Nick: I went on the internet one day and people were talking about me being overweight. I mean, I know I do kind of fluctuate with my weight and stuff...I'm really not that overweight for my size and my height and everything, but it really does hurt my feelings a lot when people say that. It's like, yeah, I really do have a stomach, but it's not like [that bad]..and people just kind of...I get picked on because of it.
Nick:[looks around and whispers] Yeah, they do.
It also goes on about how he inherited his dad's stomach and that no matter how much he tries, he can't get rid of it. Do you know that my heart sank when I read this. I got scared that Nickolas possibly surfs to all these humor sites and reads them! Timberass tells me that fans always dog him about his weight in AOL chatrooms. THAT IS SO STUPID! Making fun of Howie is one thing, but talking about Nick on the Internet!?We all know he has AOL (no, I don't have his screen name, he used to be PoopyNC) and he could be in that same chatroom as you!
I'm not dogging the humor sites,either. It is after all....HUMOR....and I might dabble in Nickay's love for cheese pizza and Twix. We are all human! Nick is a teenage boy and he needs his vitamins! I love my cheesecake and Doritos and I can sympathize with Frack.
Love Always-
All Your Fans.......