud of youself.Most places when you do adopt from a shelter they will give you a paper to give to your vet for a discount to spay or neuter your pet.PLEASE!!!take advantage of that if you do both you and your new pet will be very happy!!

Companion animals are an important part of our lives. They give us love, companionship, comfort, and are fun to be with. They ask for a little in return...a good diet, exercise, health care, and affection. The one thing they need most of all is to be wanted.

70,000 puppies and kittens are born in the USA each day. Every litter adds to the surplus. Your litter may find good homes, but they may breed more puppies and kittens who may not find good homes and may end up being dumped or destroyed.

At the City/County shelters only a small percentage are claimed by owners or adopted into new homes. Most must be put to death.

You can do your part in helping us fight the battle against too many unwanted animals by having your own pet spayed or neutered.

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I saw this poem and it broke my heart when I read this. If you dont look at anything else on my page please read this and remember dont do this to your pet!!They are your friends for life, they are loyal,and they will love you no matter what kind of day you have.This makes my eyes water just thinking about how someone could do this to their pet that their pet trusted and loved and always thought their master would take care of them!!!!

A dog sits waiting in the cold autumn sun --

too faithful to leave, too frightened to run.

He's been there for days now

with nothing to do

but sit by the road, waiting for you.

He can't understand why you left him that day;

he thought you and he were stopping to play.

He's sure you'll come back,

and that's why he stays --

how long will he suffer? How many more days?

His legs have grown weak, his throat's parched and dry;

he's sick now from hunger

and he falls, with a sigh.

He lays down his head, and he closes his eyes --

I *wish* you could see

how a waiting dog dies!


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