Moshing World Order. You want to know how the MWO came about and
how I got so many people doing, what I like to think of as the
sweetest way of moshing, well then your in for a treat. I hope
you like reading, cause I don't tell this complete story, all
the way all the time. I'm always making it shorter all the time,
and I miss the long verson. So just for you, the real stories
about the MWO and how it came to be.
you have to know where I come from, my roots that is. I started
listening to "my music" right before I was a freshman
at Waite H.S. in Toledo Ohio. It started with the Nirvana video,
"Teen Spirit". When I saw the video for the first time,
I was hooked on the whole crowd movement. It grabbed my attention
real quick; cause of the crazy way Kurt Cobain acted in the video.
Soon I was listening to Pearl Jam, Nirvana and soon to be hated
on by my mother, Cannibal Corpse. It was when I found death metal,
bands like Deicide and Cannibal Corpse grabbed my attention cause
of the graphic nature they had. It made me feel invulnerable in
school, cause everyone picked on me. Soon after I started listening
to this music, I heard about a mosh pit. I heard what it was and
what it did for my friend who was an active concert goer. Back
then Toledo only got like 4 or 5 good concerts a year and that
made you an active concert fan. So I went to a concert, my first
one, Pantera, at the Toledo Sports Arena, back in 1993. I had
braces in my mouth, and had never even seen a mosh pit, till Pantera
played "Walk". The whole crowd was a pit. People getting
hit everywhere. Everyone moving. So I got in, and started shoving
everyone. I got hit in the mouth so bad, I was bleeding, cause
of my braces. But I didn't give a shit. I finally found my stress
relief in life.
From then on, for about 2 years, I started going to local metal
shows, and trying to catch all the huge shows that came. I moshed
the same way, developing a style of death metal mosh that could
hut people real bad. I would go to a show, and go to school the
next Monday, and be covered with bruises. The school kids thought
I was getting beat at home. But I still didn't care, cause I was
having fun. Then I went to a White Zombie show. I seen a whole
new wave of moshing their. Zombie introduced me to "Monster
Moshing". The first ever group style I had ever seen. I only
see these now a days at MWO shows. So, as I got into Zombie, I
changed my style.
Then my friends started a band, called "Flem". A punk
rock band. I had never heard punk a lot before this time, so when
I heard how fast the music went, I was happy. I was trying to
connect punk speed with death metal speed. So I went to their
show, with like 3 other punk bands. What I seen their, changed
me again. I had never seen so much different style ever. Everyone
had grace with the moshing at those old punk shows. So I started
learning everything I could about styles. I went to loads of punks
show. Then I went to the Vans Warped Tour, in 97and seen 10000
punk rockers, getting what I believe to be one of the largest
pits I had ever seen, and it was the first band. The whole day,
I learned so much shit, that I started mocking people right as
they where moshing.
Now even though I went to punk shows, didn't mean that I was
a punk rocker, not at all. I didn't even own one punk CD. I never
got out of the metal I was into. I was getting into Korn and Coal
Chamber. I wanted the style, but not the punk rock. I didn't know
what to do.
Well, things went on like this, till I got into Everydaypain,
Toledo group that I knew from school. Their music was driving
me crazy, cause I say the power in their music, and I truly wanted
to be a part of this band, in the pit that is. I wanted to help
get these guys so big, that way I could see them 5 times a week
if I wanted to. EDP is the shit like that.
Well, during summer of 98, I started to get into wrestling
cause ICP was wrestling in WWF, and I'm a Juggalo. I was at home,
watching the tube with my friend Jermiah, we just call him Miah.
We were watching, and playing games on the computer. Well, I have
this big dry erase board, and I started writing on it all kinds
of stupid thing, to make me lauph. We were watching WCW, who has
the famous New World Order. Well, I wrote on the board, MWO, Miah
World Order. It was a big joke. I left it up there for a month.
Well, about a month later, I was trying to learn the fine art
of web design. I started an e-mail account,
and got on and messed around. I was just trying
to learn the basics, so I could make a web page. What kind of
page, well I wasn't sure yet. I wanted to do something to help
Everydaypain with getting new fans. Plus that night I was going
to a concert, so I was thinking about the pit all night. At this
time in my mooching career, I was doing basic moves at shows,
like Windmills and shit. Back then it was stupid, cause no one
else did what I did. I was a lone pitter, yet I had friends who
came out and pitted with me, and we all always had fun. It was
cause of my weird style and my ability to take a beating, that
the band and other fans of Everydaypain started calling me Pitboss,
after an old chicken dog song. If you never heard of Chicken Dog,
its probably cause there not around any more.
Well anyway, I was thinking on how I could help the band out
a bit. Well with moshing on my mind that night, I looked up at
my dry erase board, saw the MWO and said to myself, Moshing World
Order. I liked the sound of that. I went to the EDP show, and
spoke with my friend, and drummer of EDP, Nate. I told him I was
gonna run a moshing organization for their band. With out no description,
of what we were or what we stand for, he said, "Join me up".
Thus the MWO was born. 3rd greatest day of my life.
I started working on the page, I had no graphics, no members
but me, Miah, Nate and my brother Wurm, and I went to work, no
idea on what I was doing at all with my idea, but I made the page.
For the next few weeks, I started to think of what we should
be about. What does the MWO stand for? Well, I wanted to bring
the style I learned in punk show to metal. So I first made our
goal to spread the use of moshing style, or moshing moves. My
first list was about 5 moves long. That's all I did back then,
and thats all I could spread. Soon new moves came around, and
with new moves, came shows to do that at. I remember my first
EDP show being a MWO member. We had gotten all my friends that
I kicked it with at shows back then at that show. I told everyone
that I was running a moshing organization and they where all got
excited. They where all about learning some styles, since they
all watched me do them for a couple years. Soon, I had every hardcore
EDP fan, about 30 of them, and I was happy. We all came to EDP
shows, and we all did moves and thats when I learned the value
of friends. people where trying to start fights. they where trying
to keep us from doing the styles. so, as a group, we took our
pit, not starting a single fight, was we all helped each other
out when in need, and we all had fun. So I incorporated the fun
and safety into the MWO. we was all about moves, fun and watching
over our others back in the pit.
Everyone started to forget about the MWO, and I thought the
idea was over. Then we went to a show, and about 15 of us where
their. We started the first ever MWO chant. The bands reacted
real well. They love what we were doing. And the funny thing was
no one knew who we were. Soon my MWO turned into a living street
team of people who came to all shows, and showed off style, and
had fun. It wasn't just EDP anymore. It was anything that we could
mosh to. At 8 months old, I had a street team that was better
than any band that we say could beat. When the whole street team
thing started up in 98, I was already beating them to the punch,
cause instead of promoting the band through taped or CD or stickers,
we promoted our favorites by moshing to them, lots of us, all
with style, and all of us watching over all the moshers. We started
getting new people wanting to join up. So, on the website, I changed
everything. I added a join button, and a member's page, and I
started keeping track of concerts that came to our area on the
event page. I was starting to boom fast.
In The end of 99, I broke up with my girlfriend, and fell into
a depression, but got remotavated when bands started saying MWO
on stage. Bands started giving us props, for moshing to them.
I was all about, from that point, getting into letting bands know
who we are. Most members love to hear a band propping them on
the stage. When a band says shit like,"The MWO is getting
crazy tonight up in this bitch, yeah" you just have to mosh,
you cant help it, being a member and hearing that shit will set
you off believe me.
Ok, being single and having nothing to do in spare time, I redid
my website. I made the best graphics I could. They where the shit
back then and made my page so huge, that I would never fill it.
I added things to get people to come to the page more often. Guestbooks,
events, reviews on bands and CD's, and tons of new moves. By then
I was doing about 15-18 moves I believe. I added pictures of us
MWO, and everyone loved that the best back then. My page was so
big that I couldn't keep up with it. I added new places to go
see shows, trying to spread my ideas towards other cities. I wanted
to get everyone into the MWO style, cause the 45+ members we had
all loves being a member. I wanted to get the whole state of Ohio
into my shit. Hell, I was also thinking about getting the whole
country doing it. I started to promote bands on my site. I started
to get ideas to make the MWO better for everyone.
The ideas rolled in and the MWO got bigger. I started to go
to more shows, like one or two a week. But I didn't care cause
I had fun with my MWO. Soon the end of 2000 and I had hit my 500
show, and looked back on what I created. I wanted to grow even
more. So, after my two-year party at the Main Event, with Hells
Kitchen, I partied forever. The day before I hit 2 years old,
I had 100 members. So, my New Year's revelation was, and still
is to get 300 members by the end of this year, before we hit 3
years old.
In 2001 I hooked up with some friends, and they started to
show me how to get the MWO so big, that I would be a force to
reckon with. I now, with their help, have a moshing organization
that has many goals, many things we are trying to promote, and
many members. I got a awesome website, people helping me promote
MWO everywhere they go, devoted members who always represent their
MWO at all shows, and a hell of a list of bands that support us.
On June 16, at the Toledo Music Fest, the MWO broke its attendance
record of just 32 MWO at one show and made it 72. 72 MWO members
at one place at one show. The mosh pit at this show was unbelievable.
So many MWO pitting, at this show made it very crazy, yet fun.
This show was the berier breaker that put us in good with the
clubs, and we now have the power to have our own shows.
On July 27 2001, the MWO put on its first show at the Main Event
in Toledo, the MWO Showcase. This show was the first attempt and
turned out real good. A lot of good ideas are turning out cause
of this show, and many more shows are coming. We are having a
MWO Showcase every other month, having a huge MWO Moshfest soon
and who knows after that.
All I can say right now is we, the MWO, have a huge following
of supporters and we are spreading very fast. It's hard not to
go to a concert in Toledo and not hear about the MWO. And soon
this will be an everywhere ordeal. Cause the MWO is growing out
of Toledo very fast. We even have bands and people who hate us,
so things are looking very good. All the haters and disbelievers
who don't understand us, the MWO is here to stay. Pit bitches
need not apply.